How to fix Premades

Whatever excuse you need bud. Come back and talk when you are willing to be an adult about things. Bored of the lies and excuses.

Good luck with that. You’ll just label everything which you don’t agree with as lies and excuses.

Whatever bud… just more excuses out of you lol

Lol, this thread grew 50% overnight. It really would make following the thread easier if there were less bickering.

It’s clear we all want the same goal. Besides exploits and banning people, I would be more interested to hear if you have another idea for a solution.

EZ ban all the Que exploiters.

Simple. There is no other solution

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I’m not sure how it’s clear when the sync people want to keep ruining the game for everyone else. They only agree on “cross faction” because they know they can still abuse it. BGB is proof of that. Why should those abusing an exploit that’s ruining the game for people playing the game correctly not be punished?

I’m seeing 42 hidden replies. That’s how you solve that problem.:wink:


Your concern about cross-faction is valid and hopefully will make Blizz aware of this risk and therefore try to minimise it. I think the idea of multiplying deserter for dropping or missing queues is well received too?

Lol your subtlety always made me chuckle :rofl:

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No one is getting banned so good luck with that.

testing testing 1 2 3


I posted this 19 hours ago and not one single person messaged me. Instead you were too busy continuing to regurgitate the argument in every thread about not being able to play the game while I was playing the game going 4-0 in Epics last night.

I’m shocked I tell you, shocked. I can’t believe people would rather blame others or nerf group play because they’re anti-social. The entitlement generation is pretty rough.

I don’t believe it’s a matter of being social versus anti-social. Instead, it’s about those who are willing to bypass existing queuing restrictions to stack their team versus those who prefer to play the game as intended and don’t see the value in manipulating the system.

At this point, I’d like one of two things to happen:

  1. Blizzard should take a firm stance and enforce the rule of 5 players per premade group.


  1. Blizzard should remove the 5-player group restriction and allow for full premades.

This little middle ground stance they’ve taken is frustrating for everyone involved.

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Option 1 wont solve anything because the same people will move the goal posts and start complaining about 5 man teams being too strong soon after. They’ll likely suggest you should only be able to go in as a team of 2. This is 100% a case of being anti-social.

The best thing to do: ignore these people.

My argument isn’t in defense of those who consistently lose and seek to blame others; it’s in defense of clarity. If Blizzard doesn’t want it to happen, they should shut it down. If they do, they should remove the queuing restriction for everyone.

Blizzard has already said grouping together isn’t against the rules. Granted it was a post from 2019? These people have been told this and they’ve been reposting these threads for over 5 years. Do you know how mentally insane that is? They mentally cant move on and they haven’t made friends in that time span on top of it.

There is literally nothing you can do for these people. There is a reason people don’t want to play with them.

You know what I did when the game got really bad for me? I moved on and stopped playing WoW.

I’m not concerned about those people; I’m simply sharing my perspective. I don’t see an issue with queuing with 40 people, as long as it’s done fairly and within the rules we’re supposed to follow. I’ve seen the 2019 post and others from Blizzard representatives expressing their dislike for large premade groups.

However, the opinion of a minimum-wage employee holds little sway in the grand scope of Blizzard’s operations.

As I’ve said before, Blizzard should either enforce the queuing restriction or remove it entirely. I don’t have a strong preference either way. It would be nice to hop on LFG and join a 40-man premade, but in its current state, I’m not willing to join large groups for casual gameplay.

My issue with these epic BG players isn’t in their chosen style of gameplay, but their dishonesty surrounding it. The “I just want to play with friends and those who can’t do it don’t have friends” angle is shallow.

They do it to win. They knowingly bypass queuing restrictions to stack their side and secure a win. Just own it. It’s not against the rules, and no one is getting banned. Just admit you’re taking advantage of the situation and move on. If I cared enough about epic BGs, I’d do it too. The whole ‘secretly this system is designed for us to exploit this flaw’ routine is exhausting. I also premade with 4 others because winning is fun, but I’m following the established rules while others aren’t. So if Blizzard doesn’t care about enforcing these parameters, they should just remove them.

you wait and see ak you glorious druid you!
you keep doing your cheating and exploiting. keep pretending to be a pvp player.

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i love it. the good ol’ blue post you guys hang your hat on this. I’m glad this one post allows you to feel like an accomplished pvp player. achieving victories on an even playing field. The integrity of fair gameplay must flow through your veins