Add invisible walls to all the large tree stumps mid field so theres no hiding on top or jumping over them
Add invisible walls to the “over” tunnel hiding spot so players can hold the flag there
Add invisible walls to both fences above the tunnel so players cant abuse jumping back and forth through/over it when carrying the flag (alliance have a massive advantage with this because their fence is significantly harder for other classes that arent druid)
No faps or transformations when holding the flag. Its difficult to kill druid flag carriers already. Its even harder when theyre fapped and even more so when players cant tell what form theyre transformed into. This makes it difficult to time abilities and when to lock down players
Flag carries get stacking 1% damage debuff stacking upto 25 times. 1% per minute after 5 minutes. Having long turtle games where 2 teams have druids running around in circles with faps making jumps that only that class can make its obnoxious and not fun for anyone that isnt the FC.
Remove all terrain jumps in front of each base. You should only be able to enter the bases from the intended locations. Tunnel and Ramp
General PVP changes i think should be made:
All “long” cc abilities (entangle roots, sap, poly, any “soft” cc that lasts more than 15 seconds) gets hard capped to 10 seconds
I think the way WSG is played right now in classic is all too “meta” and it circumvents the intended way to play the battleground which is actually defending your FC down the field. Right now its all about brute force. Get a druid use a fap and brute force you way through 5 people and use engi boots to go faster than them on top of being immune to 2/3 of CC. Then have your team 8/9 man the enemy efc while a druid with faps and engi runs around the base until they can cap.
Wouldnt it have just been easier to say “implement retail wsg map”?
Also no FAP’s or transformations when holding the flag… lol yeah I smell quite a bit of bias here. Of course you are a warrior wanting these changes. Let me guess you chose warrior like the 90% of the community and thought you were gonna own in some wsg and turns out warriors are the worst class in wsg lmfao
You know you can see what form they are transformed into by looking at their buffs/debuffs right??
Would be pretty trivial to setup a team deathmatch version of WSG, but yeah I agree we already have that.
Even with current WSG one can just go and zug mid and ignore flags.
However, I am against making WSG bad-player-friendly by adding timer, nefing jumps, etc. - good players will stop playing and nobody will care about it just like retail pvp.
and I would argue we already have that timer system. The honor gains stop after a few kills per player, so it really doesnt benefit teams to go past 15min-30min of any BG.
I dont blame you for being frustrated chasing an efc who is burning a lot of consumes (it can definitely be frustrating!), but I think your summary sells the carriers a little short. As someone who is trying (trying!) to learn to be a carrier like you describe, I can confirm it takes a more than popping a fap and some boots and yoloing through the enemy team.
Personally, I’d be bummed to see these changes after spending a fair bit of time trying to figure it out!
It’s been this way since 2004. Do you think your post is anything new? Do you believe some developer will see this and have a eureka moment? Do you think these ideas are something no one else has thought of before? What is the point of this? The game is how it is. Crazy post.
IMO fix the jumps/terrain exploits should be sufficient to fix much of the meta.
Consumes I don’t mind anywhere near as much (FAP has a counter, afterall) and I think just breaking the jumps will limit FCs enough that they aren’t basically invincible without a party, since they’ll be more easily cut off.
I also, fwiw, don’t mind top of tunnel/far side of fence, so long as fence jumps themselves are removed, as well as the middle floor tot is removed, and the means to jump up from the ground floor… Like ring around the fence/run on top of the tunnel is fine, but if they jump down, the only two ways they should be able to get back into their own base is via tunnel or ramp, and jumping through/over the fence should be verboten.
That’s only the bad premades who play for hph, the good premades just use the wargame command like they have been doing for 6 years now. It’s also extremely common knowledge that when they do that Q times go up so they just stack 5 mans for instant qs.
When they do premade v premade, not even the pugs Q
People who complain about wsg won’t play wsg even if their demands are met. Real talk
As I said, they’re playing through wargame commands. Meaning you aren’t seeing them unless you’re watching their streams.
This legit goes on multiple times a week “for the competition”
Not even a timer will make people play, because unless the timer is 7 minutes, then it will still be inefficient hph
But people won’t ask for a 7 minute timer cause it makes no sense - yet 7m is the efficient window to make hph
Still doin the Warchief’s work, I see.
Bless you, son.
Seriously Blizz has fixed what they deem to be needing fixing. Sure, people can ask for changes. But the better move if you wanna play the classic wsg is adapt imo. Good luck.
Premade WSG existed since vanilla, on pservers, on Era, and on anniversary. The good WSG players are looking for good games.
What you think are premades are really just pugs that grouped together and are about the same skill level as most pugs.
Premades never died in the SoD ban, it never had premades. There are like a dozen good WSG groups in the entire community. That’s 120 players.
The thousands of players that were in those ‘premades’ were just casuals having fun with their friends that got their fun ruined by karens that were sad they weren’t invited into those pug-premades.
The wow community is so toxic to pvp players it doesn’t even let its own community learn to play WSG and banned their groups because they wanna destroy pvp.
Retail is a prime example of how bad wow players have been to pvp. They killed pvp servers and made them all pve servers to sponge the tears of retailers.