How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

Shern liked this comment which means they are either agreeing with you and they are a teenager going through a nihilist phase or Shern thought you were talking about me, which again made me laugh.

I enjoy Neitzche. Does that make me a nihilist? I did quote him a few months back. Too funny. You were talking about Shern right?


Ye I was. And I mean I too have read him but basing my personality on him is like, normal 15 year old stuff


You must give onto us a shrubbery.

A nice one, not too big, not too expensive.

But quite frankly it’s your content which puts you in the null bucket list. I couldn’t care less who you are or whose sock puppet you might be. Your posting content is sufficient damnation.

Neitzche is one of the most misunderstood philosphers in history. Especially by many of his admirers. And because of a tendency to be quoted out of context.


Also misapplication

And also because, like most great thinkers, he was a crazy person who blasted his thoughts onto paper like spraying spaghetti onto a wall with a firehose.

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Nah all his writing are clear until we get to Antichrist, the first of what was to be four books iirc.

And then he mysteriously disappeared for an extended period of time and showed up in another country butt naked in a fountain


It’s believed that before his death, Nietzshe had suffered 2 strokes and had a further breakdown when he witnessed a horse being flogged in Turin which clearly set him off on a string of aberrant behavior.

His craziness most likely was not a byproduct of his intelligence but degeneration caused by physical illness in the brain that medical science was not equipped to deal with at the time as they would be now.

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