Why was this brought back? It’s the dullest list of solutions to nothing.
Maybe because he has Vulpera in his list
I stand corrected, I hope blizzard servers are prepared for 12 million furries to suddenly sign up. I’m sure they’re stoked about no titanforging.
Yeah same here i love how this new system coming makes me more op soon vs the old barely did anything for me forges they removed for its like nothing changed except ilvls slightly increase being gone Weeklys are still a thing so i loled in rl.
I think we should still have pathfinder, but it should give you flying as soon as you’re done with pf1, with the option of buying out for people with lots of gold
then pf2 gives you something more interesting
The content is great. its the time gating content that sucks.
M+ is great. Raids are great, hell, even islands are great if they were just something to do and not the only meaninful source of azerite grind,.
Horific visions in 8.3 are great but again they will be time gated with currency and required to do so in order to upgrade our cloaks.
Mage tower was so great becuase it wasnt required.
Well. Blizz took one thing from my list. We got vulpera. now we just to get rid of coruptforging and we are halfway there.
"now we just to get rid of coruptforging "Not happening.
They might also break ice. if leaks of next xpac are true
Actually, their peak was in Wrath. Some of those points I’d agree with, but honestly, raiding was at its busiest and most inclusive when they had 10/25 split and allowed for everything from casual PuGs, friends and family, and hardcore all at the same time.
More inclusion, not less.
They have that now. Heroic and normal mode is flex and not raid ID locked anymore.
3b - make mythic raiding 25 man instead of 20 man
Actually the only point i’m against and the only thing i don’t agree it would work. Maybe you had a good guild/roster of lots of players that could fill that 25 man group, but to this day there’s a lot of demand for 10man mythic raids to return, because a lot of guild/groups still struggle with filling even 20man, so no, adding 5 more on top would not solve the issue.
Another person claiming they know more than everyone else…and their ideas would fix everything.
I Imagine these people think they know more than the IT guy that charges “too much” to fix their computer, tried to then build their own, has a power supply that is modular,and then proceeds to mess up and catch their computer on fire somehow.
Nice just wish there was a queable version of those.
Yea. It’s called LFG. Q for bunch of groups and wait for a Inv.
And before you start giving excuses along the lines of everyone requires AOTC bla bla bla.
I came back to wow for BFA after taking few xpacs off due to irl, and I managed to get 8th AOTC ghuun thru pugging. Made a guild with those guys, got 2/8 mythic, joined a better guild. Got cutting edge ghuun, got cutting edge jaina
Pugged all the way to 2900 io in M+ after being declined for many low keys due to not being a 1000 io.
So I can tell you. All these are excuses, anyone who wants to do the content can do it.
In short, the OP wants an older version of the game.
Your reaching here all i said would be nice if they added a queing versions of those your looking wayyyy to much into what i said relax.I got my LFR mode for that its all good to me.
Your reaching here all i said would be nice if they added a queing versions of those your looking wayyyy to much into what i said relax.I got my LFR for that its all good to me
If they added Q version you’d have what is current LFR.
Most people would be playing with one hand just doing enough to not look afk while looking at adult content on their other monitor
I don’t mind harder content i just choose not to do it my choose so haveing a queing version of them would make me want to try last time i tryed was wod then gave up when people asked for a arm and a leg.I use to raid normal before LFR existed but once i went que i never went back.
Most of that content you listed I don’t care for. In fact some of that content you listed I actually hate and refused to do.
So unless you think there are 12 million people out there who like exactly what you like, content needs to be part of that equation as well.
WoD had dungeons and raids and challenge mode and look where it ended up.