How to fix Classic WSG

It adds abilities that are essentially carbon copies of “outs/cds” of other expansions because vanilla doesn’t have much of that stock

Nobody is gatekeeping you you just aren’t in these scheduled games because nobody knows you and/or nobody noticed you perform well

You get invited if you are making a distinct impact

Sure but a general fail safe in wsg with druid seems to be. Stealth into base. Grab flag. Fap. Bear form. Rocket boots. Escape from 3-4 people. Seems pretty simple to me

Cool ill let you know when I care to do this

So because the player lacks the skill to perform within their given classes toolkit they look for consumes to circumvent that. Got you

That druid is dead vs a good team with rogue right there.

Rogue saps on pick, CCs while team comes, and then they kill him while their flag is halfway.

Druid likely needs to skull when picking or he will get sapped when in cow / elf form.

If he used all that to get out of the base he will not have any CDs when collapsed on in mid or pushed on in his base.

You never will because you dont actually care about the bg just an easier rep grind.

Is having more or less abilities more skillful?

I’ve heard this argument before and it translates the same

“The more abilities you have the less skilled you are”

You are basically giving yourself away as a noob

You have faps too. You have rocket boots too. You have rocket helmet too.

I have like 80 pairs of rocket boots in my bank. If a Druid fap boots you can do that too. If he has a healer you can rocket helm him too

You don’t want to have to do all that tho, you want the ceiling lowered so you can press less buttons and think less

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I have a conspiracy theory that the more rocket boots one has in their bags and no empty slots, the less likely they are to break.

I usually craft like 30 or 40 boots and send them around my toons I plan to play with at the start of a WSG weekend these days on Era.

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Cant sap in cat or bear form. So unless the rogue gets the sap the second the druid appears and before he faps and swaps into bear the sap isnt going off.

By that point hes passed 2/3 of the team before the fap wears off and hes with his own team

I care about enjoying the bg even if i lose

number of abilities doesnt correlate to good or bad. Knowing how to work with what youre given makes you good

I mean sure if i reroll engi i can do that too. But i miss the days where engi wasnt a pvp REQUIREMENT because again the game wasnt META

Sure if thats what you want to believe. I think forcing players into specific builds/professions/ect is poor design. Removes the freedom of choice. Which is an issue retail suffered for a long time with talent choices after the streamlined version was introduced. You have 3 choices at every tier but 2 choices are inherently bad. Then theres no reason to even have them.

Yeah, why would the rogue sit in the base if he isn’t planning to sap him exactly on pick? If you are spamming sap you will always get the druid it is pretty easy.

There are like two items that save you there and the only one people really use in pvp is skull. So druids basically have to skull on pick if there is a rogue on D

You gouge on pick. You limit the time his fap ticks because when he’s out mid it will run out or be dispelled. You can also rocket helm him with a fap on unless he skulls.

Not if the rogue rocket helms his fap.

And you don’t want to deal with having a lot of options. You want less because again you don’t want to try that hard. This is why you complain about fap instead of just using one yourself.

Are you even engineering for crying out loud?

Play a game where that isn’t the case then.

You can also sap. The funny part here is that with a good team, you will always get the sap and if they fapped before you can just wait it out in flag room.

But with a bad team - some bad-pug on your own team will almost always break the sap and the druid can walk away.

This one example I think shows how much a difference skill can make in these games. In one the fap was totally useless unless also supported by a skull, whereas in the pug game the fap probably got druid halfway across map

It’s amazing how many L takes you can come up with on this issue.

You want the game to be more popular, yet immediately want to discount the experience of the overwhelming majority of the people who play it as irrelevant, all to the benefit of an ultra minority of players who base their entire existence and personality over the obvious design flaws in a 20 year old game. Get professional help.

Vanilla wsg sucks to play and it’s bad honor/hour. And no, it should not stay that way.

No… It REALLY won’t.

They’d first need to revamp the entire reward structure to actually reward something from climbing mmr…

Then they’d run into retail’s problem where the system only rewards people who climb in mmr, so baddies stop playing entirely. Except low rating players are the base of the pyramid and the overwhelming majority of the population. The current system, for all its flaws, does actually encourage a large number of people to queue up.

The only proper way to add rating is “rated solo random queue”. It’d do absolutely nothing for matchmaking, and more games played would basically force rating climb over time (so straight garbage people would still eventually get the rewards, like the current system) , but make things faster for people who don’t suck (who gain rating faster via win rate over time) , while dramatically reducing premade pubstomping (since solo queue), and forcing people into more than just the most honor/hour efficient bg since it’s forced random queue.

Game isn’t gonna be popular playing in pug games full of afk players and people complaining about trivial nonsense.

Add rewards for winning and watch it be popular

Classic wow BGs/ranking rewards afking and losing.

Reverse the roles and it will gain traction

Everyone seems to be fine however with a permanent lose meta. As soon as you change it to a winners meta the people who will be complaining about that are irrelevant

It’s like teaching a child

The reward is better games with better players.

And if it gets popular it will be money.

Yes, those aren’t the players that will make the game popular. They already showed their colors.

The game needs to be appealing to young people that are looking for competition and to push limits.

Just assume there zero honor in WSG - that whole mechanic is about gearing not pvp. You must want to win to even begin to play WSG.

They do that in retail and pvp is dead there too. Mmr systems don’t work, they just create problems like boosting, ddosing, etc

The only thing they need to do is ban the clowns that are safe spotting; what I mean is specifically going into areas where you’re not meant to go… like behind the bases.

You can’t seriously believe that applies to the majority of players

I will argue the retail game mode has completely pivoted away from pvp and pvp players went elsewhere.

Even still people still play arena and arena tournaments because it’s fun and rewarding.

Wow pvp is unique and niche and blizzard is losing out not improving on it

It applies to the players that matter.

The ones who are there for honor and don’t care will be gone when the next hamster wheel comes along. They are there to be spoon-fed by blizzard not to play a competitive game.

Classic WSG is trash.

You must be geared, engi, have lots of consumes, queue as a premade with a Druid FC, all as prerequisites if you actually want to play and have fun.

Then if the opposing team also has all of these, the game devolves into who is better at making the exploit terrain jumps and getting into safe spots.

Your reward for doing all of this, the worst honor per hour you can earn in game, the fun of going afk while your team is 3-0 stomping every pug you play, and having 2+ hour long matches against other premades that don’t give up after first cap.

Remove the terrain jump exploits, add a timer, increase honor. And you’ll actually have people queueing WSG outside of the small niche classic wow pvp sweats.

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Adding a timer won’t make the hph better

The timer would need to be 7 minutes to even come close to AV