How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

… Well, that’s quite the glowing endorsement for the community.

Welcome to the Story Forum! We’re poo!


I’m gonna fling poo at you for that, Sarm.


That is always a conclusion one can come to, if they wish.

People these days seem to think disagreement is “hostile” and “toxic”.


The best of the Alliance is either being roadwork, like the Path of Glory, or being pelted by cobblestones, like that one broad who got stoned and left her son because she got stoned.


the Alliance should fear rocks, that’s all it takes to make it crumble.

Just. one. rock.


The Goblin Catapults sure showed the Alliance what for!


The irony.

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the Horde doesn’t need to be reformed.

What is required to get someone else’s memory? There is the Abyss (Alleria) and Arcane (Jaina).
The abyss can be used violently. Whether it is obligatory to volunteer to participate in the use of Arcane magic - I do not know.
Are there other methods?
The idea is that the night elves master any of the methods of extracting someone else’s memory, after which they expose it to the population of the Horde.
If the Abyss is used, then in the case of innocence, the inhabitant of the Horde will be healed by druidism.
In order for “justice” to overtake everyone, the night elves will engage in compulsory care of each member of the Horde.
After the “justice” is done, the Horde member is removed from the forced care list.
What will be the concept of “justice” - no difference. Killed ten or one, gave an order or worked in the fields - everyone over a certain age will be subjected to the procedure, and then they will be punished, depending on the length of their lives.

That does sound like a great way to really make the Alliance evil.

Why “evil”. “Moral dullness”, no one will be punished beyond measure, free medicine for everyone, absolutely honest testimony. Druids will repair the victims during the testimony. And all in the name of “Justice”.
The risk of invoking chthonic horror … Not significant.

Is it worse or equal to “mass voluntary execution”, “castration” or “Orgrimmar drowned in acid”?

what is going down in Russia? is any of this normal for you? is this “justice” where you are from?

This is over the top. this is 100% why people don’t take you seriously.


Do not know. Do not know. I never thought about it. This is “tit for tat”, quite a working way to get “equality” in small things, and I have not yet had to seek “justice” in serious things.

Even “interrogation” is too much? The most difficult “equality” was “acid”, “castration” and “execution” are at the same level of severity.
Yes. Not that I have “serious” things, so why bother trying to put on a “serious face”? Sometimes there are moments, but they are too rare and differ only in a little more tension and a little more elaboration.

What does a “serious” mask look like?


Пха. От тебе требуется быть “серьёзным”, а не надеть маску “серьезного”. Принять титул, а не нарядиться.

Даже если я приму титул… Что изменится?

Для начала, ты перестанешь вести себя как идиот.

То есть сведу свою активность на форуме к минимуму?




Я опять замолчу.

Тогда тебе нужно расширить свои познания в lore WoW. Читать книги, мангу, играть в игру, читать WoW-педию и интервью разработчиков…

Слишком тяжело. Проще замолчать или продолжить нести чушь.

Значит, тебе не место на форуме истории.

В GD мне тоже не место. В геймплее я не разбираюсь, в обсуждение гендерных вопросов я не знаю как залезть, а в политике я даже новостей не читаю.

Тогда покинь форум WoW.

И лишиться единственного источника общения?

Найди новые источники. Поговори с Лерой. Или стань достаточно квалифицированным, чтобы обитать на форуме истории.


Тогда ты продолжить быть посмешищем.

Если я попытаюсь стань достойным, то я исчезну.

Ты появишься потом.

Навряд ли.

Тогда ты просто боишься отпустить форум.


И насколько этот “разговор” фальшивый?

Не знаю.

Oh I see, so you think

Dumping acid on Orgrimmar is = burning Teldrassil

Castration is = to loss of the children

Voluntary mass execution = genocide.

I’ve never heard anyone talk about equality in this way tbh. These are cruel extreemes.

Justice to you would be wiping out a major Horde faction in a brutal way, like how the Horde wiped out Teldrassil.

The comment about the mask off was probably lost in translation it just means “showing your true self” when you say extreeme things (which may be due to poor translation) you sound extreemy unserious and a bit rediculous.

/// Your translation:
Pha. You are required to be “serious” and not wear a mask of “serious”. Accept the title, not dress up.

Even if I accept the title … What will change?

For starters, you stop acting like an idiot.

That is, I will keep my activity on the forum to a minimum?



I’ll shut up again.

Then you need to expand your knowledge in lore WoW. Read books, manga, play a game, read WoW pedia and developer interviews …

It’s too hard. It’s easier to shut up or keep talking nonsense.

So you have no place on the history forum.

I don’t belong in GD either. I don’t understand gameplay, I don’t know how to get into the discussion of gender issues, and I don’t even read the news in politics.

Then leave the WoW forum.

And lose your only source of communication?

Find new sources. Talk to Lera. Or become skilled enough to dwell on the history forum.

Then you continue to be a laughing stock.

If I try to become worthy, then I will disappear.

You will show up later.


Then you’re just afraid to let go of the forum.


And how phony is this “conversation”?

Do not know.


wow I didn’t know you were this mean behind your mask of misunderstanding. Cool cool, I thought was trying to engage with you in an honest way and include you in the conversation despite the language barrier. looks like you don’t appreciate it so i will keep my idiot comments to myself, unless you are talking in 3rd person to yourself here? Maybe the language barrier is a bit too much to form any real connection through understanding.

I tried.

I saw all of this as a way to seriously harm the Horde, but I never got into such a philosophy.

Yes? Am I misunderstanding the concept of tit for tat?

“The mask is not understanding”? I have always believed in “Elesana’s mask”.
So. Where is the meanness here?
The text in Russian hidden under the spoiler is an attempt at introspection number two. A previous attempt at introspection lies in the same thread.

Paired conversation with oneself, partial split personality. But certainly not an insult to other forum participants.
And I’m not going to lose my interlocutor just because of a misunderstanding. Not that I’m going to try to learn the language, but taking the time to explain / formulate my delirium - of course.

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I don’t think you should leave the forum either, i’ve always tried ro understand you and communicate. I appreciate what you have to say and would like to include you in the disscussion as much as possible.

You do understand tit for tat. And with that in mind i can reframe your comments as that. But they are not equal in my opinion but i can see where the anger is coming from.

Tit for tat would be like burning Thunder Buff in revenge.

The problem with that is Tyrande would become the monster just like Sylvanas. The Horde would then seek justice and it would be just a circle of chasing justice.

For what you want to achieve the Horde would not only need to accept defeat but also accept punishment. That’s a hard thing to push.

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the same aplly to the alliance as well…it is expected from the alliance to simple…deal with teldrassil by accepting the defeat there and…accept peace now…it is in no way a better situation like the one you try to descript here.

The expection to simple…Deal with it is one reason the alliance fandom is …in such a situation that they dont simple WANT to deal with it anymore…forever…they don´t want to make peace again…only to be hit again later from the same faction they made a deal previously

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The “vicious circle” is triggered only in the case of the “acid” plot. “Execution” and “castration” presuppose the consent of the Horde, and it is assumed that the Horde will not demand vengeance if all goes according to plan and the Kal’dorei do not fall into a “bloody frenzy”.

Smiling mockingly, the night elf priestess, practicing Void magic, approaches the orc captivated by the Light: “The Horde has changed.”

The beauty of the “interrogation” plot is that the guilt of each member of the Horde will be established and measured. Each will receive a preliminary punishment in the form of suffering caused by the extraction of memory.
The deepest apologies will be made to the innocent (only to the innocent; we will agree on the price).
The punishment for the guilty can be discussed with the Horde government during the memory retrieval. Then the ENTIRE Horde will be forced to agree to the punishment.
The Horde government will also be subject to memory retrieval and punishment.

This is fanfiction. while in itself fanfiction is not a bad thing, but sharing fanfiction in a story forum might get you dismissed. There’s a lot of things in that blurb that doesn’t make sense. For example, night elves don’t use void magic to pull out memories like Alleria does, that’s something that only void elves have the capacity to do lore wise.

Also your fanfiction requires absolute submission from the Horde and it reads more like a power fantasy than a legit suggestion on how the story can move forward.

it’s a nice fantasy for night elf fans but it’s not a great story for Horde players. Horde players may push back on that because the story must also deliver something worth playing Horde for. Absolute defeat and submission doesn’t sound fun for Horde players as deserved as it may be.

You should read Shadows Rising if you haven’t, you may enjoy it. It has some themes you may enjoy.