How to fix Classic WSG

He is if fap is dispelled by the priest or shaman. And a shaman can solo a druid no problem with his CDs up.

I mean if people arent dispelling, rogues wont gouge, priests wotn fear, locks wont coil, then idk what to tell you. I know what you’re saying but it is what it is. i’ve played this bg for years I am well aware of everything that happens.

Thats all they do in ab. they delay caps or sit nodes. Theyre only good in a situation where 1 or 2 people are present. AV doesnt matter because you can win the bg without pressing a single button. AV holds no weight

I dont counter my argument at all, you just randomly made the declaration that consumes should make you drop the flag because a LIP does. Guess what? They dont. So deal with it

Cool i guess ask for that in a season with gameplay changes being the point, you are playing just a regular fresh with dual spec. They can make these changes and the people who complaion still wont play.

The funny thing is you see threads like these pop up when someone is in the process of grinding exalted, and ONLY while theyre grinding exalted. Once theyre done, they disappear forever and never post nor q again

I dont need to, i dont complain about the bg, you do. I dont hold any qualms towards the bgs and I dont complain about people pressing their buttons because I just do what needs to be done when it happens

So again not solo. multiple people needed to take down 1 person.

In a fight yes. Before he escapes? unlikely

Fap lasts 30 seconds. Gouge lasts 5.5 when talented. Fear lasts what 8? coil lasts 3? Again youre looking at a situation where a consume makes it so you need multiple classes to stop 1 runner.

As am I so lets stop pretending like theres no validity to what Im saying. Im not saying to nerf druids by any stretch. But lets not pretend like removing 1 consume is going to make it so theyre useless FC’s. Theyd still be THE MOST versatile FC in the game. Speed, Durability, Mobility, Self healing, the list goes on.

Which is basically how every class functions? Show me any class that can do amazingly with 3+ people on them.

Doesnt change the fact that theyre MORE than useful and versatile.

Dual spec, Honor changes, Dungeon finder hmmmmmm more than just fresh with dual spec

Grinding exalted in WSG is literally impossible as a pugger so I dont expect it. Itd be nice to be able to hit honored or revered before Naxx phase though

LOL great retort. Your argument gets dismantled so you switch to “My points dont have to make sense because im not the one complaining” Then why are you arguing? lol

Yeah it’s a tank class/form.

What is actually the issue?

Can you solo a fully geared tank warrior as a rogue?

Best class for FCing good at running away. News at 5

Yeah I don’t believe you tbh. You wouldn’t be complaining in this manner if you were “a gulcher” you are a rep grinder

Druids do worse in large team figuts cause nothing they provide does anything for a team fight

For example in a coordinated game, the Druid goes to mine with rogue and generally stays there all game except to ninja if needed. That’s it. That’s all they do besides spin GM forever.

None of that are core gameplay changes.

Is an arms warrior still an arms warrior with dual spec?

Is a frost mage still a frost mage with the new ranking system?

Oh I’ve heard this one before. “Your argument gets dismantled cause I said so”

Here’s the kicker. I play the game and don’t complain

You complain.

Despite your complaints the bg remains the same. I don’t have any problems with it, you do. There’s not much helping you tbh you are just frustrated at the way the game is like not being able to solo a bear Druid or outrun a travel form or upset your team isn’t playing properly

It’s pretty obvious blizzard doesn’t care to do anything about BGs or make them better or anything like that. SOD proved they give zero fugs about pvp. That game has been going over a year and everyone still says it’s the worst pvp in any version of wow. They don’t care, they never will. Adapting is the only thing you can do

Easily just play the long game. Stack bleeds. Dead zone him with crip poision. Restealth a lot. Barely need cooldowns tbh. If we’re talking as a flag carrier no. But as a rogue id at least be able to stall and allow my team to catch up. Which is a non-option when its a druid with fap

Arguing in circles more on this at 11

Hit exalted with wsg on 2 classes in classic and kept pvping. My favorite bgs in TBC were WSG and AB and were basically the only two i played which the exception of EOTS on occasion. In an expansion where doing wsg was mostly pointless it was the BG i played the most.

Instant heals is nothing? Being a difficult to kill healer with high mobility is nothing? Having massive tankiness and CC in bear form is nothing?

Id argue that being able to change spec on the fly is pretty core mechanic changing

Is a druid still a druid without a fap?

Is a druid still an elite flag carrier without consumes?

Irrelevant to the point of the post

Irrelevant because im not the only person who feels this way

I dont want to solo them. I want to not need 5 people to lock one day because of a single consume

I dont want to outrun travel form or even be able to perma lock down a druid

Maybe but people made post on post on post to add dual spec to classic in the first run of WoW Classic servers and guess what they did in this round? I rest my case

So it takes a long time to kill a tank?

A bear Druid is a tank correct?

Yeah, the 1 NS heal is bad. Shamans don’t even play NS. What are you gonna do, hot the focus target that’s being purged?

Why would they bring a Druid instead of a priest or paladin to a team figut?

Comparing dual spec to a fap is crazy.

Dispel the fap bro.

Okay, let’s say everyone in this entire thread agrees with you.

Now what?

Did anything change?

Well they didn’t make faps drop the flag so I guess you’re gonna have to play the field as is

Not sure the point youre even trying to make here? You asked if i could kill a geared tank warrior as a rogue. I answered. I even provided context. Yes it can be done. But if hes an FC yes it can be done still. A druid with a fap though? Cannot be done. Cannot even stall to be done.

Versatility. Sure shamans pallies and priests are better healers in most scenarios. That doesnt mean druids have NO place. Not everything is about meta. We had druid and shaman tanks in BWL. Is it optimal? no but who cares.

Im comparing changes to a presented change. Keep up

Not yet. Blizzard is slow. Lets not forget theyre a small indie company

Maybe for now. But who knows whatll happen on the next fresh reset

So what do you do in this situation?

Option 1: save your cds until his fap is over then go again. Fap is a cd with a timer.

Option 2: your team dispels it

No good teams in wsg or ab bring druids as team fight healers. Sure they can heal, but they don’t bring anything that outperforms their original roles in the bg. Legit no point in say dropping a priest for a Druid and losing those dispels. Priests are the best class in all BGs

Won’t know till we see, but I promise you they do not care about pvp at all.

Most of the time the flag is capped. If its not Fap is typically up again by the time you grp up

If you can

Cool. Youre talking premades. Im talking general pvp.

Then why change the honor system this go around if they dont care about pvp? Id say changing a system that required you to pvp 12 hours a day for months to being able to slowly chip away at it in isolated weeks with no fear of deranking is a pretty MASSIVE change

Not from my experience. Perhaps this is your anecdotal one.

They’re still better off playing their original role unless there are no healers but you’re losing in that case regardless.

They got the idea from season of mastery where they halved the time it took to get 14 but it still took hours and hours.

That was due to a 12 month server life

Why did they make a new honor change without making ab and wsg good hph BGs? They didn’t do that now it’s perma AV meta under this system. Because they don’t care even though people complain about the other BGs not being good BGs to rank in. No honor adjustment despite the feedback

The ranking system isn’t “pvp changes” it’s a time investment change.

Pugs don’t matter, the pug games are bad because the players are bad and usually within a pug the skill band is too wide. Add MMR and that is all fixed.

if you were the druid / a player that knew how to do jumps / used noggen / consumes you wouldn’t be upset about it because you’d know how easily other good players can shut you down.

Removing those things doesn’t make life better for pugs - they will still suck, have bad attitude, and not play wsg. But it will destroy the game for the good players.

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Or yours

What is a druids original role?

Splitting hairs but ok

90% of “good players” want pub stomping and quick honor. You see this in EVERY wsg premade or not. If the bg is taking too long. people afk and give up. In the same vein that this type of stuff ruins gameplay for average pvpers and “good players” dont care. I dont care if this “destroys the game” for “good players”

Idk most of the druid replies in this thread were them empathizing with the sentiment. Not them being like “GIT GUD IM EASY TO SHUT DOWN”

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Again you confuse pugs that grouped up with good players. Players that only want to stomp would likely be pretty low or mid MMR, not at the top.

I think you would benefit by playing a game with MMR and seeing what competition is like.

I play ranked league. Played ranked Heroes of the Storm to master tier and played other MMOs (DCUO for one, and TBC arenas another) in ranked mmr systems. I know what competition is like

Good, then you should understand that wow WSG pugs are bad because the teams are never even in skill.

Nerfing top end skill cap by limiting consumes, adding timers, blocking non-out of bounds jumps - doesn’t add competition it takes it away.

In any good wsg game all 20 players will know a good amount of jumps, be fully consumed, and focused.

Drinking a consume doesnt add skill

Having jumps that only certain classes can do isnt a skill issue its a design one especially considering the client has to be set to an FPS cap otherwise you cant even perform some of the jumps. This is very much not a skill issue or an addition to competition

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Either you’re lying or you’ve never consumed in pvp.

Learning to use consumes properly takes more time than learning the base class one is playing.

This I agree with you - I think there should be a line drawn somewhere. But most the jumps that FCs use are not an issue.

Good players are playing in wargames not playing vs pugs.

Or they are solo queing or playing in a 4 man or small group to beat other full premades.

This is how I know you aren’t really apart of a real pvp community - because you didn’t already know this

My friend circle plays games for 2 hours or longer.

You aren’t really a wsg guy you just want an easier rep grind.

Id agree with you if there wasnt 2000+ guides online for every class in every expansion in every scenario imaginable where people explain how to do what in extreme detail.

Anecdotal as youd say

I already explained how i wasnt but alright fam

Gatekeeping now because i dont spend 5 hours a day pvping with the same people? So that means broken game mechanics should continue to exist? right

Quote for emphasis

Idk I’ve been playing a decent amount of vanilla WSG and I still potato my consumes all the time, and so do 99% of players I see.

What makes vanilla consumes so interesting is that they all overlap on just a few cooldowns (mostly the 2 min potion) - thus using one isn’t really only about that single moment → but about making the claim that in the next 2 minutes there will not be a better use.