How to get 12 million subs back. Step by step guide

This would be fantastic.

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Some things on the list I do agree with, but I still don’t think this would be enough to encourage 12 million subs. The parts I would agree with is the return of the Justice and Valor point vendors as well as faster flying unlocks. If they do make a x.2 patch with new land, it’s understandable that particular land remains grounded until an achievement unlocks flying for it.

My major thing I learned is just chasing for ilvl is a never ending process that makes it feel like you have nothing to ever show for. However, all those frivolous cosmetics are the true things that actually last. Transmogs and mounts are a few examples of course. I know Blizzard tried housing through the WoD Garrisons and the MoP Sunsong Ranch, but it didn’t give enough freedom to customize.

Some potential housing stuff could start with racial themes. Maybe we could have a mini Silvermoon, a space ground, a campground, a typical backyard house, a bunker, a library, a castle keep, etc. It could even be a mix of these examples with something like mini SIlvermoon inside with a bunker outside. This could be a potential thing to add to professions. A hearthstone to the homes with a portal back to the appropriate portal room are nice as well.

As for class designs, mileage varies depending on class spec. Just have to factor in what worked and what didn’t within all the expansions of each spec. Although some fun class spells like Eyes of the Beast could have stayed . . . Sentry Totem is another, although it has some contention of use for PvP BGs like Warsong Gulch. Mage food probably just needs a Well Fed thing for the primary stat or Versatility on tanks to update them since almost nobody wants it nowadays. If another food buff is in place, then it doesn’t overwrite it (for the healer getting mana).

Another problem I felt was we only have the need to run dungeons that are recently made with previous dungeons on the back burner as rushed leveling instances. I know they tried with Timewalking, but it has problems of its own. We have too many changes in the classes and stats that affects the lower levels, so it becomes a constant re-balancing act every expansion. The rewards also feel piddly compared to what we have in the current content. Maybe the Valor Point vendor might make it feel less forced than always getting 5 runs in no matter what?

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Those 12 million are gone and they are not coming back. This game is a dinosaur.

This has been the most popular P2P MMO of all time at every point in its lifecycle, but I’m sure your punch list trumps all the analysis done by a multi-billion dollar company. I’m sure your nostalgia train is more accurate than a literal team of market analysts.

Come on. Those days are gone.

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Hello, I had a simple idea that I feel would bring major improvements to this game’s overall structure, if anyone is interested in at least having a conversation about improving WoW as a whole:

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That’s an interesting thought, but super difficult in practice. I think if you could solve the gear issue, it could have some potential, but I’ve come to understand that most people play to see item level increases. It could be a hard sell. It’s radical, so I like the concept, but it could use some polish, just not sure exactly how I’d do it.

This is pretentious and stupid.

This. Loot lockouts should not exist, anymore. Let the hours you put in mark your progress. You wanna reset champs and clear that 20 times in a week, go for it.

I’ve always believed that rewards should be a function of difficulty and time spent.

They wont care. You want a better MMO? Make your own.

My argument may help bring back at least a million old school players like myself.

They screwed up my collection of races and classes with their rediculous new class specific animations, they have taken away the sound folder file replacement for unwanted annoying sound replacement or muting, this is a big issue, you ruin a players niche to play the game, this is one of the reasons people seek out sound addons, the old t morph program to try to find their way back into the game which is only good for the player and the business, it dont make sense to me , and for that reason i am done with this game along side many others , we payed alot of game time to level these races because we liked their animations but you make them all the same now, to hell with it!

I was the 420th like :saxophone::saxophone::saxophone::saxophone::saxophone::saxophone:

Titanforging affects everyone. Makes people (probably not everyone) feel bad about gear not being titanforged despite being an upgrade because someone else in the raid got something titanforged. It sucks. “Ohhh I got an upgrade!, but Jimmy got a Golden Star upgrade for the same thing I did

However I do agree with the point you really can’t remove it at this point - and giving the ability to upgrade your piece of gear at a Titanforging Forge through grinding would close that gap almost immediately. I’d 100% be okay with Titanforging if this happened.

With Masterloot there could always be a “Guild Only” Masterloot. Just don’t let Pugs put their hands on it and keep it to a Guild Only option. Ninja’ing still happens, will always happen, but at least with Guild Only ML you could minimize it and give the Raiding Community what they want.

You reading all this Blizzard? this is your money talking to you, the community, smarten the hell up and listen , 1 man here played since 2004 thousands invested into this only to watch you rip the small things out that made a huge impact on players enjoying what they would once upon a time subscribe 3 to 6 months for plus use other services offered,

Along with what most everyone else is saying , it may even go toe to toe with FFXIVs 14 million

What’s needed is, options! Options! Options!

Stop forcing people into one streamlined path, it’s the worst idea. Worst!

Stop forcing people to pvp that don’t want to, stop forcing people to raid that don’t want to and on and on. This streamlined singular path and forcing people into it is just absolutely terrible thinking and implementation.

For example, say if reputation is one of the big main goals. Don’t streamline this into forcing people to do world quests. That is the bad option/the better option is giving more options
 allow people to then gain reputation from professions, from pvp, from dungeons/raiding, from exploring, from achievements, the more things the better, etc
 what this does is provide more options so a person can then log in and by choosing what they want to do in reaching this goal they actually have some fun because they aren’t forced into one monotonous path.

Options. Giving more power to choices. Put more specialty in people’s choices. Allow for a few different options in the storyline to where something different happens with some choices, it doesn’t have to be world changing it could be something simpler like a title
 just something extra to give that feel like people’s choices had a bit of difference to it. That you weren’t just forced into one path like everyone else in the world.

Abilities, more ability choices and more customization. Make choosing a healer, tank, dps feel more like a meaningful choice with some distinction to it. That’s one of the benefits in playing Druid is I at least get a different form for what I’m choosing.

The current state of the game and why it’s so terrible is because everything is streamlined into limiting your options and forcing things upon you to where it all just feels like poop.

Much more options/choices and making them distinct and giving them a feeling like there’s a meaning, more customization
 add this what some of the specific things other people are saying in addition to. OH! And absolutely no time gating no exceptions.

There, that’s what is needed Blizzard. Now that you have the answer there’s no excuses to fix this mess.

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You want to kill casuals? I see, well have fun in that game by yourself and your 10 other raiding friends.

Invent time machine.
Go back to 2005.

The few RL people I know are happier with PTW newer MMOs. That and fewer are pure PC and prefer the console MMO experience.

One even groaned at how many functions/keybinds/macros and stuff took up my UI.

I agree with everything on OPs list except for the Vulpera, I think Ogres for the Horde would be 10x better.

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It won’t happen again because this dev team is unable to deliver the quality that pre-WoD expacs had. Trust me when im saying this: if the devs genuinely listened to feedback, delayed deliver until the product is actually done instead of a terrible halfway beta game, and were capable of understanding that sometimes no,he and his dev team are not in the right if most of your playerbase call warfronts and isles garbage content (even ghostcralwer did listen to feedback and aimed a middle ground, ion is unable to compromise if it doesnt follow his and his dev teams vision of the game, players be damned), then this game would easly recover subs and go back to 12M on peak expansion times and retain for longer. Trying to blame the mmo genre when the devs have done a less than great job at managing this game is silly, my green friend.