How to fix TBC Arena Participation

arena participation will be fixed as soon as dual spec is added

nobody wants to spend 100g so they can go play some games when they have raid the next day


No thanks. Blue rep set is free, thats adequate to begin.

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Care to elaborate?

If you played tbc you should be aware.

I do play TBC. Care to elaborate? (Love the free bumps btw :^)

Only 30 more normal dungeon runs until I can get my blue PvP set! Good thing everybody wants a rogue for normies.

Okay, reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. I implied if the rep gear wasn’t available right now, which is also “authentic TBC” because it is, you would then complain more.

S1 gear no longer has rating requirements. What are you whining about again?

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I haven’t complained at ALL about rep gear, either before or after the patch. On WHAT are you basing this nonsense that I’d complain “more?”

S1 should never have had rating requirements. Anyone who wanted it could have had it last season IF Blizzard hadn’t made the changes they did.

Please stop making stuff up and claiming “everyone would complain more about the rep gear.” No one would care about the rep gear.

Nothing. I asked what was wrong with keeping arena authentic to TBC. What kind of weirdo would construe that with whining?

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I agree with this one million percent Is if they did this in a combination of dual speck.

It would help PVP participation a lot more on top of that it would add a little bit more of a gearing path.

Because think about it You hit level 70 You get your raps You buy your Is repgear now personally I’m on the opinion I think there should have been weapons with that too but oh well.

Is then you do your honor grind for the season one gear And you can jump into arena on a little bit more of an equal plane field.

On top of that it’s much less of a barrier to entry and actually gives you an incentive to try it It’s not my saying it’s going to fix it well now but it’s certainly would help because right now.

Is having to pay a 100 gold to respect and having to grind for season one gear getting crushed every single game why would I even bother.

Do I do arena on and off yeah everyone’s agreed while with my friends but if I mean honest.

I look at that everything I would have to go through just a attempt to get into it and I’m just like it’s just not worth it it’s just not I don’t have any incentive to try to get good.

Is plain and simple

Duel spec is definitely a barrier to entry as well. I’m not sure if we will see a change that big come before it’s time though. It’s hard to tell with blizzard because some things seem very predictable and then they throw a curve ball. Like adding boosts to TBC. Would be nice to have duel spec though. Save a lot of gold and it wouldn’t surprise me if it did indeed increase pvp participation because of it.

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Maybe maybe not however I do know this the more I post about it the more I talk about it the the more we let them know we want it the more likely it is to happen.

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I agree with this. These things need to be constantly brought back to the front for attention until blizzard does something to address these issues.

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Yeah it would be nice to know if blizzard would give a little bit better communication but.

At this point this is the best we can do sometimes it’s do sometimes it does kind of feel like we’re screaming into the void but again I would rather keep trying think of up

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Sometimes i feel it would be too much to ask for at this point.

Often the case, i feel like.


But this is what I know If we don’t talk about it nothing will change it’s I mean out know if you see me posting in other forms but yeah yeah I want dual spec in the game.

There are tons of reasons why it would be beneficial I’m not the only one that feels this way but tons of people don’t Agree.

But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to get up nor should you

Fixing arena participation? Easy fix

Release wrath.


I don’t think you understand the draw to MMORPGs. You and everyone who thinks this are making the mistake of believing that arena in WoW is “supposed” to be an e-sport in pursuit of perfect balance.

The game is a series of journeys. 1-70, low rep to exalted, no gear to geared, low rated to high rated, 0 profession to max profession with special recipes etc. etc.

It is not a problem, OR a barrier to competition that some gear would require varying amounts of rating. It is a barrier to IMMEDIATE equal competition across the ENTIRE ladder all at once, sure. The question is why should players be entitled to that extreme level of equal gear playing field, and why doesn’t that invalidate two of the core elements of the journey (getting geared, and becoming skilled)?

IDK about the arena s1 gear being for honor versus arena points, maybe it should be even cheaper on the arena front, but if you didn’t earn enough points one week for an S2 piece, but can afford an S1 piece… then that upgrade versus nothing at all is going to help you climb much more readily. The only people who are best served to ignore that in lieu of holding off for S2 pieces when they’re behind are those who intend to set themselves up for the best END of season push, or in preparation to compete at the highest levels the following season… but that is not most players.

Having various rating requirements gives players different targets and levels of goals to pursue. One after another. It’s a cartoon to call people elitists over this, people value the achievement of a social status symbol, AND they value gear progression. Having some high rated arena pieces in the game just allows us to get both at once in SOME instances, which is cool. Other instances can be cosmetic only (e.g. titles), other’s can be cosmetic + utilitarian (mounts) without offering direct power etc. it’s fine to have this spectrum, and in fact makes the game more interesting overall.

Arena participation has problems, but they aren’t as simple as being fixed by removing rating requirements and giving people free gear. They have to full on market this game to people who want to get invested in MMOs long-term, AND they have to prove that they aren’t going to devalue those journeys with things like boosts etc. - there may be other things they can do like offer an arena training video series or something, but the community can do that too. The game just needs more people playing from more varied age groups than just WoW dads who play at a specific set of times (and who have already played the game for YEARS).

You cant have it both ways, that’s the issue here. Arenas are designed as if they were an e-sport with the rating system but then the absolute best PvP gear is from doing Arena’s, which is required to be competitive in Arenas and is gated behind your rating. Anyone starting late in Arenas has zero chance of getting anywhere with their measly 300 points per week as they just continually get curb stomped by way better geared players. It has to be one of the worst designs for an MMO I have ever seen. It would be different if you could do raid content or heroics and get the gear you needed to do Arenas and actually be competitive but you just cant, you absolutely need to have resilience and the only way to get it is from Honor grind for off pieces and Arenas for your main set pieces.

The design is flawed because those who can push to 2k + rating right at the start will get way more points and increase the gear gap so it doesn’t matter how skilled you are, if you end up not getting to those higher ratings right from the start, your points gained will be about half or even more than half of what those high rated players are getting. High rated players get about 1000 to 1500 points per week, while the majority under 1500 get 550 or less points. So the gear accumulation of higher rated players is at least 2x faster.

Last season the top 35% best players were above 1319 rating, this means 65% of the player base was stuck below 1319 rating (LOL!), thats like 450 points per week for the average player, so just to get a chest piece, it will take you over 1 month, while high rated players can get it in 2 weeks. Couple that with weapons having a rating requirement of 1850 and 2000 (LOL!). So what, the top 5% arena players get to have weapons and shoulders? What a joke!

So what is it? an MMO or an E-sport? Because Arenas are set up and designed as if they were an E-sport. That means the gear needs to be attainable for the average player, and its just not, so participation continues to be anemic in arenas and will stay so so long as the horrible design flaws stay in place.

In classic 60, the best gear was gated behind raid bosses and PvP was just something you did for fun in the BGs and PvP gear you could get just by playing the game. That is not the case for Arenas in TBCC.


It’s just a bunch of goblins running a fighting ring. There were barely were any major e-sports at the time they thought up and added the arena. It’s fun and competitive but it still EXISTS within the MMORPG space of progression which is the end all be all of this game. This game’s FOUNDATION is not that of an e-sport. You can’t spectate matches in-game, you used to not even be able to qualify for tournaments on normal servers, you had to pay an admission fee to the tournament realm with a totally different setup and equalization of gear. Earning Gladiator or R1 has never qualified you for an e-sports event until long after the arena community effectively died.

The in-game seasonal server rewards were always a separate process from the arena e-sport in TBC.

There’s nothing stopping you from pushing 2K at the start too then, and even if you join the season late… those guys that got 2K at the start will already be a lot higher if they’ve continued playing, based on inflation and assuming their enhanced gear helps them to climb. You don’t even have to fight those guys most likely until you do the work to catch up anyways. You’re not entitled to challenge every R1 to a 1v1 for their ELO every week if they put in the work to get ahead.

There are some cheesy elements like players who dump tons of gold on getting really powerful PvE items earlier than most people can and leveraging them, but you can still catch up.

It sounds like your biggest problem is the fact that the classic rebalancing of the starting ratings and point gains were just really not working out as they were originally intended in original TBC. That’s fine, they probably shouldn’t have imported the new MMR system into the old ladder system which worked better. Messing with starting ratings etc.

Piloting / Boosting is another issue, when players who aren’t skilled enough to get the gear, end up bringing it into much lower brackets after their boost is done and they tank… but again, you can catchup, or beat them with less gear if they’re truly bad.

Nothing about the arena system in TBC implies that you ought to be able to join the game late at any point and take the ladder by storm from behind. You have assumptions about what constitutes an e-sport, and you’re projecting your values onto a system that wasn’t really designed to be that.

give undead rogues 1 point a win that will make me play more arena