How to fix Premades

As far as I know, Didå doesn’t play as part of a community.

Name-calling doesn’t bother me. Ad hominems are just tactics used by those who can’t present strong arguments.

No name calling happened bud lol but play the victim card if you want. I don’t need to present any argument.

Then why are you here? Scamper on little liar.

Because I’m allowed to be. No matter how much you might cry about it.

Aww I have a fan lol

Main character syndrome much?

Talking to you is way too painful.

If you’re dismissing another person’s argument solely by labeling them as an exploiter, without engaging with the substance of their argument, then that would be an ad hominem attack.

Aww you do stalk me and read everything I say hahaha creepy.

You have no argument lol you are claiming sync exploiters are fine and pugs need to just “get good”.

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It’s not stalking, we both go to the same site, because we both play the same game.

If you found me on every site you interacted with, that would be stalking.

You’re not the only player who reads the forums. Some are here looking for solutions, which is what I’m trying to offer. You’re not my target audience, as you’ve consistently shown that all you care about is complaining.

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The solution is to not allow people to exploit.

So people shouldn’t “complain” about a game they pay to play being unplayable because of exploiters? Wild…


Cross faction queues.

All the premades in here acting like ebgs are not just a teamfight zug and the reason they win is because of some 180 iq strat.

Yeah no they know these bgs are extremely tilted for 1 teamfight which is why they stack 11 healers in order to never lose it.

And when it’s premade v premade the side with less damage/healing loses almost every time not the one with the better “strategy”


Nope lol you only say that because you know you can abuse it.

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So, what solution do you advise, other than some ethereal vague notion of punishing people?

This isn’t really intentional. Premades just have a lot of healers, because healers play for different reasons.

People shouldn’t be punished for exploiting and ruining the game for others? wild lol

Any excuse you need lol

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Whether they should or shouldn’t doesn’t matter. No one will be punished for this, it is off the table.

Come up with another solution.

Some people are getting desperate for any advantage they can get. I remember people were abusing the honor transfer stuff to get HL… LMAO.

And nomadic got all the HL he got rolled back cause he got it premading… oof


Bans are the only solution. You people do not care about the game or other players. You will do anything you can to get an unfair advantage. And why exactly wouldn’t people get punished? Do you work for blizzard?

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Which won’t happen.

So, it is now your job to come up with another solution, one which could happen.

Having a wish list, where you list all the things which will never happen, is a pointless list.

Because what is currently being done is allowed.

You are requesting that it stop being allowed.