How to fix Premades

A solution that could happen is implementing a system that would give you multiplying deserter for dropping or missing ques.

That resets every 2-4 hours.

then premades would be forced to split or just afk in valdrakken.


Yes, I like it. Dropping queues clearly is a problem.

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Oh so you can queue as a raid into random bgs now?

Nope I am requesting that the exploiting be stopped.

Nope it’s blizzards job to enforce there TOS.

You sure love to make baseless claims…

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No one is doing this.

Not a single community.

All of them are forming groups of 5 and manually counting down. Which is currently allowed.

You are asking for that to be against the rules.

To get a larger then intended group size in yes. Exploiting is what it’s called.

Exploiting is already against the rules.

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No matter what definition of ‘exploiting’ you want to use, unless it is the one which Blizzard uses, they don’t agree with you.

Find another route.

You won’t even define it lol and blizzard already has. So, idk why you keep thinking this is some kind of “gotcha” when you are clearly and factually wrong. Come on… define exploiting in gaming terms bud.

Even Wowpedia agrees with me lol

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I don’t have to.

According to Blizzard it is definitely not an exploit to count down via voice or chat…


That’s no blizzard bud. That’s some random guy that works for blizzard. Blizzard says in its very own TOS that you are doing something wrong. You are incorrect accept that fact.

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Correction “you don’t want to” because you know you are wrong, and you are just a liar.

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And now we’re down to, you won’t accept what a blue says, because they don’t agree with you.

Well, too bad.

And you won’t accept what actual blizzard says because it’s doesn’t agree with you. Sorry but some blue post does not overrule blizzard own TOS bud. Stay delusional I suppose. But even if the blue post is correct, you aren’t just counting down, so you are yet again incorrect. But that doesn’t matter because blizzards TOS is the law sorry about your feelings buddy.

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No it isn’t. Law is developed by governments. Not corporate entities.

It’s a metaphor bud. Didn’t you go to school?

I just had an epiphany.

Why aren’t you posting in the bug forums about this?

Because… Battlegrounds. I love how much you try and derail and move the goalpost. Define exploiting in gaming terms.

But you are specifically trying to get an in-game bug addressed, aren’t you?

Or do you not really care if the bug gets fixed?

But you claim it’s not a bug and that it’s meant to work that way. Come on, define exploiting in gaming terms.

This line of questioning isn’t about what I claim, you claim it’s a bug, why aren’t you reporting a bug?

Where did I claim it’s a bug? I said exploit. I will answer you questing when you define exploiting in gaming terms.