How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

You think golden boy Anduin was being cunning and underhanded when he specifically tells Genn he was wrong for attacking Sylvanas?

You’re deluded.


Genn deliberately made his approach to provoke an attack. Like he said. “It had better be neccessary.”

From the alliance point of view, the Horde left them to die on the Broken Shore and caused the death of Varian. It’s a legitimate point of view given the information that was availalbe.

Varian isn’t mentioned once.

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Genn mentions Varian when he is attacking Sylvanas…

He wants vengeance for Varian, Gilneas, and his son.

Cinematic literally has Genn say Varians name. Try again chief.


Cinematic is literally an hour+ after Anduin says not to attack the Horde unless it’s necessary and Genn says he has absolutely no evidence of it being necessary, but he’s going to kill Sylvanas anyway, chief.


Take the L on this one dude. You made an affirmative statement that turned out to be incorrect. That doesn’t have to undermine your larger point unless you let it.

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No it didn’t. Frame of reference was the discussion of Genn having reason to attack before he left. Him saying it when he’s in the middle of starting a World War is irrelevant. Anduin doesn’t send him to “Avenge Varian” and Genn himself doesn’t say he’s going to avenge Varian. He’s just going to kill Sylvanas.

But if you want to lie forever, I’ll just keep correcting you.
I’ve got a ton of free time tonight.


Your point was that Varian was never mentioned. But Genn literally mentions him before his own kingdom and son when he states why he seeks vengeance.

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Genn always has reason to attack Sylvanas for what she did to his Kingdom. He didn’t need the perceived betrayal at the broken shore to have ample reason to kill her.

Frame of reference was the discussion of Genn having reason to attack before he left.

Genn’s a Class-Five who’s willing to ensure that everyone he knows and loves is murdered and has their soul destroyed (if they aren’t enslaved instead) as long as He Gets His. He’s one of the most selfish creatures in the Warcraft setting.

I love him.


Yeah Genn is exactly what the Alliance(and the story as a whole) needs more of.

Genn isn’t selfish, he’s just the only major Alliance character who doesn’t have time for the rest of the Alliance’s stupid BS.

Him saying stuff like “You took my sons future, now I’ve taken yours” at Stormheim and “You desecrate that throne with your filth!” at Sylvanas at the Battle of Lordaeron made me feel more faction pride than a hundred stoic sacrifices could.

It’s ironic that it apparently takes a Worgen curse to cause someone to act like a human being.


Alot of his actions are 100% understandable but they are selfish.


Varian is not mentioned as a reason to stalk Sylvanas by Anduin.

I mean, Genn rants about Varian and his son and Gilneas long after he went rogue and attempted to assassinate the Warchief. That doesn’t mean his mission was because of his son, and Varian, and Gilneas.

Treng is talking specifically about the Alliance intro to Stormheim, where Anduin directs his subordinates. He also later sternly rebukes Genn for it.

So, Treng is right - Varian is not mentioned as a reason for the expedition to stalk Sylvanas in the Alliance intro to Stormheim. It is just something Genn mutters after he already got a lot of his people killed - again.


I agree that he’s the only human character in the whole of the Alliance. He seems like he could be a real person, were you to ignore his being a werewolf. I buy that he’s never going to get over his son.

Genn was willing to start a world war with the horde that would ensure his wife was murdered by the Legion and had her soul destroyed if she wasn’t enslaved first.

Genn was willing to start a world war with the horde that would ensure his daughter was murdered by the Legion and had her soul destroyed if she wasn’t enslaved first.

Genn was willing to start a world war with the horde that would ensure Anduin was murdered by the Legion and had his soul destroyed if he wasn’t enslaved first.

Genn was willing to start a world war with the horde that would ensure his people were murdered by the Legion and had their souls destroyed if they weren’t enslaved first.

(I don’t think Genn cares about too many people???)

Yes. Again, Genn is the only human being in the entire Alliance.


Nah. You can claim that they aren’t undertaken for the sake of the entire planet but that doesn’t make them selfish. He behaves the way he does because he believes that he failed his family, failed his allies, and failed his people.

He does what he does to protect what’s left of them and to honor those who he believes he failed, such as those who succumbed to the Gilnean Civil War, or to Terenas for his abandonment of the Alliance.

Yes they absolutely are.
His actions stated: I do not care if every single person on Azeroth is enslaved, or if they are killed and their souls are destroyed as long as I get to kill Sylvanas Windrunner.

The defeat of the Legion is really because Sylvanas had the good sense to wait until after the Legion was defeated to act. Sylvanas is the only reason Azeroth survived.