How to appeal forced name change

Lot of people lol’d at the name. Just because you don’t get the joke doesn’t mean no one does. But even if I was the only person in the universe who got my own joke doesn’t mean it violates TOS, which it clearly doesn’t.

Blizzard disagrees.


Blizzard said otherwise.

What joke? That you took the name of a alleged white nationalist who killed people with no cause? SUPER FUNNY


If you will point to the clause of the TOS that specifies this I will withdraw my appeal and apologize for wasting everyone’s time.

It 100% violates the TOS.

Blizz got it right, no matter what you might think.

It took the TOS 100% into account, and you were in the wrong.


See my prior response to you.

See mine.

Real life names have always been a violation.

They can’t auto block every one though, so this is how they catch them.


Can you please point to the TOS clause that specifies that?

Obviously, Baeupeep (clever use of “Bo Peep”, but I digress) is partly correct, as we already went over the RP naming policy.

However, I still caution using real life names, even on non-RP servers 'cause you’ll never know who you’ll offend.

I wasn’t gonna say anything but yeah, egregious and offensive disruption of my RP immersion lol

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I’d love to name some of my Dwarves “Björn”, but thanks to the show Vikings, I can’t as it’s “too popular”.

At least on an RP server. Can probably get away with it on a non-RP realm, as I don’t think it’s contraversial, yet, anyway.

I assume “too popular” means “already taken” and not “bannable”

edit: and btw Bjorn (not bothering with the umlaut) is a pretty common scandivanian name, as I understand things. Ludicrous to think that it would ruin RP immersion.

No, like it’s “too popular” within our culture, as a society.

I’ve never really done RP realms so I can’t really offer an opinion on how much “Bjorn” interferes with immersion, but, idk, its like to me if there was a toon named “Baldr” I’m thinking of the son of Odin, not Baldur’s Gate. /shrug

I live on RP realms.

Even then, thanks to HC taking over the one and only Normal RP server, I see A LOT of inappropriate RP names that Blizz does nothing about :roll_eyes:

like I said, not sure I’m the person to pass judgments on RP realms but I can see how a name like “OwnedUnewb” or “megatron” wouldn’t pass muster but “Rittenhouse” is, as far as I can tell, a name of Germanic origin that would be a last name meaning “Knight House” or “Knight’s House” and would totally pass muster if not for the connection to real world events which I get, for RP realms, but not normal realms.

Similarly, as I understand it, an RP realm name like “Vladimir” or “Wallace” should be an acceptable name, right?

“Offensive” real world events is applied to ALL realms and not just RP Realms. We already went over this.

Again, I caution anyone in using real life names 'cause you never know who you’re going to “offend”.

“Vladimir” can be linked to “Putin”. And, “Wallace” to “Andrew Wallace”. People may not intend to mean it that way, but it’s our society’s culture to associate such words to such things.

Like “Trump” can mean “calling a ‘trump’ in Pinochle”. But, again, our society’s culture doesn’t think that.

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I was thinking of Vlad the Impaler and William Wallace. Tbh I don’t know who Andrew Wallace is offhand.

I wish they enforced this, but in reality they don’t do squat unless some one complains. Blizzard is AFK in forms of enforcement of any rules unless its on the forums, they they’re a bunch of 1939 Era national socialist workers party enthusiasts.

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Laissez-Faire disregard of the established rules was decidedly not a characteristic of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, you absolute muppet.