How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

I don’t agree with you but for the sake of moving the conversation forward I’ll rephrase. If they made a in depth questline around the Forsaken resettling, or whatever you want to call it, Lordaeron alongside the proposed Ashenvale content the OP suggested. Would that be fair to you?

Right so if anything I’m being generous by offering Lordaeron up as the parity to Ashenvale.

Bless you for having the temerity to post what I did not.

Why would she post something so brave yet so controversial?

because night elf fans can be comparable to chihuahuas.

Well, replace Lordaeron with Hillsbrad, and we might be able to have an interesting discussion.

I have two Chihuahuas funnily enough.

I don’t really think its neccesary and I’m honestly more interested in the fact that Gantrithor isn’t willing to oust himself as being the one who isn’t interested in fairness.

cause being fair isnt possible with the story, he is right you are all just going hurrr just have the horde lose, just give them back a place they already have, its all stupid

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Now Katiera explain us why it’s a good thing that the Horde gets to keep Ashenvale, I’ll listen!

I dont think they should keep it, I think there is no way you can have a fair event where its given back.
So the horde should just suck it up, theres alot of things that are unfair in this game.
You are just being fake as heck trying to be fair in a situation that shouldnt be fair and cant be fair

It’s like watching a car fire.

I’m convinced that if we made a topic specifically for Elesana and Katiera to duke it out, it would surpass the lounge in posts in less than a week.


Let’s see:

Lordaeron: Historically Forsaken (Horde) territory, currently not controlled by either faction following SoL.

Ashenvale: Historically contested territory, currently (presumably) controlled by Horde following WoT.

Your proposal: Give Horde back the area they’ve always had while giving up area to the Night Elves that has been contested throughout the History of WoW.

I’ll say it again:

Which is why even though Teldrasil and UC are equivalent losses (1 capital per faction) there are those who believe they aren’t.

You’ve created a false dilemma in an attempt to trap me in my views.



I’m not the number 1 Nelf fan in the forums, but Teldrasil =/= Undercity. Teldrassil was the zone, Darnassus was the city. Teldrassil’s equivalent is the entirety of Tirisfal Glades.

It’s funny because Tirisfal still stands. Voss gave the risen nelfs to Calia.


Undercity and Teld are kinda a moot point here.

Southshore was blighted by less and the apothecary present estimates it will take over 100 years for the blight to reach habitable levels, even if the apothecaries are able to knock a couple decades off it. Given the effects of the Blight used at Lordaeron, we can probably assume it to be a similar strain, if not stronger. By that logic it will take a minimum of 100 years before Undercity can be reclaimed. New Teldrassils could literally be grown multiple times in that time span (4 years a pop) and would be free of any corruption that Fandral inflicted to the original. At this point, there should just be new cities anyways. It’s not worth using them as a gotcha cause when both will take years to bear fruit.

I see it this way, the Alliance won both warfronts, Darkshore being a necessary victory. However, Arathi was neutral ground and the Horde have lost that as well, despite Hammerfall holding special meaning to the Orcs. I would like the Horde to keep/earn something from this nonsense so it wasn’t a complete wash for us, preferably something with Horde history attached. Eastern Ashenvale has no NE towns or encampments outside of Forest Song. Besides perhaps the Dream portal and that outpost, there is nothing of note east of the Falfarren for the Night Elves beyond “DIS BE ELF LAND MON!”. Meanwhile, the Horde has history there in the form of Demon Fall Canyon and is most certainly the location of the settlement Grom built back in WC3. It also contains all Horde access points, which creates a neat little circle for Horde territory with E. Ashenvale, Azshara, Durotar, and the Barrens. There are plenty of reasons for a Horde presence to remain.

As a quick aside I’d like to touch on the ideas of lands being historically owned. The issue with using “Historically owned by” as an excuse for Alliance victories is that the Horde will always fall behind, especially on Kalimdor. The Orcs are from another planet, the Darkspear’s island sunk into the sea, and the Tauren were nomads with no specific home. The Horde would get nearly nothing, as people will continue to contest Desolace, Stonetalon, and Feralas for the same reasons. Heck, there are people who oppose a complete Horde occupation of Dustwallow because Theramore was there.

As for who could stand up to Malfurion and Tyrande, that is a problem. I believe of who is available, Rokhan is possibly best suited to meeting the task. Tyrande is ridiculously powerful, but is she more powerful than Bwonsamdi? Probably not. By beseeching Bwonsamdi, Rokhan could either empower himself to at least be somewhere in her wheelhouse or the Loa could take her on himself after decimating the invading force himself. Boom, I just elevated a Horde character to demi-god level status. Various Loa could similarly tie Malfurion up, though Shirvallah would be my preferential choice for Darkspear Loa representation. Or Malfurion could simply not be present, dealing with Cenarion Circle business since the war has concluded and that’s a special brand of trainwreck atm I’m sure. Since most of the other Kalimdor Horde characters more fit the warrior mold, it’d be a lot harder to push them to Elune-empowered levels. Baine as a spirit walker could maybe fit the bill, but those are more physical counters.

Of course, I recognize my bias as a Horde (and Troll) poster. What I have stated is simply my view of a fair shake from a Horde perspective. I don’t expect it to be perfect from the Alliance view. However, getting clobbered by the Night Elves until they decide to stop is not the way to go about this and neither is having the Horde pull another WMD out of their butts.


Right, I was thinking of Lordaeron as the zone, but you’re right, that would be Tirisfal. My main point is that a zone with a capital city in it isn’t the same as a questing zone.

I don’t really agree with that. They’ve been super-inconsistent about blight. I don’t think any assumptions can be made about Lordaeron based on Southshore.

Just saying that the devs will do whatever they feel like–they could have Undercity back to normal after Shadowlands and say “Yeah, that was a quick-decaying blight, who knew?”

Yes, and you can also see that it is a biased perspective, it would not solve a problem, it would only create more conflicts over time.

Everything points to a return to the status quo before BfA ,with the Horde having an outpost and the Alliance having everything else.

I don’t really see how everything points towards that. To me it seems more like the writers just wanted to give the Horde a new fancy zone.