How to appeal forced name change

Can you cite the precise TOS language? Thanks!

cmon u know the real reason dont be silly. it’s cuz the blizz gm likely has a particular bias jus like everyone else. sry homie but we dont live in a society anymore where ppl try to be objective or impartial. this aint the 2010s no more


Take note that acceptable names are determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision


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Precise language in the link rather than just a (broken) link to the TOS would be appreciated, thanks!

That’s the quote.

This is how it is written in the CoC.

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I’ve just decided I don’t like “bloomsday” and convinced my guildies to all report you. LOL you’re out of luck!


If Blizzard agrees, then yup. Go ahead and try.

Sadly, you’ll find that they’re actually very reasonable and names only get forced change if they are actually offensive or inappropriate. But you knew that already.


My sweet summer child, do you really think that there is a person involved at any level here?

Ah, so you’re going with an unfounded conspiracy. How unsurprising. If what you are saying is true, we’d see way more forced name changes. The reality is that it’s pretty rare and only reserved for those with actual inappropriate names.

You don’t own your account much less your character. You play by Blizzard’s rules. End of story.


In case you missed it, I spent less than 5 minutes logged on under this name after 2 years’ absence before a forced name change.

It would make far more sense for you to call me a liar than a conspiracy theorist.

It’s fairly obvious that no human judgment was involved.

Agreed. The question here though is does blizzard play by blizzard’s rules

Man you love to lick you some multinational boot, huh? How does it taste?

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So what you’re saying is within 5 minutes you racked up enough reports to trigger an automated forced name change? Just how many reports do you think it would take to trigger this?

The reality is it was probably reported before your absence and it’s just now registering.

Not everything is a grand conspiracy. You know exactly why your name was reported and found to be offensive.

Funnily enough, this reply violates the forum CoC. So does your entire thread. You seem to have an issue following the rules.


ngl i think he’s right about u. this is the type of response a water carrier would say :frowning:

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That is exactly what I’m saying.

But again, please answer my question: why do you love corporations?

Could you point to the exact clause of the “forum CoC” that you believe this post violates? Thanks.

Looking at the character name and that you picked a Hunter for it, which uses guns… Its pretty clear what the intention was with the name, which was a disrespectful one.
Also a bit of politics involved with this one.
I’d say take the L and choose a name that doesnt have a chance of sparking debate like this one does.


Hey, name yourself Tedbundy next time. Really maximize those lulz.

Better yet…Ojsimpson! Another murderer that got away with it! You’ll be king of the edgelords then!

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You ruffled some cupcakes feathers and probably got reported. Welcome to america 2023.


Please slowly and carefully re-read the last lines of the rules on naming.
Estalaya was kind enough to copy them.

The “acceptable names are detemined by player reports and Blizzard’s decission” part is valid for all kinds of servers not only the RP ones.


dude you’re level 14. just rename it and create a new char with the same name 10 seconds afterward

Lmao. Matrix playing games on you.

Welcome to society.