How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

If you want anyone to understand you the US forums are not the place. A lot of what you have to say gets lost in translation and I wish I could understand you better because I feel like you have a lot to say.

We are just going to have to chalk this one up to language barrier being a huge issue.

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Yeah he’d say that you’re not making sense while using expressions like “dry language”.


No. In order for me to be understood, at least a second person is needed.

Conclude a union. Your goal is your own goals.
How does this justify the Burning of Teldrassil if the Horde hasn’t tried to make a union with the night elves?

Because they are enemies.

They are openly hostile enemies to one another.

They don’t need any other excuse than that to burn the tree. They had an excuse : Azerite.

That excuse was acted on because Tyrande was moving her whole army to Ferelas to where the Azerite was found. which means that she was taking action to secure that resource for the Alliance. That resource could be used as a weapon against the Horde… so it was justifiable that the Horde attack the Night Elves, they burnt the tree because 1) it gave no where for Tyrande’s armies to retreat. 2) it destroyed the last Alliance foothold on kalimdor where the Alliance could use it to export Azerite.

are those enough reasons?

You said as long as the Horde has a reason to attack it’s fine. The Horde had reasons to attack.

So. How do you understand the expression “dry tongue”?

How does the pursuit of self-interest in a union situation justify the Burning?

Its not an expression in most English vernacular.

What you’re looking for is : speak clearly, or speak plainly.

I’m not a native English speaker, so a lot of phrases that make sense to me in my tongue don’t make sense in English, this is one of them for you.


What does “not making sense” have to do with it?

because it was a situation of self interest…

Shern, this must be a translation issue because you are contradicting yourself.

Hey, Dreadmoore.

Are you sure you found these on a night elf? They’re clearly written in Dwarven…

From what I can understand of this letter, whoever wrote this did not cause the malfunction, but rather was sent here as a spy to observe the results of it. They call our endeavors reckless and dangerous… but who?

Of course! That envoy from Ironforge! We were fools to trust anyone belonging to the Alliance!


Not making sense…means that you sound like an idiot speaking in an approximation of what an alien thinks a human sounds like.

Not making sense means its impossible to have a conversation with you.

Ik that comes off rude, but you have to try to learn the correct phrases and idioms of the language you’re trying to argue in…otherwise you sound unhinged.

Also haha, tree goes burn.


The alliance, in pursuit of its own interests, attempted to conclude an union with the blood elves.
You have condemned the “in pursuit of its own interests” part.

You later justified the Burning by using “in pursuit of its own interests.” Right?

I honestly don’t understand anymore Shern.

I don’t think we are on the same page when it comes to what “pursuing thier own interests” means. To me it means putting racial agenda over faction agenda or “it’s putting thier own interests first” as someone would interpret that phrase, pursuing means follow or chase, ones interests ie’ what’s best interests in the party doing the chasing. But now I realize you could have meant something entirely different because you don’t understand English words or phrases. Just putting Russian words in an English translator isn’t the same as learning English.

It can be interpreted that the Horde was “pursuing thier best interests” as the phrase actually is, by burning Teldrassil because it secured Kalimdor and Azerite for the Horde. No negotiations were nessecary. We were not going to share it. The Horde’s best interest isn’t diplomacy, it’s fighting, which they are good at.

Trying to interpret your meaning is difficult. What you say is rarely what you mean.

Yeah thats Shernish alright… idk why do many Russians play night elves, doesn’t strike me as the crowd to.


You call it evil.

But in times when you didn’t have the Internet or National News to express yourself, it was called making a point. Which is why the diplomatic service by them was filled by the expendables.

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Shernish isn’t unhinged… he’s simply baiting.


She did… just not directly. She framed the conversation so that Saurfang would bring it to mind of his own accord. In this way she avoided appearing self serving aspect of using an attack on herself to justify her subsequent actions. Sylvannas is one hell of a subtle conversationalist.

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See I don’t think he is…I’m pretty sure that’s just him.

It’s one of my favorite things about her. She really planted ideas in Saurfangs head because she knew if he thought it was his own idea he’d be more willing to not only back it but defend it.


She’d make one HELL of a lawyer.

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