How to appeal forced name change

No. You logged in, someone reported you, the name was already considered inappropriate since it had already been reviewed previously, so the appropriate penalty was applied based on those conditions. In this case, your character was flagged for a rename.

No, there is an inappropriate name category in the forum reporting options as well. If warranted, a Moderator may apply naming penalties.


If you go to flag a post, it’s the last option for why you’re flagging a post.


So since the name had already been adjudicated as inappropriate in general, I didn’t need an actual GM review in my specific case.

So it was automated. Makes sense as to how it could be actioned almost instantly.

This explains the “automation” the OP was talking about. Got it. Makes sense, now!

Even if “automated”, the context is it’s already a decision Blizz made and “automatically” calls for a rename on a particular name, y’all added to your “no, no” list.

Makes sense, now. I’ll keep this in mind next time this situation arises. OK back to the Classic Forums, I go!


That’s just a poor excuse. It’s like saying “John Wilks Booth killed Abraham Lincoln, so anyone named John has to change their name”

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As I said from the beginning it was automated.

No it isn’t. The name was review before and was on the list of disapproved. The GMs didn’t need to review the name as it was shown was already shown to be bad and it was given a rename.

And no, you don’t know when the reports gone in, could’ve been weeks to months ago. You have no idea when the reports happened.


That is an oversimplification.


Offensive name that is already in the algorithm will be automatically actioned as soon as the first report comes in.

Offensive name that is not already in the algorithm will need to be reviewed by an actual person before the account is actioned.

Is this correct?

Don’t see how you can say this isn’t automated.

An “automation” from Blizz’s end to remove themselves from the second, third, fourth, fifth, tenth, twentith, one-hundreth “review” (of the same name), as the first time (not from you) was already deemed by Blizzard as inappropriate.

The name was added, by Blizzard, to their “no, no” list. This doesn’t mean ALL name changes are “automated”. ONLY this particular name is. I’m sure there are others, but this case does not mean ALL name changes are “automated”.


That is more accurate, yes.

We never said we don’t use automation at all. It’s 2023, it would be silly to think that we wouldn’t look into taking advantage of technological advancements to help in areas that make sense.

That doesn’t make the entire process automated, it isn’t. Where it matters, it is our staff that makes the call based on the policies and procedures that they have.

That also doesn’t mean that mistakes can be made by the original humans who reviewed the matter or that language doesn’t evolve over time, which is why we have an appeal process in place to double check those actions.


Because part of it is and part of it isn’t.

If a new inappropriate name appears NOT on the “no, no” list, then it’s NOT automated.

Only ones on the “no, no” list are.

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At least we can dispense with the idea that it is a “conspiracy theory” that Blizzard automates account actions. Thanks at least for that much.

It won’t, silly rumors are always just a post away, but it is a nice thought.

And with that, I think we can conclude this thread. Thanks, all!