How to defeat the ClassicLFG addon

Yeah, you don’t know what the add-on does, and I can tell by this part right here.

The add-on literally just reads messages in chat and puts them in the GUI in a cleaner and easier to read format.

It’s not instead of talking it chat, it directly depends on talking in chat.

Well, I gave you one last chance to make your argument, but you refused.

I gladly accept your admission of defeat. You have no argument. You are wrong. You are only interested in trolling. I won’t be responding to you any further.

Yeah, and they literally heard “philosophy” in the question, as Brian demonstrates in his answer.

TipsOut: “…do you guys have any kind of philosophy as to how to address these add-ons?”

Omar: “Sorry, we lost the audio for just the end of that question.”

Brian: “It sounded like he was asking if we have a philosophy…”

The only thing they possibly didn’t hear was “as to how to address these add-ons?”

“Possibly add-ons that trivialize things like in-game boss mechanics, or even things like grouping up, and being able to group up faster.

That is talking about LFG add-ons, buddy.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: ok big guy +1 internet points for your valid argument. :clap::clap:.

Funny how that whole meaning changes when you put the ellipsis in a different part of that sentence:

Brian: “It sounded like he was asking if we have a philosophy just in general …”

The use of basic regular expressions could easily overcome the workaround. Blizzard just needs to kill it altogether.

My my my, there’s an add-on I have not seen in ages. Is the creator still making stuff?

However, I’ll be seeing how this new LFG add-on is for myself. Definitely worth a shot, especially since I used to use CTA.

Ok I watched the stream before and after the clip. It does seem it is the ClassicLFG addon you can download and not a Retail version. He tried it with 4 other players and it auto invited them without knowing a role. So they ended up with 5 dps with auto invite turned on.

From what I could tell you couldn’t pick the role for an invite. The auto invite would be handy for 40 player raids, but it is worthless for a 5 person party. Don’t know why the creator said auto invite is not in the addon, unless he removed it. MrGM could have done more testing since it was all just allied races they picked to sign up.

One thing I did notice is that anyone that had broadcast turned on spammed chat every 60 seconds. Even after the group was full. This would be a problem if it was allowed to spam in any other channel other than the ClassicLFG channel you create specifically for this addon.

I have downloaded the addon and will test it once Classic is released and come to a conclusion for myself, but I don’t know how a feel about it now. I just hope it can’t spam trade/world/lfg chat with it’s messages and only the custom channel for the addon.

The addon delists the group once it is full and only posts messages as long as you are listed. Every dungeon has a different “cap” at which the group is considered full (a deadmines group would be considered full with 5 people while a UBRS group would be considered full with 10). Groups under the custom category are considered full with 40 people in the group, thats maybe what you saw.

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Oh no, what I mean is CTA existed in Vanilla so the classic experience is on with LFG addons.

I have never used it so I don’t know what I saw and you could be correct. I personally like the fact you can turn off broadcasts so I can use the addon without others knowing if it turns out the community shuns it.

You might be the creator because of your name so I’ll ask a question just in case you are. Also thanks for taking the time reading the forums to gauge community concern. The custom ClassicLFG channel is an in game channel. Does that mean it can be controlled by someone that gets control and start banning names from the channel? I could see this happening and then players resort to other chat channels for broadcast.

I am the author of the addon yes, right now on retail it uses the custom channel because the “LookingForGroup” channel does not exist. In classic it will use that channel, which cannot be moderated by a player.
The intend of the broadcast is to not leave players without the addon out.

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I hope the community accepts it over time and this is just another pitchfork moment before launch since everyone is waiting. Just you being here answering questions has relieved some of my fear. I tried out Call to Arms back in the day, but didn’t really like the look. I enjoy the skin of lfg and the accessibility of the menu system.

Sweet. Maybe this add on with force people to stop being lazy and type out words!

“Looking for three more players for dungeon

I can’t stand that people are so lazy they abbreviate everything.

Dont worry about them at all keep doing what your doing amazing work

there all sky is falling typ eof people dont pander to them or be scared of there threats towards you

I will pick up that line tho :frowning:

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It seems to me like its a bit of an arms race for those of us that would rather have Classic be about finding people to group with in chat rather then finding a group with an addon.

The classic experience to me and I think many people is about finding people in chat to group with. I suspect that a lot of people will be looking for an addon like LFG just because that is what they are use to and I feel like that takes away from Classic.

I might be missing some sarcasm here, but isn’t this exactly the kind of thing that abbreviations are meant for? What’s the merit in typing out the whole thing when “LF[X]M [Y]” accurately and concisely expresses the same thing, without any meaningful loss in detail?

Actually I just tested this and your addon does not currently pick this up.

You’re acting like having a conversation online is impossible. It’s not. All you do is form a complete sentence and press enter; “Do you guys need a ?”

StaticPopup1Button2:SetScript("OnHide", function() self:DeclineGroupInvite() end)
self.Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, event, message, ...)
    if (event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") then
        if (not IsInGroup() and message:find(ClassicLFG.Locale[" has invited you to join a group."])) then
            message = message:gsub("|Hplayer", "") 
            local player = message:sub(2, message:find("%[") - 3)
            ClassicLFG.EventBus:PublishEvent(ClassicLFG.Config.Events.GroupInviteReceived, player)

        if(message:find(ClassicLFG.Locale[" declines your group invitation."])) then
            local player = message:gsub(ClassicLFG.Locale[" declines your group invitation."], "")
            ClassicLFG.EventBus:PublishEvent(ClassicLFG.Config.Events.GroupInviteDeclined, player)

        if(message:find(ClassicLFG.Locale[" leaves the party."])) then
            local player = message:gsub(ClassicLFG.Locale[" leaves the party."], "")
            ClassicLFG.EventBus:PublishEvent(ClassicLFG.Config.Events.GroupMemberLeft, player)

        if(message:find(ClassicLFG.Locale[" is already in a group."])) then
            local player = message:gsub(ClassicLFG.Locale[" is already in a group."], "")
            ClassicLFG.EventBus:PublishEvent(ClassicLFG.Config.Events.GroupInviteAlreadyInGroup, player)

        if (message:find(ClassicLFG.Locale["Your group has been disbanded."])) then

        if (message:find(ClassicLFG.Locale["You leave the group."])) then

        if (message:find(ClassicLFG.Locale["You have been removed from the group."])) then
        if(message:find(ClassicLFG.Locale[" joins the party."])) then
            local player = message:gsub(ClassicLFG.Locale[" joins the party."], "")
            ClassicLFG.EventBus:PublishEvent(ClassicLFG.Config.Events.GroupMemberJoined, player)

        if(message:find(ClassicLFG.Locale[" to join your group."])) then
            local player = message:gsub(ClassicLFG.Locale[" to join your group."], "")
            player = player:gsub(ClassicLFG.Locale["You have invited "], "")
            ClassicLFG.EventBus:PublishEvent(ClassicLFG.Config.Events.GroupInviteSend, player)

    if (event == "PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST") then
        if (ClassicLFG.DB.profile.AutoAcceptInvite == true) then
            for key, group in pairs(ClassicLFG.GroupManager.AppliedGroups:ToArray()) do
                if (group.Leader.Name == message) then

line 15 to 74. Sends invite, check response, auto accepts invite

The code never lies

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IMO people should not be able to invite people though this addon. People shouldnt be able to start groups though this addon. And this addon shouldnt spam chat for you and auto populate responses in chat for you. And it shouldnt auto invite people.