How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

Oh yea no great, we’ll just sit back and do nothing again like in legion when the alliance attempted to assassinate our warchief while were also made the bad guy in the following expansion.

/end sarcasm


I don’t mind the Horde losing what was gained through an unjust war started on false pretenses. But the OP goes further than that–she wants the Horde to lose Warsong Lumber Camp too, which has been ours since Vanilla. That smells of punishment.

we don’t need ashenvale lumber the tree dudes from draenor made it to barrens, when you recruit mag’har you can see them. we self sufficient now

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trade also seems to be a foreign word for some horde players

Just gonna quote this because this argument is so old and pointless I can’t be bothered to do more than that.

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No. No doomsday weapon. Enough of that. If this scenario is to palpable to Horde players, the Horde needs to force a stalemate on their own merit. We’re the Lok’tar Ogar faction and we have been deprived of a Lok’tar Ogar moment since Ganar did a thing in Frostfire. And that wasn’t even a Horde character!

Show that Orcs are still mighty warriors that can match an Elf. Show Tauren defending their allies and mending their wounds. Show the savagery that Trolls can muster. Showcase that Goblin ingenuity and what it can do when allowed to go wild. I’m talking giant pool pony tanks that sprays herbicide into the forests (It tastes like Kaja Kola of course).

Get Horde characters involved. Rokhan can gain a deeper connection with the Darkspear pantheon after becoming chieftain and unleash the fury of the Loa upon the attackers. Have the battle begin to turn around until Cenarius himself has to talk the Loa down and end the battle.

Baine recognizes that he has to finally step up and do his part in leading the Horde, leading a counter attack and showing us some of that AU Baine we all wish we had.

Gazlowe gets to know his new cartel better and upgrades the Horde’s arsenal. Goblin shredders, planes, and demolishers become much more reliable and are able to equalize the battlefield with a suppressive firepower that the Night Elves cannot match.

Geya’rah, wanting to prove herself and her people after her choices in BFA charges into battle. The Mag’har’s ferocity reignite the fighting spirit of the Horde and they successfully push the invading forces back.

If you’re going to lay the smack down on the Horde, there needs to be pay off for the Horde. If it were up to me, I would kill three birds with one stone by having Ashenvale divided along the Falfarren River. Have the Night Elves do their offensive and push all the way through into Azshara, fully intending to reclaim it back. From here, the Horde would counter attack in it’s big Lok’tar Ogar moment and gain the advantage, pushing the Night Elves back into Ashenvale and across the Falfarren before the battle is stalemated by whatever.

I see this as an absolute win. The Alliance gets their big rah rah Night Elf reclamation and successfully reclaim about 75% of Ashenvale. What they have reclaimed gives them full access to all Night Elf territories without Horde interference or presence, such a Felwood. Meanwhile, the Horde has a rallying moment where we can feel pride in our faction and get to win a battle without tricks, but through our own strength. Finally, the Horde gets the 25% that they managed to retake, which can serve as a plot point down the road while also allowing access to a close supply of lumber and finally deals with the resource issue.

Warsong and Silverwing keep killing each other in the meantime. Warsong Gulch continues!


Horde didn’t have an equal city to lose. We did lose our leader, and I don’t see you complaining that the head of the Alliance has never been a raid boss.

Undoing the Alliance’s advantage in zones from Vanilla.

What do you mean “back”? Ashenvale has never, in the history of WoW, been an exclusively Alliance zone.


As nice as your scenario is, there shouldn’t be any Hordi left in the whole Ashenvale afterwards, I’m like that there now, I’ll be honest with you, I support a 100% Ashenvale - Night Elf territory. So I’d change your scenario so that the night elves really do recapture a lot of Azshara and the Horde would do that back, but Ashenvale would become all night elf territory and the Horde would have Azshara.

Just because of Teldrassil. Not only a city has been destroyed, but also a lot of land. Besides, which of them would be a threat to Night Warrior Tyrande and Malfurion, they would be quickly eliminated, large armies don’t stand much of a chance against the Night Warrior when they stand together anyway, so it would be more like an ogar than a loktar.

Where the undead can cleanse undercity, the night elves can’t just heal the tree and put it back in place with the blessings at the same time, because the blessings are probably destroyed, meaning the old corruption would be back, so it would make more sense not to let it grow again.


That’s not true, in Azshara, the city of the goblins is not a capital in the true sense of the word, so the Horde does have something similar at the moment.

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So many Horde players saying that it’s unfair that the Night Elves should get the lands back they had before BfA, that’s quite crazy

Not like they got nearly wiped out and Teldrassil permanently destroyed, the Horde should also get their lands now…

That’s disgusting, you sound like the writers already.


Nobody wants to be seen as a failure/looser.

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The Horde got their victory already by burning most Night elves alive and destroying their home and sending them all to hell - that’s enough! There’s no reason why they should keep Ashenvale other than the writers being biased and on a personal vendetta against the race.


Yeah, but the point still doesn’t change. If the night elves were to kick the Horde’s butt solo, the Horde players would feel weak because one of the alliance folk seems to be more powerful…than the entire Horde, of course I argue against that, but I understand where the opposition comes from that doesn’t want that.

I don’t understand them. They got to annihilate the Night Elves onscreen and with cinematics and nearly wipe them out, but now it would be too much for the Night Elves to get one of their own zones back, even if it’s offscreen.

I’m sorry, but I really don’t understand or accept that.


Listen, I know you’re really ticked about the nelf elfs story, rightful so. But all I ask to for you to have a little empathy for the other side.

Trust me, just like night elf/alliance fans the horde fans ARE TICKED with what happened in BfA, the horde lost alot too in terms of characters/themes.

So here is my last attempt to be the most fair and unbiased at this issue.

After the BfA time skip, all lands should be returned to pre-war boarders, say while we were in the shadowlands the horde/alliance hashed out a treaty. This way NO ONE has to continue the gosh awful story that was BfA.

Now now, i know what you’re saying night elf fans ‘but ruffle what about us looking heroic and strong and rebuilding our civilization!? This suggestion leaves us very un-satisfied!’ This is where they need to start building and building fast. Beautiful new city, quests, cutscenes where you get to take out the bad guys etc etc, whole 9-yards.

Now, for the horde side, same deal, treaty that lets boarders return to normal, no one has to deal with the travesty of BfAs story. Same thing happens for the forsaken, but with a darker tone to fit in with their theme. But with more focus on their character development. Since ya know, their major players are mostly gone.

I think many people on these forums BOTH horde and alliance are extremely unsatisfied with the story, and look to issues like these to resolve that un-sanctification, hence why alot of times personal biases get in the way. But honestly, I think the best idea is to just move forward, and START BUILDING THE SIDES AGAIN, instead of looking for last second pot-shots, and ways to get the last laugh.


I mean the thing is that the Night Elves really need an onscreen victory for once, a treaty just feels empty that’s why I think they should for once fight the Horde off their lands. Also, before BfA, Ashenvale was fully Night elf territory, the Horde got Azshara in exchange, it was a treaty (until the Horde broke it).
I can’t just move on from BfA even if we got our zones back, the Night Elves are still in ruins with no future. And genocide against them specifically is seen as a good thing.
Also the peace treaty Anduin made on the behalf of everyone seems to let the Horde keep Ashenvale, meaning that it will be destroyed soon if the Night Elves don’t reconquer it.

Yea that I can agree with, and I think that should happen in Hyjal or Feralas - a new home for them. The problem is that for them, the Horde are the bad guys.

Yea sure I can see that, but there are many people who straight up think or write that it would be unfair for the Horde if they didn’t get rewarded with a new zone after they got to nearly wipe out the Night Elves and destroy their home which is just absolutely unacceptable in my eyes, especially since they already got Azshara.

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I do believe we do not know the details of it yet. Before you grab the torches and pitchforks lets wait a see what it actually is.

Hence why I say they need to start building and building FAST.

I have no idea where you have gotten this from. Even on the horde is was WAS NOT framed as some grand 'ol victory, but rather a tragedy. Hopefully you dont take the trolls here seriously. They usually just use this to tick people off.

While a bit hyperbolic it’s not far from the truth. Horde gets off scott free for their war crimes once again because everything is lumped on the fleeing Warchief.


It’s not my topic, but I’ll relay it to the author.

Reminder to all who forget: the Horde left Ashenvale in MoP. Yes, including that useless lumber camp. It has not been reclaimed since, not even in BfA.

Why do you desperately cling to an outpost that’s already horribly depleted? You realise to get more resources from it you’d have to expand further, beyond Falfarren river?

And is the cost of acquiring those trees worth the gain, and the risk of transport? The night elves could easily cut supply routes. You still have Azshara which still has trees. There is really no story reason for the Horde to cling to Ashenvale.