How to get 12 million subs back. Step by step guide

I like many of your ideas, but 12 million subscribers will never happen again.


Only if the new Zones are built that flying would be required like wrath & BC

As someone who has played WoW since vanilla, I’ll note some of the specific-to-me elements I enjoyed about the game that have over time been lost. Some of which cannot be duplicated or brought back by any means.

For me it was my first real mmo that I comprehended playing (I played some AC and EQ but very briefly and was like 6-7 years old.) It was spectacular in all it’s newness as a more casual rpg (compared to EQ at least).

I enjoyed the sense of progression as you leveled. A mix of talent points and gear that made you visibly stronger. Leveling itself was an experience (although a bit slow you pretty much had to go through most if not all the story and quests, or just “farm boars.”)

Leveling is no longer a “new” experience, and aside from the super secret stuff (which does get found out and put online) everything is a walk through. There isn’t really any new leveling tech and most of the gear you get is outclassed by BoA gear.

Suggestions for this would be something of monumental level to overhaul the core of the game (dynamic questing, quests worth grouping up for again, more than judt kill 10 boar quests).

Other than that there was optimizing your character. While I enjoy multispeccing and not being shoehorned into pve vs PvP or one spec vs another (heals vs DPS) there admittedly was an identity there. I’ve said other places before but the difficulty in vanilla and bc and wrath wasn’t mechanical, it was stating your character to perform the best (no simcraft), getting the best gear, stats and talents. Do you need more spirit as a mage, more int as a Hunter, more str as a rogue? It was balancing primary stats + secondaries. Hit cap was annoying to some extent but made gearing more interesting in some ways.

Stat reforging was great, but blizz implementing that again is them admitting they can’t make gear. But I’d love to see it come back. More mechanics like glyphs, or old talent trees , to a mix of artifact weapons and current talents. Stuff that actually effects interesting gameplay i.e. Deadshot trait vs. the other one that gives you combo points (the name escapes me).

I’m more or less rambling because I’ve written this over my breaks on my phone but tldr is probably.

-Make leveling more interesting so max level isnt the only interesting part of the game

-Make character building less cookie cutter and more open

-Make professions worthwhile beyond a couple perks

-Make some gear knowable and achievable in a consistent way via honor, valor, justice, conquest etc. Rather than rng loot box

-Add better incentives to stuff that’s grinded like rep, rather than just gear that quickly gets outscaled due to modern catch up mechanics.

Adding more bells and whistles but not fixing the core issues with why people don’t continue playing, or forced play things like AP won’t help.

I remember when I wanted to play rather than felt obligated.

*Edit for some spelling. And a bullet point.

I agree with all points except the high elves. Also why do the alliance have werewolves and we don’t have vampires. Not that weak mana sucker crap. We want real blood drinkers.

Don’t think you will ever get to 12 million again but yea there are some good idea’s in there though.

I don’t understand why they gotta completely change classes every expansion either. Other MMO’s don’t do this. It does get annoying have to relearn your class every expansion.

like a lot of people already said don’t think will get 12 mill back.

3b should be 10man or 20 man
3c no thanks I prefer personal
5 and 6 no thanks

make rewards rewarding actual upgrades or big gold. Take rng completely out.

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If there is group finder, how come there aren’t 40 man raids for PvE content?

25 man raiding was scaled down to 20 because so often you couldn’t fill the last 3 spots and so the raid was cancelled. It happened a ton and felt terrible. Hell even in 20 man mythics these days, they have to be actively recruiting like crazy or they don’t fill even 20 spots. Not to mention fps issues go up with more people and the game struggles with 20 people these days.

This is almost like a reset of 2004; This time they could have expac that go an entirely different way Imagine instead of Bc, the Emerald dream then a re imagined Wrath of the Lich King. all this built on the engine and design of vanilla and flowing perfectly into the next xpac (without breaking the wheel every xpac)

As the poet Eminem so eloquently put it, if they did that, then they’d be just like everyone else in the industry. Trying to make that lightning hit twice won’t work. It’s gone.

This is nothing more then a person wanting to get more gold out of people because they can do lfr and have alot of new ways to get gear vs just doing Mythic+ and higher then lfr raids the Op posted here.

number 4 is a must have. They need to take into account that yeah stuff should be earned absolutely! That being said the game is 15 years old and your best clients are getting older , want to play, but can’t commit hours to grinding rep or w/e . I’m not saying make the game super casual but think about your loyal decade customers! They are starting with classic which is a good call!

My kid loves classic on a pserver and hes in that age range.

Absolutely hates BFA though if that matters.

He did play a lot of fortnite but they’re kinda over it at this point.

well I liked the long quest line of legend of stalvan since it generally took you 6 levels to complete over a span of like a few dungeons,7-8 trips back to stormwind and finding various people in the game to solve problems. Why? because it felt like an adventure not a turn in and that’s what’s really the problem in the game. What exactly wow is now is bounty mode on diablo 3.

i’ve played on NA and EU, and what ruins some of my fun, is when wow is on a down turn, 1 faction always has HUGE numbers of bored max geared people bothering alt levlers for litterally days at the time.
(had 8 people follow me on Tich for almost a week, leveling my dk, and they found me somehow in zandalar, and all cause i want 10% exp too make LEVELING more fun or tolerable.
put 120 Warmode people in their own world. (will be less ganking\greifing).
Give us more heirlooms\cut down the EXP needed too level. (after X number of toons to max, you get X number of EXP when leveling, or something. would keep leveling somewhat fun. and tolrable.
its a pain in the keister when it’s Bored trolls friendly, rather then general player friendly. (pvp and ganking is one thing, but when its daily, for 3 weeks. its gone beyond "pvp, turn it off lol ".

I agree with the entire list

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Ah yes those people that just want the xp bonus without the danger of warmode. They should have never put any bonus for warmode.

I will guarantee you that won’t bring in 12 mil subs.

You are entirely wrong about TF not effecting anybody but mythic raiders.
It’s actually the worst for heroic and below.
There is 0 reason to raid below mythic after a few weeks into the patch cycle because you equal or outgear it from M+ and world quests that titanforge. Mythic is also really unsatisfying in this department because the exact same thing happens, except you can get maybe 5 ilvls more, after another month into raiding. Titanforge ruins the pacing of the game, M+ amplifies that pacing, and it’s why everything is content drought so rapidly after a new tier hits.
You do your maximum gains things and then you log. You log in to the highest raid that gets you something and you log. You run a bunch of M+ early and then you either run more hoping for titanforge or you run one a week for a slightly bigger titanforge hope.
Titanforge makes all the gear nameless mindless phonebooks you tape to your chest. When is the last time you felt like a boss could, if THAT item dropped for you, 100% give you an upgrade? Not this expansion for sure, unless it was. Oh this slot i have is really bad so any of the bosses that drop things for this slot are a bigger level and thus better.
And then your buddy gets a titanforge version the same run as you, their first time. you feel happy for them, but your piece sure feels like garbage at that point.

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Relaunch WoTLK.

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