How to Fix the Ashenvale issue Fairly for Both Factions

Those weren’t farmers, but keep spreading lies to defend Blizzard. You’re doing great!

Wouldn’t mind seeing the Worgen get thrown into the mix as well. Maybe have the Horde’s first line of defense be the main river east of Raynewood, but Genn and the Worgen use the Talondeep path early on in the campaign and cut through an unprepared and underdefended northern Barrens (most forces would likely get sent to Ashenvale to help in the fighting so Barrens should be low in numbers) then come in from the south and hit the Horde from their flank forcing a retreat east instead of south.


I literally posted proof, what now your gonna argue that some shopkeeper is better at fighting than some farmer? LOL

Then say civilians and not farmers. Well but, y’know not just the alliance stood against Sylvanas at this day. A big part of the Horde did it aswell, so the Sylvanas loyalist had basically prepared to defend themselves against their own troops. Who says that the other soldiers left their positions or that the Night Elves infiltrated it during the attack?

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Your first comment in this thread was a massive lie and you’re arguing based on that.

common sense, why wouldnt tyrande retake ashenvale when there was no horde there? She didnt show up the siege, so what we should assume that she did nothing rather than something? Nah till blizzard says other wise you have no more proof than I do, probably less proof when you think about it.

You base your statement on things which are nothing but headcanon at this moment. We speak about a what-if scenario.


and I say your what if is dumb cause it has a base of assuming that the nelf side is acting stupid

So…Horde lose?



The comment was more a small addition to Anya’s original post. There would still be the final battle at the Warsong Lumber Yard she suggested that forces a stalemate.

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Well, we did saw many stupid moves during the war campaign on both sides. I don’t think it would surprise anyone if it happens again, also Ashenvale have the chance to become the second Gilneas which current, which is basically Schrödinger’s Cat of WoW.

Right. And in the OP Horde loses everything they gained in the WoT. How is that fair to both sides? This is the premise of the thread.



Well then throw in a second scenario where the Forsaken push the Alliance back to Stromgarde and make the Thoradin wall the new border up there. Both sides get a win.


theres a different between a stupid move and doing nothing, you basically want tyrande to have done nothing, then you want the good horde to move troops that they pulled back to move back into land that isnt there, when they are trying to craft a treaty for peace, sorry this what if just has a really really stupid base, you want tyrande to act out of character, baine and the rest of the horde council to act out of character and anduin to act out of character.

Would the Alliance see it that way?

Both Night Elves and Forsaken lost their capitals. Does either side believe it was fair? Parity doesn’t always equal fairness.


Thats already the border lol

If you don’t like the ideas, you’re welcome to give your own. I believe that was the idea behind the topic. Instead of pointing out the things you don’t like, post what you would like to see happen.


I think his point is that a fair scen for any faction war doesnt exist

Except the example given in the OP was anything BUT fair to both sides. The subsequent posts, primarily Alliance, only reinforce this.



Then post one that’s fair to both, or are you only here to whine?