Because when one faction becomes too dominant, the other two can gang up on them.
I wasn’t really referencing ESO though, since there’s no PvE faction barrier in ESO aside from where you start in old-world questing.
Because when one faction becomes too dominant, the other two can gang up on them.
I wasn’t really referencing ESO though, since there’s no PvE faction barrier in ESO aside from where you start in old-world questing.
Yes, and I never said that the horde has no problems, I just said that the Alliance, adding several factors, is more harmed, but I ended my comment saying that the game itself is flawed.
for what I understand it, horde players conspire that the writers spoil the horde’s lore, but Alliance players have the exact feeling about the blue faction.
The Night Elves’ culture has been hampered ever since when they joined the Alliance and had to change even some Night habits. As the Horde ravages their forests, the Wild Gods have not moved a straw, while in the same expansion the Loas of the Zandalaris have their own face to slap to protect their followers.
This is just a recent example, there are many other contexts where the Alliance was ‘‘harmed’’ by the Devs but I think it’s better to leave it to comment in specific places because if it won’t get too big and I think this was supposed to be the redemption discussion of the horde.
Don’t know if you’ve noticed but the horde has been completely written out of the narrative. A death themed expansion that doesn’t feature the death themed subfactions of the horde at all. Only life themed night elves again. As it stands the only only narrative that matters in this game is a blue one, and blizzard have proved time and again that if that means gaslighting the hordes narrative, dumping on its values, relegating its belief systems to the trash can they are more than happy to do so.
If you want to talk about alliance issues and make unsubstantiated nonsensical claims perhaps you should have made an alliance thread to so.
Well, it’s not entirely written out, we have quite a bit of loa stuff in ardenweald and the whole da other side.
Still a bit funny to me that the single most spiritual race that deal with spirits (tauren) are not having any narrative in the shadowlands and Baine is just sitting in his corner in Oribos, they’re not even letting him do anything related to Anduin and the two of them are best friends. Not to mention the other shamanistic/spiritual races.
They’re not doing anything with the forsaken, despite being former scourge (jailer created faction), and undead. With us chasing and fighting their former leader (Sylvanas) that created the forsaken.
one quest line
instanced content where we interact with zero dead trolls we are familiar with, and one third is mechagon and one third is ardenweald and one third is emerald dream zul’gurub
While Grimoire also says Tauren are “susceptible to mass delusion” and that Spirit Walking is fake
And the Primus is the literal in-universe Father of Necromancy.
He literally invented Necromancy. He is WoW-Nagash. He is Zombie Pope (Primus in French/Spanish/Italian/etc is Prelate). He is WoW-Odin (whose title also includes King of the Undead and invented runes like the Primus).
The Forsaken are literally products of his magic and designs, if unintentional.
I’m not disputing that the loa stuff is not a lot, but it’s still quite a bit more then a lot of other races got. Majority didn’t even get a mention sadly. And I do agree we should have had more loa (and other) stuff.
That too.
If a life themed expansion didn’t feature night elves, there would be riots.
OTOH it’s about 50/50 Elune looks like a Tall Blue Human From Stormwind With A Dress Or Bikini, maybe with some sort of wings or branches in her hair
Bain has actually vannished last time I looked.
It is better to starve then eat poison actually.
M? Does this apply to unwanted night elf content? Or was it not you who said that only attention is important?
I agree 100%
Pretty sure most nightelffans would be more happy if they got ignored after legion.
This is not true. In addition to Bwosandi being type, the second most common character in Ardenwald after the Winter Queen, with the Plot of Muezhala, and a Dungeon in which he is the protagonist, the Huln High Mountain also has an extensive participation. Not to mention the Vol’jin and the connection with Maw.
I specified it only because the colleague said to specify it, and at the end of the comment I said I wouldn’t just continue so as not to misrepresent the topic.
You guys on this thread are very hostile and toxic.
Yeah but that still frames troll themes as evil in comparison to night elf themes. The Winter Queen treats Bwonsamdi as a lower thing only slightly affiliated with her realm.
I think the biggest gripe of the Horde fans right now is Night Elves are being told thier connections to death and Ardenweald are true, deep and rooted in nature. The same narrative is telling Horde fans our cultures around death and connections to the Shadowlands are delusions and are insignificant and our addition to Ardenweald is framed as an attack from outside forces, it’s absolutely demoralizing.
All the Horde wants is a reaffirmation our our spiritual ties to the Shadowlands through a sense of belonging to one of these realms in a positive way. Through our shamanism, spirit walker and voodoo centric cultures.
We should have had a whole arc dedicated to how Huln Highmountain has found a place in the Wild Hunt do to the Tauren having deep affiliations to nature, we should see more Tauren in Ardenweald. Or an entire Shadowlands zone dedicated to Tauren, Trolls and orc belief of an Afterlife.
Lol its way too late for that.
We’re just delusional, remember?
I agree. There should be a lot more acting and familiar things throughout Shadowlands.
The grimorie shdowlands is redundant in saying a lot of things that have already been unspoken and a bunch of other statements that create more speculation than lore itself. I wish I had seen Baine’s Mother.
I’m still hoping to see Anduin’s mother make an apperance. Tiffin Wrynn is an iconic Alliance character.
She’s the best of the Alliance.
The two things aren’t mutually exclusive, and most reasonable players of both factions agree on that.
Not really. You can’t quantify feelings. I’m fine saying both sides are unhappy and both sides have good reason to be unhappy.
It may not have been your intention, but you gave the impression of coming in with a big blue chip on your shoulder. And “who has it worse” is kind of a hot-button topic. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn’t mean to sound so aggressive. Passions have been running high about anything faction-related on this board since BfA, so it’s probably a good idea to tread cautiously when talking about HvA stuff for a while, until you get a feel for what is likely to set people off.
It’s been quiet, you should see how toxic it gets when everyone’s here. This thread is a boisturous debate by comparison. Usually it’s just poo flinging.