How to appeal forced name change

Go back and re-read.

“Everyone I don’t like is a National Socialist” lol

False, and your reading comprehension is pitiful.

normally I don’t explain things to people who fail basic reading but just this once for you.

I pointed out that they don’t enforce game rules (in game) almost at all unless someone complains.

I also then pointed out that the only place they enforce the rules is on the forums, and they do so with a certain kind of Zeal.

Your reading score is very low friend, perhaps you should improve on it.

You can’t seem to make an argument without invoking national socialism. If really pushed, you will dogwhistle with “a certain zeal” instead.

Try one more time to form an argument without invoking “people who disagree with me are baaaaad”

I think you might be the least intelligent person on the forums at any point ever, and I have seen quite a few people who’re incapable of reading or rational thoughts.

Its not a wonder your name got changed, you selected it knowing it would gain a response from some one. I personally don’t care and the fact that you keep repeating things without understanding is rather amusing to me.

I hope have fun coming up with a new more appropriate RP name.

Have fun.

Hyperbole, invective, typos, redundant and unintentional repetition.

Yeah bro, if I were you, I’d stick with calling people who disagree with you National Socialists. Pretty clear that short of that you’re incapable of coherent argument.

I find it funny that you seem to think a private company, that you signed all rights away to when you first logged in, has to provide some rock-solid reason for a forced name change when you obviously know the reason why someone might find it tasteless and a crude attempt at gallows humor.

Your defense of “I thought it was funny” says more about you than Blizzard thinking it crosses a line they don’t want in their game, automated or not.

But c’est la vie, enjoy your adventuring PlayerYTSHTR


We’re actually getting somewhere here.

“Blizzard has no obligation to live up to their own contractual obligations” is actually a better argument than “the name ‘Rittenhouse’ violates Blizzard’s TOS” and I salute you for jumping right to the cut.

Per Blizzard’s actual TOS, special characters are not supported. That name wouldn’t work in any event.

It’s the same thing.

I kept saying “offensive” can mean anything.

This is where I was awhile ago.

I find “Estalayia” to be subjectively offensive.

I have convinced two or three friends to agree.

We all report you.

You are force logged out and given the name “PlayerYTSHTR” pending a name change.

What now?

Dude, you named your character after a psycho shooter.

The only surprise here is that you’re actually defending this.


You can always appeal and usually reports need to be unique and not you and your friends 'cause conspiring to report is against ToS.

Again, it’s supposed to take you to a re-naming screen (which you can always use the same name, I advise not doing this, though). You’ve been absent for two years. It’s possible the name was reported awhile ago. Sometimes tickets take forever to be answered. There was one time it took an entire week!

And, Blizz doesn’t always answer tickets right away.

And, if Blizz stands firm on their action against you, then that’s that.

Come, my friend.
Are we not all murder hobos here?

Opie, some players found your name offensive and disruptive. Blizz agreed.

Deal with it.
Rename or appeal but whining about MUH FREEDUMS or attempting to take jabs at others’ fragility here is pointless.

ps please try and use the same name again then enjoy your suspension but man you sure the chad


5/10 bait

1/10 for low quality obvious bait but an extra 4 points for the surprising number of bites



That has not happened in this thread.

Whining about Blizzard not abiding their own TOS, for sure.

As someone who signed their contract, I feel I’m entitled to have them hold up their end of the bargain. Unconvinced that I’m wrong.

get busy with your appeal bby


I’m not ashamed to admit that I feel I’m entitled to have a multi-national corporation stand up to its own contractual terms.

Legitimately curious if you disagree.

You haven’t read the contract.


In fact I have. But tell me the clause that bars my name. Happy to read it and admit that I’m wrong if you can point to the section that clearly shows my error.

Always fun to disagree with people that just love them some multi-national corporations, and interpret contracts broadly in favor of multi-national corporations.

Myself, I’m not a huge fan of multi-national corporations, nor their legal departments, but I would certainly never discount the opinion of someone who doesn’t think that multi-national corporations don’t bear any obligation to scrupulously adhere to their own contractual commitments.

Say, any given reason that you love multi-national corporations, aside from when their corporate ideology happens to coincide with your ideology?

The naming policy states that player reports and Blizzard decide if a name is appropriate or not. They’ve decided yours is not.

That’s the end of your case here.