How the heck does horde STILL not have playable Ogres?

I honestly think they cooooould introduce them with story but I don’t think they’d be popular enough. If we did get them they’d probably be modified kultirans. :sweat:

As I’ve said before the Ogres have their own rig the kul tirans can sit on their lil island fish up cthulu for all i care

Yeah but the current one doesn’t work with armor right. They’d have to make a new one or just borrow the kultiran rig and modify it.

Your talking about the model i’m talking about the rig

lol it does work with gear if you haven’t noticed a couple of ogres sporting the endgame pvp warrior set from cata


They’ve had the same rig for 16 years, i doubt they’d ever alter it

Just throwing this here :+1:t4:

All props to the artist, but they seem to figure out female Ogres why can’t Blizzard.


Plus like all the races added in the past its been updated models of the existing race to support gear so it was made available for the player, if and when they ever add ogres it’ll use the rig its had since vanilla. Plus it’ll finally give them a chance to give the boomkin its own rig, the ogres had the skeletal rig long before druids ever had access to the boomkin

Ogres are dumb.


LOL. Ogres were always something I assumed would be added to the Horde sooner than later. And yet here we are still waiting for them. And somehow the Alliance of all things got Mechagnomes. That was the laziest addition I’ve ever seen.


Have Mercy :clown_face:

Uncle Jesse is that you? :rofl:

That’s fantastic, hahaha. I would totally roll one.

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In all honesty they look awesome, they keep with the ogre ain’t the smartest look, but suites amazingly.

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lmao nice i approve of this comment

Says the Mechagnome.

This literally isn’t true though.
1.) We see from Mechagnomes that Blizzard has no qualms about just removing armor pieces outright.
2.) We see that the Ogre rig already works with gear. Note the various Ogres on Azeroth, Outland & Draenor using attainable helms & shoulders.
3.) We see from Kul Tiran & Pandaren Males that Blizzard is fine with armor textures stretching.

All of these “Here’s why Ogres won’t work” points are already wrong according to precedent.

Horde are the kinder, gentler faction - didn’t you know Alliance are getting Ogres?

And like i said, this is pointless.

except you know, you didn’t, you are just parroting “rexxar isn’t an ogre”, like it matter in this conversation.

And im saying they can either take the kul’tiran/rexar model/rig and use then, since they are better suited for it, since ogre model and their animations are outdated and do not support all player animations, rexxar and kul’tirans do.

do a text, use a toy to become an ogre and see if they have their own unique animations or its just the same as boomkins

or it could not, and it could never come, or it could come only as an allied race

unlike you im taking all the chances because i indeed want to play with then regardless, if they come as allied race i will be most grateful and isn’t a non issue like rep that will take away my joy;

Blizzard literally made the Rexxar model, a half-ogre, using a kul’iran human model

yet, you are telling me, they can’t use the kul’tiran human model or the Rexxar model because they are not ogres.

try to stop a bit, read slowly and see how nonsensical your statement is

This isn’t rly a false equivalence because falls in the same premise of “they can’t change because they are like this already”.

If they changed the Blood elf model, as well as worgen and others to make then playable and on the same quality as the others, they can do the same with ogres.

And thats why your words make no sense.

Why it make sense to base an half-ogre model using a human one, when they look nothing alike, but it make no sense to use an half-OGRE, to make a OGRE when they look almost the same?

Seems like you are the one contradicting yourself friend, not me.

not rly, since by lore ogres are smaller than taurens and zandalari

says the midget fox

we’re the most played allied race, so yeah

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