How the heck does horde STILL not have playable Ogres?

By taking a census of your own server using the CensusPlus UI Mod and submitting the data here!

an i went there and it didn’t show nothing, unless im doing something wrong.

either way, hardly something remotely accurate.

It’s the best we’ve got unless you have better data that claims otherwise.

not rly, since it shows humans behind night elves, that already throw away all the credibility this could had.

The defunct realmpops was more accurate and it showed void elves going for 3rd most playable race in the alliance, and it was even before they got 3rd reich-ed, so, yeah, dream on.

nelves are definitely more played than humans

Give alliance ogres please, the horde already have enough going for them.

It’s more of a logical conclusion I have come to based on factual information.

How is it not an argument when Ogres already have a unique model?

Prior to BFA, Rexxar just used a retextured Orc model that was very low res.

With him being a significant character in BFA, they gave him an updated model to reflect his orc/orge heritage.

I brought up the language thing because I thought you were having difficulty understanding what I’m trying to say.

But given what you said later on in your post, I now know why.

Correct, they used a skeleton that would look like the perfect amalgamation between an Ogre and an Orc.

And they did an amazing job too. However I can guarantee you that if Mok’Nathal were to become playable, they’d receive serious changes because his model shares animations with Kul Tirans.

Pause the video at 3:17 and take a look at Rexxar’s model. While he may have the skeleton of a Kul Tiran, does he look anything like one to you?

I have explained it to you. You just refuse to accept it because it never came from the horse’s mouth.

If what you’re saying about being dyslexic is true then we should probably just end this argument since we clearly won’t get anywhere with each other.

Allow me to concede some common ground: We both love ogres and want them to be playable. Idc what model they use, it’s their game and they can do what they want.

The end.

I don’t think I’ve met someone on the forums more in need of a hug in months. Ogres could give your butthurt little furry a big ole bear hug. Just submit and stop being angry little man.

Until then though, thx for continuing to bump my thread :smile:

So Blizzard can keep you interested in playing WoW and probably drip-feed ogres as an allied race twenty more years out from now.

It’s a business after all.

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Sure buddy, “logical conclusion” based on your own opinion, anything that flips your boat i guess.

Because they can edit the old one, create a new one etc. many possibilities.

And why they didn’t use an orc/ogre model? cause by your “logical conclusion” it would make sense.

if i had any i would ask “hey my dude, can you be more clear? cause i didn’t quite understand well your argument”

But i didn’t, i understand what you said, but everything you said is only nonsensical personal opinions trying to pass as a fact, but you try to use the language as a sassy ad hominen, you think you ar the first one? come on

a human model is the perfect “amalgamation” of an orc and a orgre, but they can’t edit the ogre or orc model

yeah, yeah, right buddy.

right, so, they can easily take the rexxar model, and make an ogre, and the new ogre model would not look like an half-ogre, making your argument pointless of he not being an ogre.

I feel like you know those things already, but you just don’t want to admit you were wrong.

Right, and they could use the Rexxar model if they want, or not, they could just update the old model, both are possibilites, like i have being saying for a while

I have no problem with adding ogres as a niche playable race, but I just know hardly anybody would main them. :roll_eyes: It’s one of those situations where they’d need to add 2 races to each faction at once. One’s gotta be a success.

No, this game will NEVER have playable ogres. There is no “still”. You seem to be mixing up two different things:

  • your imagination in your mind
  • the real world

In the real world, you don’t control Blizzard or the game rules or any part of WoW. An idea you like IS NOT Blizzard’s plan.

Having a bad night neighbor?

you are contradicting yourself.

Well this is WoW not Skyrim I’d love for every race to have diverse and different animations and not just be a reskin, yes I know blizz reuses models and rigs and the elves are a prime example of that if the blood elf never got its own model and rig during tbc you’d have 5 of the same rig just different skins.

Dag needs to join horde. Is all I am saying and I need to play an ogre rogue lol.


Ogres would be interesting but personally the Tuskars or Tortolians

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I freaking love the idea of Tuskars AND Tortollans. Playing either of those would be so fun…yeah, I can see myself really getting super into either of those races, and getting mogs/mounts/pets that go with the vibe…maybe even macroing in a few /s one-liners to certain abilities.