How the heck does horde STILL not have playable Ogres?

The Kul tiran rig has been used on 3 separate models in game, Rexxar, the male kul tiran itself and the female blood troll. So idk why you think just because Rexxar got his updated model we should be using his model when that’s literally a reskin, over using a model and rig we’ve had for years. All it would take for Blizz to make em playable is add in player animations here and there, and somehow figure out the female ogre fiasco because its been 16 years and they’ve had plenty enough time to do so.

Plus do note Blizzard made the kul tiran model and rig from scratch it wouldn’t take much to make a few more animations for the existing ogre skeletal rig. HURR DURR INSERT IT WILL COST A RAID TIER MEME HERE!

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Because ogres are fat and stupid :thinking::man_shrugging:

Lol, it’s almost always a furry…


This is one of 20 chars I play :wink:

No it’s not.

It does matter.

Why does it matter if it’s the same as boomkins? It’s been their own animations from since when they were created.

What makes you think that Ogres not being an Allied Race would prevent it from coming?

When did I say they couldn’t? I said it wouldn’t make sense. There’s a difference.

Here, I’ll type this in your native language for you so that you can hopefully understand:

Não faria sentido basear o Ogre no modelo de Rexxar porque ele é um meio-ogro.

Did I ever say they couldn’t make tweaks and additions the current existing Ogre model to make it playable?

It makes sense because prior to BFA, most of the Mok’Nothal used the regular orc model.

With Rexxar playing a major role in the expansion, they updated his model and the reason why it uses a similar rig to Kul Tirans is because they have nothing else to base half-ogres on. He looks like a mix between an orc and an ogre because as we all know, he is one.

I think they probably have tossed around a number of possibilities besides ogres.

Drakonid was specifically mentioned by Tom Chilton in this article. Another missed opportunity.

With the Dragon Isles rumors I still have hope.

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I would love to see Mok’nathal, have the female use the female Kul’tiran rig and males be like Rexxar and use the male Kul’tiran rig, Blizz put the effort into it, might as well give it more use.

You do know Mok’nathal is a forced Union of orc and ogre right?

Whatever you say, sweaty.

Nelf women are just anime girl icons confirmed.

nah, i think void eves get that buddy.

because is good and well made, is up to date with other playable races and have compltely support for animations and armor, unlike the old outdate model they use for the ogres.

Lol, we are rly discussing what rig they will use for the skeleton, when this hardly matter.

and it is because?

rly don’t, cause they would just use his model as base and edit, like they did with others, isn’t like they will copy paste, so again, try to work here of why it does matter.

because boombkins animations, outside the dance, are awful and they do not have the class animations to be a playable race. they barely have cast animations buddy, they are not nearly enough

They can easily put their old dance in a new model and call a day.

because they said allied race system is the system that will stay for now on, there will be no “core” races, since this separation is null by now.

Like i said, i take it anyway, allied race or not, but i do think allied race is their best shot.

but it did make sense for then to make an half ogre using a human model?

this is just to show how pointless is your statement, and how your “making sense” babling serve nothing here.

if it made sense for blizzard to create an half-ogre using a human model, it makes sense to create an ogre model also using a human model or a half-ogre model.

wush, you would be better suited trying to make an argument that had weight instead of a sassy atempt of gotcha

i say again:

if it made sense for blizzard to create an half-ogre using a human model, it makes sense to create an ogre model also using a human model or a half-ogre model.

So, they should make his model using the orc or the ogre model, not a human one. Because it makes sense right? yet, they didn’t.

of course they had, they had an ogre and an orc, to base an half ogre half orc, are you even trying?

So, instead of using an orc or an ogre, that he is a mix of, lets use an human model, it makes sense

But use the kul’tiran rig to update the ogre? “iT wOuLd NoT mAkE sEnSe”

this became quite gold, i must say.

you do now they are not right? especially the mok’nathal clan

Because that’s why he has his own model.

I keep pointing out that he isn’t an Ogre because you keep assuming they would take his model and use it as a base for Ogres.

Link to where they said this?

As I said in my post above, they had nothing else to base half-ogres on.

I wasn’t being sassy. It’s become clear to me that English is not your first lanuage due to your inability to understand basic phrases, or use proper spelling and punctuation.

I typed my statement in your own language for you so that you’d hopefully understand. No need to get worked up over it.

Half-ogres never had their own unique model prior to BFA, do you even pay attention?

This has already been explained to you.

If you consider making no sense and therefore losing an argument to be gold, then I am glad you are enjoying yourself.

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just say this is “because i say so”, this is becoming you showing your personal opinion as a fact.

And i keep saying this is nonsense, because he not being ogre is not an argument to not use his model to make an ogre.

Because you know, they did a zandalari troll using a night elf model, they used a kul’tiran human model to make a half-ogre and so on.

And you are saying 'iT mAke nO sEnSe, BeCaUsE i SaY sO"

they had yes, they had the races and models that he is a mix of, ogres and orcs, and Since Rexxar already used an orc model they, by your logic, should have used an orc rig/model to make an half-ogre, you were just wrong.

you are being sassy and trying to use the language as an ad hominen to undermine my argument because yours is asinine.

is hilarious how you are talking crap about language, when you tip this:

well, well, well.

and they could use the orc model or the ogre model, as base to create an half ogre, yet, they didn’t, they use a human model

Again, your statement of why it make no sense, well, make no sense, is just you trying to pain your opinion as a fact.

No it wasn’t, since you know, you are making no sense.

Gold is how you were trying to say something make no sense, when you are the one talking nonsenses.

This comment also made another pearl of you typing your own language wrong while calling me out for it, i at least have the excuse of being dislexic, you are just being a moron.

Alright Greenskin you want mok’nathal then, because thats what Rexxar is

I have to say, I have loved watching Syegfryed and Ricros duke this one out for…is it like 6 days now? I’m a fan of both of them at this point honestly <3

I do still kinda just want them to use and slightly tweak the Highmaul ogre model though (and keep the old derpy combat/casting animations).

But you two are so welcome to continue this, because it is keeping the thread bumped after all, and feels mostly friendly.

He look almost exactly like an ogre buddy, just slap a horn on his head, make the belly bigger and he will look exactly like one, They can do that fine.

the think is, i don’t mind what model they use, i can dig both, unlike someone else, both could be possible and end up fine

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“People who agree with my Warhammer toxicity are the BEST people. I LOVE people like ME.” Stay mad, stay irrelevant.

The actual numbers disagree but cool story.

…? show me

Thread is from feb but vulpera were in 8th and void elf were 10th.

Both races were obviously going to be popular though.