How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

Eh, I dunno. Looking him up on Wowpedia again, Dranosh was involved in all of two quests in TBC before being offed. He had a sad death 13 years ago but he was ultimately nothing more than a MacGuffin for the real Saurfang to be sad over. And nothing can really fix the fact that the horde is fighting against one of their own former characters yet again, after having been the villains yet again. Having some rando orc scream out a platitude doesn’t really do anything, in my opinion.


Fair enough. My thinking was that so many people cheer about Dranosh shouting For the Horde in the Wrathgate cinematic that it would make for a great moment to have him return in this way as a Horde character.

The Jailer is (retroactively) responsible for every major plot in universe, and the story has made it clear that taking revenge on perpetrators is bad and wrong because they were being manipulated (by the Jailer).

In other words, any impulse to seek revenge or justice in anyone other than the Jailer is immoral, and nothing is truly anyone’s fault!


Blizzard writers:


I still think that Vol’jin would be the best for that role. He was probably the most loved warchief, or at least the less hated, was always representing how many horde player view the horde and him saying that he speak for the warchieft is also one of the proudest horde moment ever.

Let just put the horde army in a bad position against a enemy force just before loa vol’jin come, give the horde solider a big buff and lead them into the enemy while shouting ‘‘for the horde’’. That would work.

Nu Blizzard’s story staff should be canned.


ok, boomer

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We have literal fatescribes in Shadowlands that can essentially “play god” with any mortals lives…if free will was actually a thing in this universe than maybe accountability would have more weight.

Shadowlands throws out free will.


Actually one of the arguments that she used to convince Saurfag was that Anduin did not censure or punish Greymane for going off the reservation in Stormheim, an act which cost the Alliance it’s last working skyship at the time.


yes this but Kaileath also has a point that if Sylvanas admitted what she was doing in Stormheim that would raise a lot of suspicion from the rest of the Horde, who were not on board with her use of necromancy and they would certainly not be on board with her having an unlimited army of corpses.

In regards to OP, you lay out all these things that the Alliance has done to the Horde, but you leave out one key aspect of them: The perpetrators of those incidents on the Alliance side were actually the subjects of retribution. The Horde player themselves gets to kill those who caused those things.

Bael Modan: General Twinbraid, his son, all his forces that killed that tauren tribe, all die, you literally blow up the latter and kill the former over the course of the quest chain. This is in fact the second time, since dealing with the Bael Modan dwarves was also a quest in Vanilla.

Camp Taurajo: The general in charge of that attack is also killed by the Horde PC, in addition, all the quillboar who killed those fleeing, and the looters are either killed or captured to be sent to forever jail.

No witnesses: All those Alliance are killed in the goblin leveling path. In fact, this results in Thrall holding the highest opposite faction kill count amongst all the faction leaders, to this day.

Genn’s assault: I’ve spoken to this before, which many posters selectively forget, but this was the result of demonic misinformation causing the deaths of Varian, and Vol’jin, and Genn thinking Sylvanas had betrayed the Alliance at the Broken Shore. All the faction leaders, once the Rogue Order Hall chain was complete, would be privy to this fact.

Vulpera Purge Squads: Never made it out of PTR, not canon.

Orc camps: The people responsible for those are either dead, or undead and on the Horde.

Which leaves the Purge of Dalaran, which, in spite of player claims otherwise, has never seemed to be the mass slaughter event people erroneously perceive it as. Lor’themar has absolutely been willing to throw down with the Alliance before, but has also been readily willing to work with them, and has worked with Jaina more than any other faction leader barring Thrall.

This is the difference between how things get treated. By and large the Alliance never does see much resolution in terms of actions taken against them. Even Garrosh, the architect of so much war and death, was killed by Thrall offworld, not by anyone on the Alliance.

Horde doesn’t need to be redeemed, it needs to be brought back to what it was, thematically, in Wrath. Conversely, the Alliance doesn’t need to be darker or commit war crimes. I would argue that the player reaction to Alliance doing anything remotely retaliatory is already strong enough that the writers will never have them escalate, because all they care about is the reaction.


Yep, Shadowlands is a dumpster bin full of diarrhea. I agree.

Just give us Vol’jin as a loa as Warchief. Da Loa of Ben Dun Dirteh.

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This is why many Horde players consider him a traitor.

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If the Horde wants a shot at redemption. They have to earn it.

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I have already redeemed the horde.

Nah, they don’t. The world will just pretend nothing happened and characters who get riled up over it will get berated by their peers.


I can think of several Horde NPC’s in Hillsbrad alone that should be obvious targets for Alliance questing but have gotten away with everything they did completely.

Hawthorne sacks a Tauren camp but allows civilians to escape and arrests war criminals: gets gutted and hung from a tree

High Executor Darthalia literally oversees the purging of an entire zone of Alliance civilians and puts the survivors in a death camp to be tortured and murdered: gets a promotion

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Oh redemption.

I thought you meant fixing my bad.

The horde was redeemed a long time ago.

yeah, then all the good points got burnt by sylvanas