How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

You’ll get apology by someone the day that you’ll admit that the alliance have no claim on Lordaeron.


Rename the story forums the “whiny insufferable elf player containment zone”


Yeah because i can only play the same race as i post on… We all know that you are far more of a human lover than a dwarf one. The same way that i like troll and forsaken way more than blood elf.

I am also pretty sure that nearly everyone would take a elf forum over an MHP one.


Not inherently, no. But when it becomes toxic, as it has now, then it is bad.


Blaming players and asking them to “take accountability” for something the writers made NPCs do is stupid. If that is what you truly believe then it should go both ways. It would also be nice if Horde players took accountability for acts of aggression their faction makes, like Brennedam. But Horde players HATE taking accountability for Brennedam.


Players shouldn’t be held accountable for the direction of the story. I agree with that 100% most of the time when we play the game we are guided along a fixed narrative and the outcome isn’t always player choice, because there rarely is player choice.


Shern was the one who was arguing for voluntary Horde castration… now in hindsight I don’t know if they actually wanted to castrate all Horde, like remove organs or if they just don’t understand that castrate means “neuter” but neuter could just mean taking away power or in some translations I guess it could be taking away male power or dominance.

In my head I pictured the Horde lining up to get snipped and forced sterilization and that has some very real ties to cultural genocide. No wonder that made us Horde more than a bit defensive. All the toxicity from both threads could just be boiled down to the fact that Shern didn’t understand the difference between “Neuter” and “Castrate.”

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IMO I think that sometimes everyone who regularly posts on these forums (including myself) needs to be slapped in the face and reminded


I’m pretty sure they meant it in the metaphorical sense of ‘to render powerless’.

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LOL that made my day

Horde’s grievances are fair. We’re written to be your villains for you to unanimously defeat. Our heroes are whiners who die or quit the Horde, or prostrate themselves before alliance leaders.

You lost a zone.
That’s the height of your losses.



That’s not even the right word for that sentiment, and even so, its still wildly incorrect.


etc, etc.

Unilaterally, maybe?

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I was referencing the pit bottom lore moment where every Horde leader present screams in fear of Jaina Proudmoore and Zul openly admits she can kill all of them (and the Horde player) by herself.

Unceremoniously, perhaps. Decisively. Unequivocally.

Regardless of the word used, it is not in this world that the Alliance’s “victories” over the Horde post Second War can be described as anything approaching any of the above words. Both of the last two conflicts ended with the Alliance backing away to permit the Horde to reform in the manner it saw fit to reform as. And while the Horde has born a greater cost in terms of characters, it is not so much greater than the Alliance has, and has significant territorial gains beside.

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So Zul setting Stormwind afire to foil Jaina and escape scot free is “Without opposition?”

You might avail yourself of some further study of the dictionary.

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Yeah, he wasn’t opposing Jaina. He gave her a choice: Save the city’s citizens, or kill us.
Because you seem like you’re a little slow to the throttle, let me spell this out for you:
The Prophet prophesied Jaina’s victory over the Horde leaders present, Talanji and himself, as well as the player character.


I the word you fella’s are looking for is ignominious.