How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

Lets Face Reality, its exist no story anymore, who both side could enjoy the ride, its either of the cost of one for the benefit of the other or nothing.

Dismissed? It’s okay, I’m already a laughing stock.
There is still Arcane Magic.
This means it will be a side story that is not part of the main storyline, in which the Horde player will never need to participate. Something like a surprise peace treaty after the WotLK. Although, as a hero of the Horde, he may not participate in the general establishment of the degree of guilt …
Well, okay, this plot at least came closer than others to normal “justice”. Compliance with knowledge and gameplay … (drinking tea in the middle of a fire).

while I agree, there’s varying degrees of guilt, I’m not sure how they could pull this off realistically unless they do a War Crimes 2.0 novel tie in, but even then people will complain that it’s just War Crimes 2.0.

Personally I wouldn’t mind putting the whole Horde on trial, that was something that absolutely thrilled me about War Crimes but that book was so disappointing because it never followed through and it was all a show put on by the August Celestials. I would love it if they really did put both the Alliance and Horde on trial and each crime was analyzed. That would be my own personal fanfiction and I’d eat it up.

The problem in such a situation is, the resolution or judgement would be a free sentence…must be a free sentenced, like in warcrimes…a faction as a whole…judged of warcrimes? it would be a desaster in future conflicts, this is the same problem what happened with garrosh und the trial of pandaria.

You come across as slightly obsessed with “tit for tat,” because almost all of your posts are about that in one way or another.

It would still trigger a vicious circle from the players.


The fact he can communicate perfectly right sometimes while pretending to “mistake” other posts under the “communication barrier” excuse says it all.

This is just another troll of Erevien´s caliber. People here should stop buying his BS excuse and just like with Erevien, detect, dismiss and move on. Cause no matter how many language barriers a person has, online translate tools and dictionary exists, and there´s no real reason why someone can mistake the meaning of “castration” with “loss of children” in the 21st century with access to the internet and all it´s rich resources.

Stop feeding him, people.


Yup. Still think there’s a nonzero chance it’s some teenager who just read Nietzsche a few months ago or something and is in their Edgy Nihilist Phase but.


I still think it´s just Erevien in another account. Either way, troll who somehow fools posters.

Man, how many information people loses for not paying attention while reading (also I saw you participated in the “let´s give stables to the Warlocks” thread and my lock buddy sends his support).

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Tell your lock buddy to bump my demon stable thread :sob: it has thousands of views and likes but regularly gets pushed down because GD bait threads

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He hates speaking in english (I mean, I basically have to translate to AND from him ALWAYS).

Let´s make a compromise: I can post in his name, and you can maybe check the Belf customization thread to give some input? It may not be an important issue for you, but it is for me (I mean, after 9.1.5 the chance to get cloned Belves on Alliance has become a VERY high probability)…

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Deal, I want earrings on my warlock anyways (I have my ears pierced irl)


Male jewerlyis one of the popular suggestions there indeed… personally I loathed the design of the “body jewerly” the devs gave the Belves on January´s datamining (I sensed some weird machist “lul, Belves have NO males” style on the design), But I have no issue with you guys getting your earrings or even the armbands.

I just wanted more Belfy cultural stuff first, like the runic tattoos from the TBC gamebox,or scars (I mean, “Elf scarface” is literally our racial leader ffs).


IMO the biggest issue with the body jewelry was that it was basically useless, as either it would have been covered majority of the time or would have had to be painfully matched with the right gear if it did go over certain outfits.

If there was some cool BE cultural mogs (similar to the magistrix robes) that would have shown it off, it could have been a neat show of culture as far as attire goes.

But yeah, other stuff would have been cool. Tattoos of different colors, maybe runes that actually glow as well? Male Blood Elves got absolutely shafted.


Call me a square or a fuddy duddy, but I am not much into piercings or tattoos IRL. So, I am almost loathe to see them as things to skip when I customize a new Sindorei Alt.

I am not some Christmas Tree - with streamers and ornaments. Are we going to ask for Angels and Stars to wear on our heads, and nativity scenes under our skirts?

I kind of like the idea of the Sindorei being more regimental. Foregoing the legacy of the High Elves, and embracing the solemnity of the Light.

Let the Alliance High Elves that are called Void Elves get nipple rings and face tattoos.

We are talking about people that couldn’t just have a sign post banner, it had to be magical and swirled around the post. Potted plants also have to float. The ambassadors even comment on the “arcane flippery”.

The most majestically extra people on Azeroth. Why turn their gold dull? Your post is also kinda yikes.

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I wager I am in the minority, but if there is one thing I liked about Before the Storm, it was how the author described the Blood Elves on parade. I liked that. An air of mourning and reverence for the fallen - it is in our name. An earnestness that replaced frivolities.

If Blizzard wants to hammer a difference between Horde High Elves and Alliance High Elves… let the Alliance have the piercings and tattoos. Alleria has tattoos. She leads them. Keep that stuff… where we left it.

I hate BE body jewlery for that exact reason. It’s totally useless.

Well man, the tattoos are iconic to the TBC gamebox, so in a way they talk about how the race developed -reason why I like them. My personal irl aesthetic preferences certainly have nothing to do here-.


It is my preference for the way the Sindorei in particular have been portrayed, and could be portrayed going forward.

My main is a Troll, and people asking for more Troll piercings and tattoos would not bother me. It makes sense enough. I play a Void Elf, and if they have Blonde hair and piercings and tattoos, that makes sense enough to me. But I don’t want to see the Sindorei turned into… what they were before.

I am not making threads to rail against more tattoos and piercings for Blood Elves. I am not going to this… “Blood Elf Customization Thread”… you guys mentioned, to stoke flames. I am not making a Go Fund Me, or Change . org, or otherwise petitioning Blizzard. It’s my preference for the story based on how things have been so far, as opposed to changes others would like.

Heck, it would almost make more sense that the tatted up and pierced Blood Elves were precisely the ones Umbric said always wanted to be in the Alliance, anyway.

part 1: remove what led to this problem. Which they did.

part 2: address why they keep going yay genocide and conquest.

Part 3: Give back to the innocents that they destroyed. Self-sacrifice. Use their resources to restore the land and homes of those they hurt. Acknowledge that they the villains of the story. They became Diet Scourge. (yes, this means help rebuild Alliance land for the Alliance)

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