How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

People on this forum who even pretend the Alliance and Horde are even in the same ballpark when it comes to ‘crimes’ need to be banned from the forums for trolling. The Horde can’t even be compared to the N*** germany or even Communist China/Russia the real world analogue for them would be ISIS.

Seriously the most unrealistic part of this game is the fact the Alliance can even entertain peace with the Horde after all they’ve done, more unrealistic then all the magic, planes of reality, people turning into animals and talking cow people.

It is hilarious to read something like this, right after reading :

I see one Faction has attracted those who are fans of silencing disagreement. It makes me realize which Faction actually attracts the closed minded :


“People who say things I disagree with and things I don’t like need to be banned and silenced!” is spouted from Alliance Posters while they compare the Horde to a dictatorship… oh the irony.


You can tell the people who have never crossed faction lines… that blue koolaid.

The Alliance would be a good case study on how propaganda can be used to indoctrinate. It’s also important to note how many of those same posters seem to lean politically right. Just saying. I’m not making sweeping generalizations because I know there’s a split of right and left leaning people in both factions (Barrens and Trade chat is proof of that) but I have noticed that in this story forum the people who have a more progressive voice in this forum have red backgrounds and the ones who sound like they would happily revive the Fourth Reich as long as it meant the Alliance had absolute victory over the Horde… have a blue background.


disagreement =/= trolling, people who purposely make this forum garbage don’t deserve to ost.

that sounds a lot like Sylvanas’s “anyone who disagrees doesn’t deserve to stand among us.” then she started killing anyone in Orgrimmar who supported Saurfang… in any case silencing dissent leads to fascism.

This is inappropriate and should be reported as such tbh


OK, remember: hide the Russian text in the spoiler, regardless of the length of the text.

What is the point of learning individual phrases, if not learning the whole language?
To seem unbalanced or an idiot and I’m not very offended, I myself chose such a mask. Moreover, this is still rarely pointed out.

Once again, anew.
When you talked about the justification of the Burning and unions. You mean the Horde is justified because the Horde is an alliance? Is that how you perceived my statement “Isn’t it a natural goal of any union - to achieve its own goals”?


Castration - deprivation of the ability to reproduce offspring. “Mild” form of genocide. “No one will die today, no one will ever be born.”
The neuter (it equal to powerlessness? disability?) option is interesting. Eternal damnation of weakness, surgical removal of muscles, lifelong shackles.
Too direct interpretation, right? A softer form would be to keep the Council in Hyjal.

nothing you say makes sense in English.

anew : in a new or different and typically more positive way. okay… lets look at this positively.

“Isn’t it a natural goal of any union - to achieve its own goals”? This is different than what you originally said. What union are you talking about? the union of races within the Horde?

Or the Alliance? Are you using this statement as an argument on why it was okay for both the Alliance and the Night Elves to have different objectives with relation to the blood elves? is this relating to the topic that the dwarf was there as a diplomat to the Alliance seeking peace? at the same time smuggling intel to the Night Elves who had a more nefarious agenda?

honestly, I think the conversation is dead at this point. between the miscommunication and derailment there’s really no bothering to continue.

And yet, Jaina ran away and the Horde got what they wanted.

Zul won that encounter. He may not have slapped Jaina aside, but he’s a prophet. He see’s the future, and he used that knowledge to create his victory. That is perfect for his character.

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Maybe I should have used the word “restart”?

OK. End. It was interesting. Thanks.

I would love to have a conversation with you but the language barrier is a huge issue.

She didn’t “run away.” Running away implies fear or defeat. She decided that doing something else was more important.

The difference is that Zul “won” through guile, while everyone present screamed about how they could never hope to match Jaina’s power.


And Jaina was, in fact, defeated by Zul. He set things up so she had to do what he wanted. Winning by guile is still winning.


That is true, actually. But I don’t think it was worth trashing the entire Horde’s magical capabaiities so thoroughly to get there. It would have been super-easy to just not do that, either by not sending Thalyssra on the mission or by changing the dialogue a tiny bit to say “We don’t have time for this!” instead of “We can’t fight her!”


And the Horde being able to casually break into SW and waltz around and have the real problem the Horde faces be “Oh, we’re on a schedule” rather than “Oh crap, we are caught between a rock and a hard place” sends a much worse message. Maybe not to Horde fans, but its nice when Blizzard actually pretends to care about more than the Horde.

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First, the extraction party is not “the Horde,” and they didn’t “casually break in and waltz around.” It was a secret mission carried out by a small team of high-level experts, and it involved a lot of stealth to make sure they weren’t spotted. Which is fine. They’re on enemy territory and highly outnumbered. It’s the “OMG Jaina could beat all of us with her pinky and we have no choice but to ruuuuuuun!” that’s tough to swallow.

Second, I think you may have misunderstood what I meant by “We don’t have time for this.” Assuming the party believed they could take on Jaina in a fight, that would take time and attract reinforcements for her, while their mission depends on getting in and out as quickly and quietly as possible. That is basically the same as “We’re caught between a rock and a hard place.”

But that’s not what the scenario gave us. The scenario says, in effect, “All of us together, with all our abilities, can’t take her in a fair fight.”


You really have wish talking for me, or this is… “etiquette”?

Helping answer (?)

“Etiquette” - this is correct using… small part text (?) in… long text?
Only (?) I write this it text. I not use translator. Mda.

Remember, fam: This isn’t the Horde losing.


Sorry but the truth is the truth

Maybe you should stop saying repulsive things in the defense of your stupid video game team.

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