How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

On the fleeing untouchable warchief that will soon be redeemed and their actions (Teldrassil) seen as a heroic thing.

But that’s all okay because “Night Elves are even with the Horde and Sylvanas now after their revenge.”


I find alot of people in the story forum seem to not keep up with the story at all

I’d only be cool with this if the night elves had help. Absolutely not one alliance race is remotely capable of defeating the entire Horde by themselves.


The help would’ve been the Night Warrior powers, now it feels pointless considering that Tyrande is going to lose those powers or even die and all she achieved with them was… killing 1 Val’kyr.

Like atleast let her get Night Elf lands back with those powers, but guess not…

To further comment on this those bad guys have to be Horde.

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Arg has another reply:

"OK, I think I might have used the wrong words when I said “Doomsday Weapon” - what I meant is something that stops the Night Elves cold and prevents them from being able to push over the Southfury. This is meant to restore a bit of the “teeth” Malfurion has in an in-game presentation as opposed to a novel. It could be anything - one idea I’ve heard floated is that the Horde can use it’s Shamans and Druids to “divert” the life energy in a patch of land inside the Lumber Ground, which prevents Malfurion from seeding new life and growing trees rapidly. Out in the open and without tree cover, the Night Elves simply cannot advance, especially not with the Horde having had a chance to reinforce the other side of the Southfury River. Another is a Pandaren Relic from Underhold that locks the land in stasis - nothing dies, but nothing grows.

In regard to the “Horde Loses”, that is sort of the point - you can have heroism in loss, which is something the Horde sorely needs now. Land is meaningless - presentation, characters, these are what matter. I’d feel much better running a defensive action where I am able to safeguard civilians getting back to Orgrimmar then I would leading a charge into the heart of an enemy territory. It would give the chance for more Nazgrim’s to be developed into Horde Leaders - no leaders that are focused on the Alliance and it’s needs, but are focused on the Horde and it’s needs.

It’s also not a loss in totality for the Horde - part of my scenario hinges on there still being Garrosh’s Arsenal in the Underhold. Specifically, any relics from Pandaria and Blackfuse designs. Blackfuse was one of the primary reasons Garrosh could assemble a world-shattering superpower with only Orcs and Goblins - he was leagues ahead of everyone else in weapons development. Give the blueprints to the Mag’har and the Goblins and the remaining tech that was left in there when Vol’jin originally sealed it can be used for the defence of Horde lands."

Iron Juggernauts defending key defensive locations, the weapons you see being developed and built in the Blackfuse fight in Horde towns and camps as defensive measures, etc. Integrating Garrosh’s Arsenal into the Horde’s military would give it a significant boost of strength, which would then allow some of the Alliance’s own strength that is not used to start coming to the fore.

This also isn’t, like, the only place something like this should happen. The Forsaken should have a mirror scenario in Tirisfal where they recover their lands and push back the army that is sure to try and invade from Arathi into Hillsbrad. This can also be the time for the RAS to TRULY shine - their “We Blight and only Blight!” has always been ridiculous. They’re the worlds foremost alchemists, a gaseous acid should be the LEAST of what they can deploy. Elixirs that make their soldiers virtually immortal, or induce incredible regeneration on Forsaken troops, supplemented and backed up by the Kalimdor Horde with the newly-acquired arsenal.

I entreat everyone to stop thinking of things in terms of victory and loss and start thinking of how the equilibrum can be tilted back to a centre - having the Alliance perform aggressive actions, I believe, is the only way this can actually begin to happen. But ultimately, this is only my idea - there are holes in it narratively, absolutely, but I believe it has less holes then the drivel we were given in BFA."

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Lorewise, maybe, but in terms of gameplay, it’s always been a shared zone.

Horde didn’t have an equal city in Cata, unless you seriously think they were going to nuke the brand-new city that was created to redress the imbalance from Vanilla, Which I notice you glided over.

The Alliance STILL has more cities than the Horde.


These are the Story forums, and in the story the Night Elves got Ashenvale after MoP for giving the Horde Azshara.


So are you going to tell me you’d be happy with the Night Elves getting Ashenvale exclusively in lore but not having it reflected in the gameplay? Because your posting history suggests otherwise.

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I’d be happy about anything at this point.

Not fully satisfied but it would atleast be a small bone thrown at us, but not even that seems to happen like ever…

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Night Warrior powers = Orc Demon Blood confirmed

Same power ups, but zero meaning other than an aesthetic change.

Chadfurion always had his claws. I agree that Malfurion’s show off power shouldn’t just be regulated to short stories, but also we had the Terror in Darkshore cinematic. It was him soloing Horde patrols in Darkshore, similarly to his description in “A Good War.”

Problem with using a “Doomsday Weapon” is because it’s not someone the Horde can rally around on. The Horde never rallied around the Blight, they rallied around pre-BFA Sylvanas. Horde complains about having no “LOK’TAR OGAR!” moments because they have no characters to match up to the Alliance. A “fair” solution to Malf would be elevating a Horde character to equalize him. Malf smacked around Saurfang in a duel, and was overpowering Sylvanas until Saurfang had to save her. Give the Horde a nuke character. Thrall could comeback, or maybe the Horde gets an empowered Talanji. Instead of humiliating High Arcanist Thally why not make her into the true queen of the Arcane?

It’s true, but it can be argued that the Horde’s BFA experience was just that. It was a heroic loss. The Horde’s symbol of honor was humbled by his human massa. The faction was losing on all sides until it came together with the Alliance to defeat itself. Again.

Based Chadfuse. RIP the Goblin Tony Stark.

I believe the Horde’s Cata questing did that to an extent. The Horde PC rides into Splintertree Post on a massive Kodo that could shoot lightning. It’s totally inline with the Horde’s mantra of beast taming. Behemoths fighting colossal nelf ancients. Very Cool. I think this is a great idea. We can even have Goldrinn fight a Blackfuse mech. Goldrinn, like all nelf ancients, are jobbers so he’ll lose to the Troll exterminating scorpion.

This could be a mirror to the Nelfs as a Forsaken heritage quest. However, I think the energy is better suited in repelling an attack from the Western Plaguelands. The Alliance has already proven themselves capable of invading north Lordaeron. Why can’t they attempt to build a naval base on the unused section of the Plaguelands? Horde players would be them pushing the Alliance out and establishing a new port city.

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Instead of a death strip, a demilitarized zone as a result of the bloody last battle?

Why should the Ancients or Night Elves lose here again? Doesn’t that show something of the child spirit when it comes to this…once again?

Gameplay wise it’s still set in Cataclysm. You might as well be citing the gameplay of Ashenvale to say Garrosh is still Warchief.

The zone imbalance? Because if Cataclysm was meant to balance things, unbalancing them by giving the Horde gameplay in Darkshore, a formerly uncontested Alliance zone, then zone balance concerns are no longer relevant.

My sentiments as well.


I want the Nelves to have more Nelf stuff. I give the Alliance a lot of ish for being generic but the Kaldorei forests, especially with that music, were downright enchanting.

However as I’ve explained before I really think the best solution is tying that into the Myst isles. That and Quel’Thalas are the most in dire need of an update and parts of both could serve as new bases for the Nelves and Forsaken.

Those zones would require a full on, ground up rework with new assets. I want some Nelf and Forsaken stuff done with the best tech they have to offer. We were perfectly fine with our 15 year old sewer / tree house but they just had to blow that up. So, add in some fresh zones with an update to the two cities still technically floating in Outworld.

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And it can remain so.

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So, question:

Night elves have hated Goldrin in perpetuity ever since Malfurion cursed and banished the original worgen.
Why is he siding with them in this scenario when the orcs and tauren both worship him as Lo’gosh?

Worgen would be present for sure.

If I understand the scenario correctly, we already would have the treaty in place. If the rest of the Alliance joins in we have a problem on our hands. Just making the NE, Worgen, and maybe the VE/LF going rogue makes a bit more sense.

The offensive would especially be effective due to the Horde not expecting the attack, believing to be at peace at the moment. Once the Horde rally though, they would prove that the NE army is incapable of defeating the Horde by themselves.

No it wouldn’t. That’s Three races and a guild fighting the entire Horde.

In a surprise attack in familiar terrain. The Horde are on the back foot until someone takes charge and rally them. Then the NE offensive fails.

Look, I think it’s dumb too, but Blizz has made the NE army ridiculously OP in another masterful display of telling and not showing.

I’m just working with the garbage Blizz gives me.

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Yep. Fairness is the Horde losing…:roll_eyes:

Yeah, because our leaders and key characters keep getting killed off or villain-batted.

Well, the Night Elves weren’t COMPLETELY wiped out so…

The writers left out the Exodar in the WoT because it wasn’t convenient to the story. Why would they open up Underhold?

Strength needed because of how Ungodly powerful the Alliance characters are relative to the Horde. Lest we forget the 7:1 kill/death ratio of Night Elves in WoT.

Thread specifically states resolving the Ashenvale issue fairly.

More stuff that Deus Ex Jaina can nullify with a wave of her hand.

Again, doesn’t seem like much of anything posted is going to resolve the Ashenvale issue in a way that both sides deem fair.
