How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

Yeah but we are not. Many Horde are dissaisfied with being Horde. We need a big win. A huge moment of faction pride.

We just came out of a huge civil war. We are wounded. There’s distrust amongst the players and the npc’s. The Horde is not in a unified place right now.


Re-establishing pride is not the same as redemption.


against whom?

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And contrary to what some NE fan and that MHP paladin want to pretend, we aren’t even asking for a moment of faction pride against the alliance, we need one where we feel like Azeroth may need us as we can bring something good for the sake of the world.

Which we currently don’t as any time there is a big danger for Azeroth, alliance hero save the world and the only time the horde can do some damage, we are actually the danger for the world…


Probably Night Elves. We have a great deal of experience in playing this role, and we come with excellent references. I’ve attached our CV for your consideration.

Way to prove me right in one minute…


atleast uldir was a horde saved the world moment(Azshara was a joined adventure and N’Zoth propably too)

We try to be efficient at Whisperwind, Stormrage and Shadowsong, LLP, and our track record speaks for itself.

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I’ll give you that one but lest be honest, did the devs really make G’huun feel like a threat to you?

I was more talking about scourge, burning legion and even the maw scale of danger.

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Is that me? What does MHP mean?

please do try be more obnoxious

Male human paladin. I am talking about Ainhin. Its how we call the usual ‘’ all light is good and Lordaeron belong to the alliance’’ crowd who are mostly male human paladin player and which is what Ainhin argue about 90% of his time.


Since the joke fell flat and to get us on our way here…

I think one of the best pro-Horde moments was during the Wrathgate Cinematic when the Horde rides in towards the Wrathgate and delivers a classic “For the Horde” battlecry. We can agree that the Horde could use more moments like that.


Ohhh okay then. I understand. Contunue. I’m still learning fandom termonology.

But yes, a big win doesn’t mean against the Alliance it’s just a moment of pride in one’s own faction… like the For the Horde chant about avenging Vol’jin’s death against the Legion. Something unifying.


It always seemed odd to me how few Horde players seem to be able to think like the Horde. Specifically, that the greatest honor comes from fighting powerful, dangerous foes regardless of whether or not you beat them.

Grom didn’t get his “redemption” by wiping out footmen, he got it by trading deaths with a pit-lord.

Yeah sorry i just didn’t get the joke. Probably due to my lack of knowledge of NE story mixed with my bad english.

But yeah this kind of moment is exactly what i want. Just one or few moment where i feel like i am fighting to save Azeroth by actually saving Azeroth and not being the threat. Legion expansion cinematic was a other ‘‘feel good moment’’ but it kind of feel bad now considering to what Sylvanas goal was actually.

And if it have to imply the alliance, SoO ending with Vol’jin is all i ask. No need to destroy a alliance city that i never wanted to destroy since i actually like that city when playing my alliance alt.

The last time the horde tried that, it was just a narrative setup to make the alliance hate them for stabbing them in the back while Varian had the actual heroic sacrifice, and (if I remember correctly) the scenario was reaffirmed as part of Sylvanas’s plan to ruin tensions after all. And then the horde largely did jack for the rest of Legion. :confused:


I’ve been called this before. Mostly when I stay in character while RPing but still.

I can certainly get behind that. Something I’d hoped we would see in Shadowlands would be something like this:

A quest begins with a damaged soul following players around for a while. The soul is brought to Oribos where its believed this soul was not only from Azeroth but has a strong connection with the Horde. Through a journey to heal this soul and learn to who it might be eventually players end up fighting Sylvanas with Thrall’s aid. She has her Valkryr with her and is about to win when the soul is healed picks up a nearby axe and charges.

Thrall’s eyes light up as he sees who the soul is and shouts, “Is that you Dranosh?”

“Yes,” Dranosh Saurfang roar’s back. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting FOR ALL THESE YEARS!”

He proceeds to slay Sylvanas’s Valkryr and forcing the Banshee Queen to flee. Dranosh then turns to the players and shouts, “RISE UP SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF AZEROTH! THE TIDE TURNS NOW!”

Would this count as a win?


Since you want to know how to redeem it.

You have to do certain things first.

Move night elves out of Kalimdor and to Suramar. Move the night borne and highmountain tauren to Dire Maul and Stonetalon respectively. Move the highmountain location to be a mountain in Stonetalon. Alternatively Hyjal. Give Horde Kalimdor Make Ashenvale into a forest that is more akin to its Geographical location (making it look more like Grizzly hills while moving the druidism stuff to Val sharah etc). Basically Ashenvale is Pine trees instead of “Enchanted forests” same with the nearby zones (I mean come on why is Darkshore a bunch of pine trees etc and the same could be said for Nordrassil and Azshara) Alliance are allowed to have Northwatch etc. move the draenei isles away from kalimdor and have them literally move it ala Sokovia/Asgard to EK etc. (Swamp of sorrows Off shore island?

Now for the restructuring of Lore etc.

“When fleeing Eastern kingdoms, Thrall had Ogres with him and forest trolls and other monster races seeing the promise of both a new home and a new ‘Goria’ for the Ogres.”

“Garrosh was “never mad” his mop arc didnt occur. Huojin still joined.”

The HOrde was Divided into different “Clans/tribes” combinations (Huojin and Burning blade organisation being one, Grimtotem and Shattered hand another for instance. (ok hard to come up with a sample but basically elements that fit together) Forest trolls and bleeding hollow. Ogre magi in dire maul etc studying with the nightborne) Goblins and Blackrock etc)

Such combinations leads to different technologies etc. (Iron Horde tech from Goblins and Blackrock clan etc more industry focused etc less Mudhut more hut at worst)

And Barrens durotar and azshara becoming basically Farm land.

Shamans use the elements to help with growing foods etc and “Terraform” parts of the landscape.

Blood elves and forsaken are still part of the horde out of necessity.

Think I forgot to mention but most of the stuff post MoP would need to be retconned. I mean stuff like zandalari joining the horde etc still happens same with the other races.

So yeah you cant retcon the current stuff more than you can "make a broken egg yolk into a whole egg with the yolk inside after it has been in the frying pan.

yeah, I don’t know if that would give me a sense of pride. Dranosh Saurfang was cool, but his whole arc was his father couldn’t accept him as a Death Knight. I just don’t think him killing another undead is really a good arc.

I was hoping that BFA would address Saurfang’s internalized undead bias and actually deal with the fact that his bias meant his son couldn’t be rehabilitated or brought into the Horde.

Maybe this would be a good thing for Saurfang fans but I feel it’s really short sighted.

A unifying moment in the Horde has to include Loyalists since they have no desire to create a third faction.

I personally was hoping for Broxigar in Shadowlands with his whole arc in Stormrage being what it was, and seeing Thura Saurfang. It would have been such a added layer if it was Broxigar’s axe which Saurfang put in Malfurian’s back. They could have made Saurfang more morally grey in BFA. Broxigar could come back in Shadowlands at some point to help guide the Horde in a redemptive moment with the Night Elves but I’m not sure how they would do it.