How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

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This is hilarious. If Malf, Jaina, Velen and Anduin did anything aggressive there is literally nothing, Underhold or otherwise, that the Horde could do to stop them. I’m fairly certain everyone knows this and why both sides are so annoyed with the writing.

The Alliance characters are known to be leagues ahead of anything the Horde can field but that power has to be held back otherwise it would be a curb stomp.



'member when mages and warlocks were scared of warriors? when Doomhammer held gul’dan in check by fear of being killed by him alone?

I 'member.


Blizz has[quote=“Elesana-blackwater-raiders, post:5, topic:530676, full:true”]
That’s some massive headcanon

Blizz has said that, canonically, the Night Elves have won Darkshore. I think the implication is clear enough. And the version you can play is the status-quo one.

So, unless you want imagine the Horde being in control of Ashenvale, things point the other way.

I didn’t say they’ll lose to the Horde. I said Goldrinn will lose to the Iron Juggernaut because it’s expected that ALL WILD GODS become jobbers to opposition. This includes Troll Loas.

Goldrinn just an example ancient I used. Nelfs should be able to use their Ancients if the Zandas can use their Loas.

I never knew Goldrin was scorned, maybe it changed. Goldreinn is totes in league with the Alliance though. In Mount Hyjal there is a Nelf Druid that praises Goldrinn after his shrine is cleansed of corrupt Worgen. There’s also the Worgen heritage quest where he tells Tess Greymane about the plight of the Worgen. You also have Varian be the personal champion of Goldrinn even though he’s never heard of the wolf for the majority of his life.

I never knew the Horde to worship an ancient. Revere him as a symbol?

Goldrinn, also known as Lo’Gosh (“Ghost Wolf” in Taur-ahe),[2][3][4][5] is a Wild God who takes the form of a monstrously powerful white wolf.[2] He embodies ferocity, savagery, and an unyielding will,[2] and legends tell that he possesses unparalleled rage and fury.[5] His is the spirit of the hunter, the animal instinct that kicks in when wild things smell food or feel their children are in jeopardy.[6][7]

Goldrinn is known across all cultures[6] and, according to Takrik Ragehowl, has appeared in many forms on both Azeroth and Draenor.[7] His legend extends throughout Azeroth. Worshiped as an Ancient Guardian by the night elves, the tauren know him as Lo’Gosh. Trolls, goblins, and dwarves all have their own versions of the legend. Each tale tells of how the wolf demigod’s unyielding will and ferocity enable him to push through the boundaries of the afterlife to aid his people.[3] Lo’Gosh has always been with the orcs on Draenor as a part of their Horde, in their instincts and blood.[7] When the orcs arrived on Kalimdor, they were told of Lo’Gosh by the tauren. The orcs adopted him as their hero on this new world, for they considered that the will of orcs is strong like his and, like him, not even death can stop them.[3]

He’s far more Horde than he is alliance. The Night Elves actively rejected his savagery.

We’re talking about Ashenvale though and Ashenvale has never been reclaimed by the Night Elves.

They are not going to do a cgi movie about Kaldorei wiping out horde soldiers while other races got hit harder than them, just accept it and move on

Completely distracting from what I said and putting words into my mouth to ridiculate my statement.

Come on, you can do better than that.


Be serious Elesana, everyone knows of your historial of posting about self pity for nelves and complaining even the smallest thing like the cinematic of Tyrande reconquering Darkshore which is by far the biggest thing Blizzard has ever done for a non human character and race.

Want something to be sad? Check the lore of other races, even the Draenei ones is by far worse than whatever the Nelf got

You even posted.

The Orcs adopting him as a symbol of the Orc’s spirit doesn’t mean he’s Horde. They just like like what he stands for. I don’t believe Goldrinn talked to the Horde before, unless the Archdruid PC was a cow or troll.

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You mean that cutscene that never made it into the game? In fact, my biggest complain about this specific thing is that it never made into the game.

The Druids of the Pack were a sect of druids who followed Goldrinn. The druidic pack form, which drew on the fury of Goldrinn, was uncontrollable and therefore banned by Malfurion Stormrage. In an attempt to control it, Ralaar Fangfire tried merging Goldrinn’s essence with that of Elune by affixing one of Goldrinn’s fangs onto a staff that the moon goddess had blessed, creating the Scythe of Elune. This backfired horribly, as Goldrinn rejected the moon goddess. The druids were turned into the feral worgen instead, whom Ralaar led to seek revenge on the satyr and night elves alike. The other druids agreed that these worgen had to be locked away, and thus put them into eternal slumber beneath the Great Tree Daral’nir within the Emerald Dream.[10]

Right here you get it after completing Darkshore warfront but just in case I leave this guide here.

I know having your city burned is a pain and especially with the writting team lead by Matt Ward female and male just writing of human potential but you want to get more victories at the cost of the Horde? Give them a break as we have to follower another stinky human paladin again

So if they posted up something in the same vein as what the OP is proposing but flipped to Forsaken retaking Lordaeron you wouldn’t be okay with it. Cause it wouldn’t be fair for the Alliance to lose over there.


It actually got removed after like a few days? I never got to play it atleast, I tested it out. Currently it’s not in the game.

It’s really not about Teldrassil as a zone though. It never was.

Lordaeron isn’t under Alliance control.


It’s not under Forsaken control either. So it wouldn’t be hard to set up a battle there where the Horde PC rampages through Alliance troops with the Forsaken to claim Lordaeron.

Right, which means they’re isn’t an issue as with Ashenvale.


The equivalent to Lordaeron is Teldrassil, not Ashenvale.

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