How to defeat the ClassicLFG addon

If the addon would be a chat parser and a place where you post your character, a brief description (something like “I’m a healer/dps”) and what dungeon you want to run, and people can go through that and invite people from there I would love the addon.

What it is now? I hate it, its one of the reasons I stopped playing wow and now its going to be on classic, something I was hyped since it was announced

And before anyone says something like “how does it affect you if somebody else uses it”, in a MMO how other players behave SHOULD impact in how the world affects you

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No one with half a brain cell cares.

Blizzard had already sent out replies on the addon.

It is 100% allowed by them as it has no automation. The video going around is not the classiclfg addon in action.

I really dont think you should even be able to invite people though the addon.

Because it’s laziness and when lots of people don’t understand what it means - it’s annoying. I see people using abbreviations all the time online instead of taking 3 extra seconds to type out words. No one should have to google your abbreviations to figure out what they mean. It seriously takes 3-5 extra seconds to type out. Maybe not even that long. It’s just laziness and I hate it.

Oh? I haven’t seen any. Could you point me in the right direction? I’d be interested in what they said.

How many people do you think don’t know what LFM means? They can either work it out from context clues or, failing that, look it up/have it explained once and then they’re good forever. In fact, “what does LFM mean” has less characters than “Looking for three more players”, and you only have to type that into Google once. A person who neglects to find out what it means is, in this case, lazier than the person using the abbreviation.

It sounds like you just hate the concept of abbreviations outright, because LFM lingo is a perfect use case for abbreviations. I’m all for good language practices and clarity in text/speech, but this is completely the wrong hill to die on.

Excuses for being lazy, huh? It’s okay. You do you!

Admonishing natural inclinations towards efficiency, huh? It’s okay. You do you!

How is it less likely to be seen if he types it in /4 LFG?? Don’t folks read LFG anymore when LFG ???

There’s been a bluepost stating ClassicLFG is not an allowable addon.

so no more worrying about it.

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It was stated they will break certain aspects of it. Not that it isn’t allowed. Which is fine to me. The addon will still exist just not as powerful as it is now. Plus the clip used to demonstrate the addon was from Retail which has a stronger API.

I have to admit I’m pretty smug, given it was just last night a lot of people saying the addon was fine.

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I hope that given the news Suu will reconsider his stance and this addon and others like it will be changed to just scan chat and dont try to provide people with further functionality to invite people or communicate outside of typing in chat.

:slight_smile: sings a bob Marley song

He’s in this comment thread. He understand the concern of the playerbase. Removing broadcast and auto invite would be a big step in the right direction. Not sure if it can actually read a player’s talent choices since Classic isn’t out yet, but I’m sure Blizz has be testing it in house. So something goes against their philosophy to make a blue post.

Lol, I guess my request for info regarding how blizzard is ok with this addon will go unanswered now.

I wish he would understand that the majority of the Classic community doesn’t want this in the game and just halt further development on it. It is a very nice addon, and from one developer to another, he did a very good job.

It’s just not something I, and many others, want in the game.

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My concern isn’t the first few months with this addon. It’s down the line on an alt or new players at 60 that can’t find a group in a reasonable amount of time. Spending 45 minutes looking for a tank isn’t that fun.

You don’t need to worry it was just ruled it won’t be in the game.

They just made a blue post about it.

It wont be in the game as it exists now, but the developer could easily try to find work arounds to put out a something very similar.