How to fix Premades

All Blizzard needs to do is put a hidden random modifier when a group queues. Since the BGs are cross-faction now - they just put them in either team A or team B. So if many groups of 5 queue at once, they will be split between the 2 teams.

1st group go Team A
2nd group go Team B
3rd group go Team A
So on and so forth…

If any team tries to queue syncs, it’s challenging to time it due to the randomness of the team’s formation.


Who told you that wasn’t happening already?

How about we all try to understand how the WoW Queue system works?


xfacshun solves teh problem

They aren’t.

Only Blitz is.


I’m pretty sure the Gravity Bomb was Blizzard’s way of giving the middle finger to everyone complaining about premades.

I think at this point your options are to join a premade, stop queueing if you aren’t going to join a premade, or just unsub because clearly the people who have any say in the matter at Blizz are either getting paid by people who want to premade or they hate the casual player base enough that they enjoy creating tools to make the premades more dominant than they already were.


As far as I knew, there’s nothing stopping you from using a Gravitational Displacer too.

You’re absolutely right. Now compare the effectiveness of a random PUG player using this vs a premade using it and letting everyone know to use their consumables and cooldowns at that time. The effectiveness is not even remotely comparable.



/use Gravitational Displacer
/s Using Gravitational Displacer on %t


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How many players in a premade are fully geared? How about the random PUG?

How many players in a premade are using consumables? How about the PUG?

How many players in a premade will follow the instruction of the leader? How about the PUG?

Again. Not even remotely comparable.

It’s a tool designed for premades to stomp PUGs, plain and simple.


So, you’re another one who doesn’t want solutions, you just want to complain.

The solution is to pit full groups against one another and use PUGs to fill in the gaps.

So, basically status quo then?

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/10 char

literally how it works currently. the system DOES match groups. that means there are players on your team grouped up and matched, initially, before dodge/duck/dip/dive/dodge happens.

Just let people que with 20+ and it’ll fix premades.

You’re assuming as much.

If they implemented the Blitz account-wide deserter in randoms it might curb some of that.

All this would do is make life a little easier for the people who feel the need to premade.

If you need to queue up with that many people, do Rated BGs.



Enable cross-faction teams. Add a hidden MMR. Add a stacking, account-wide deserter debuff when players miss/drop their queue pops.

Blizzard doesn’t want premade raids in random bgs. All this would do is legitimize premade raids roflstomping pugs in random bgs.

We’d still see premade raids taking steps to dodge each other. For example, they’ll keep sync queuing if that helps them avoid facing another premade raid.


But normal BGs tends to put you vs a party if your in a party. So I feel like that concept would be fine with EBGs

The way to solve them is to make it so if you join into the match then choose the option to leave you get an account wide 24 hour ban from Q’ing again. That also solves the problem of people joining and AFKing.