How to fix Premades

What? Why should people leaving unfair games vs exploiters be punished? Why not punish the people ruining the game instead?

blizz could have fixed this a long time ago but they dont feel it falls into their realm as counting 1,2,3 que isnt breaking any rules. but heaven forbid someone says a swear word
they will ban you super fast! but ruin entire bgs 
meh. not their problem


I like your idea, assuming you meant such a group would be vs another group (ie Premade). Its convenience will keep most premade away from the solo players. While it might not stop some premade insisting on solo queuing (for easy win & kills farming) and will need another mechanic to help, I still think this idea is a good starting point.

While synchronised queuing is not bannable, it is not certain:

  • if Blizz feel this would create an unfair match, and
  • if Blizz should provide a fair match in an unrated game.

Don’t jump to a conclusion based on Blizz’s past decisions and it will be interesting to see what differences Microsoft’s acquisition introduces, so far I like the changes they made. Anyway, gathering up points from people stating reasons why mixing premade and pugs don’t create a fair match, and why a fair match in an unrated game will promote growth in PvP, the player base, and finally, their revenue, will encourage Microsoft to make this happen for you.

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obviously its not broken then. when something is broken it gets fixed.
logic is hard.

Make BG’s cross faction. That’s the only way these epic premades will stop. Luckily, it’s right around the corner.

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well listen pal, que syching was done as far back as wrath. i know that because i was in a guild and every now and then we would have more than 5 players that wanted to do bgs. so our gm knew how to que synch. but you see there were no communities back then. everything was guild orientated. so it really wasnt used much. but enter discord communities
large communities of wow subscribers who spam games all day long. now its a problem.
logic isn’t hard. being informed is


This won’t work. BGB is proof that on top of sync people saying to cross faction as well because they will still abuse it.

It’ll be much harder to facilitate an 80-person epic syncing than a smaller BGB group. Especially when the system prioritizes putting groups against one another.

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The fix to premades isn’t coming from Blizzard. It’s coming from the players.

  1. Join a game expecting to face a premade every single time.
  • Be prepared. Bring consumables and use them properly.
  1. Rally with the team you have. Work together and keep fighting.
  • Instead of bickering with each other, channel that energy into defeating the opposing team.
  1. Think like a premade sync. Coordinate with your teammates.
  • There’s nothing inherently special about syncs. Some of them use voice chat, some don’t. Every sync team has about 10-15 pugs filling in. Why is that important? Because they’re the weakest link in the game. Try to identify them.
  1. Think like a premade sync. Don’t quit after losing the first team fight.
  • Example: Horde Pugs vs. Alliance Partial Sync in IOC today. The Horde had no healers—zero. Yet, the Horde won the game against an Alliance team with 10 geared healers.

How was #4 possible? The pugs didn’t quit. They listened and played like a team!


blizz just set up blitz for gold carries because they need to funnel people into buying tokens. trade is gonna look like this “glad looking to carry people in blitz
25k a game” my friend is a druid and hes already planning on doing carries with his old rbg team.

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I do not condone or support threads like this.

Always a good read.


Work 10 times harder than the premade and you might have a chance of winning.

One thing you’re forgetting, which can also be the biggest thing working against a random, is team cohesion. Another name for it is collective intuition.

It’s when a team plays so often with each other that they can recognize other players’ playing styles and can anticipate their moves non-verbally.

If a random Epic group is beating a premade Epic group, it’s not because the random group is working together; it’s because the premade team is performing terribly.


instead of some people using the forums to complain about premades it might be a better use of their time to ask about strategies other than zerging the team fight.

You are correct they are a bunch of bad players circumventing the system in order to get an unfair advantage. To expect pugs to play like it’s a ranked match just to have a small chance to win vs sync exploiters is pure insanity and delusion. This BS is exactly why sync exploiters need to be punished.


Who would have thought playing with friends or using teamwork in an mmo would be op.

“playing with friends” is such a sad excuse at this point. Most of these people don’t even know each other outside of their sync queue groups.

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Fixed that for you.

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To anyone that wants to fix premades, whisper me tonight about 8:30 CST and I will show you how. Looking for about 30 people.

That reply was not for you. It’s only for people who want to better themselves.

An exploiter trying to tell people how to better themselves is hilarious hahahaha a good player doesn’t need to cheat to get wins bud.