How to fix Classic WSG

You’re right. That’s why I said increase honor too.

The current honor per game is a complete joke. Idk even know if 5x the honor gains would be enough to make it comparable to AV.

Imo all the more reason to swap to a "rated solo random queue"system.

Only the win/loss would matter, and winning/losing would simply change the amount of time it takes to eventually climb rating to the rewards, but NOT be used for matchmaking.

The big potential flaw being people could just instantly leave wsgs since it’s the least efficient… But potentially punish leaving games heavily.

Not even 5x no.

Currently you can win every single one of your games all week long and lose zero games and people will still cap 3 days before you from av

Rated solo Q runs into a big issue wherein group class comp matters almost as much as individual skill does.

The majority of bg players are warriors and rogues

As soon as a warrior rogue heavy team gets a Druid triple mage team they lose

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Dota did okay with this problem by adding roles - I remember the good old days when it was just queue into a rated game and figure out who played which role in first minute - which led to a lot of raging when multiple people wanted same role.

But in WSG it is a bit more complex because the roles aren’t as clear as in dota

But I still think it wouldn’t matter that much - just play around what you have. Druids, warriors, rogues, paladins, hunters, and mages can all run flags pretty well.

The only really huge issue is if you get no priest on alliance, but you can rocket helm and stuff around fap or just eat a loss every so many games from a bad comp.

True, but such is the nature of pugging regardless.

Better players would still win more over time.

In theory they could test it allowing small groups to queue together, but I think we both know that even one of us sweatier players can carry a pure pug vs pug lobby… Allowing us to come in with 3 or even 5 players basically ends up being as good as a full premade for pubstomping purposes

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If there was MMR that was doing matchmaking I don’t think it would matter that much if people queue’d in solo or as a stack.

Sure the stack will have some advantage, but everyone will be around same skill and the game is still likely to be competitive.

Also you find it is quite rare that a group of friends will have exact same skill - so you will likely have some better / worse players than game average when people group queue. Often that can create weak points.

In dota groups tended to do worse than solo queue players until it gets to pro teams - they just aren’t as focused usually. It was such a problem that they added pure solo queue toggle. So maybe you are right :thinking:

You don’t have enough people to do mmr.

Even when retail was popular you’d still have hour long queues to get matched at higher ratings, only to get placed against people ±400 from where you where.

That and all the teams piloting/carrying (and half the time they WANTED to bring Randoms in just to tank the team mmr and actually get games)

I make all my suggestions assuming a million people from the future generations will be playing WSG and how it can be the best pvp game in the world.

None of my suggestions are to improve the game for the players that want a easier time getting honor in there.

I talked on a podcast a while back during SOD about how to make a winning BG meta more appealing to both hardcore and casuals using a fully cosmetic progression path

Why exactly would a million people want to play the 5th recent iteration (anniversary is the 4th) of vanilla?

What is the driving force that causes these people to suddenly show up?

Classic population is falling over time, not rising.

It only briefly went up with sod giving us something new (and then lost those people when that new thing was just terrible gameplay)

The best pvp game on the market.

Vanilla pvp, especially WSG.

But other BGs could be made, they could probably make a moba style one that would be amazing in vanilla.

None of which is remotely that popular CURRENTLY.

Because the community is horrible to play with, it is basically impossible for new players to really get started.

With MMR the good new players would rise above the afk, non-consumers, that cry all day within a few days and always have good games.

Well they are likely going to make some sort of new classic game similar to sod, but you and i both know it will be terrible

Maybe… It depends how much effort they’re actually willing to spend.

Turtle got a ton of hype for their next server with almost no changes but with an unreal 5 engine total game reskin

Something like that being done more officially could work.

Class changes are a MUCH MUCH touchier subject, but toning down warrior pve and fixing garbage people specs like enhance could potentially be done in ways that don’t change the fundamental feel of each class/spec… Sod, however went way way way WAY too far in this regard

How about they do, what every single multiplayer game in the world has been doing since the early 2010s?
Which is you create 1 game mode for people who just want to mess around, called “skirmish” in TBC, “Casual”, “Unranked” etc. and then also another game mode for people who want to do anything to win that has ratings and skillbased matchmaking called “Ranked”, “Competitive” etc.

because nobody is going to q those without some sort of reward system

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I mean they queue it now, the reward is negative, playing WSG drains probably their real life bank account the way these people use Fap, Lip and Magic Dust against random ultranoobs.
I think the jumps are fine, it’s a skill and any online game thrives off it’s skill aspects, but farming for hundreds of hours to buy consumes or RMTing it just isn’t fun or satisfying.

No they don’t, casual and rated dont exist.

They q bgs because it gives honor which translates to gear.

What does this have to do at all with your original point?

wtf? it takes you hundreds of hours to farm consumes?

Im still running off of like maybe 50 hours of p1 farming TOPS