How the heck does horde STILL not have playable Ogres?

says the mechagnome lol

I think it’s because:

  1. ceilings too low
  2. Few people would main them and most would have alts of them because “they’re neat”

Too big isn’t really an excuse to use anymore. Plus we have tauren and they’re ugly and people play them

Tauren are beautiful.

Opinions will differ

It would be funny if the Male Ogres were the Ogres we know, and the females were super hot Pamela Anderson in her prime bombshells.

I would tolerate them on the Horde.


Considering these are the races based on racial caricatures that leave a bad taste, maybe don’t say they’re better than fox furries, lol.


Guarantee you people would be hngggg nutting over making their own Rexxar chunknuggets.

They’re so much better than silly fox furries. Also, drop the ‘insensitive racial caricatures’ nonsense. That nonsense just doesn’t hold water these days. Nearly every race in the game is a satirical spin off a real world culture. Goblins are from Jersey, Draenei are a big nod to Russians and Eastern Europeans. Dwarves are a humorous amalgam of Celtic and Norse, night elves take a ton from Korean culture, etc etc etc. If you find some of them distasteful it’s on you to deal with it. I have a ton of scottish/irish/scandinavian in my family tree and I couldnt be more pleased that they poke some fun at those in the game, often in a less than flattering way.

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If you aren’t south carribean shut entirely up, lmao.

It’s much worse than that.

No, how about you shut up, and stop being intentionally ignorant. Every race gets a satirical shake and trolls don’t have anything less sensitive going on. If anything they are in the top 3 coolest races, by a pretty long stretch.

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You’d have a semi valid point if humans weren’t in this game. Trolls and tauren would not fly now as video game characters if warcraft were made in the current year. It’s real bad.

Whatever. You’re just a cultist, you aren’t virtuous. There’s no point in talking to you anymore because I’m not talking to an individual, I’m talking to an ideaology–a weak, destructive one. But hey, gl and thx for bumping the thread.

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If you think “Ayyyyy mon com get da voodoo” doesn’t skeeve people out you live in a bubble. Same with depicting native americans as minotaur and puttng them in a drum circle with war bonnets all the while actual humans are depicted in this fantasy world.

Every new person I introduce to wow goes “what the heck, why.”

It’s. Not. Great.

That’s where you’re wrong.

Elves wouldn’t be #1 anymore. Let’s put it that way.

Either the ogre suit from the rare outside of highmaul or the toy from kovork in Arathi combine that with a vrykul drinking horn toy and you have your average sized ogre just a tad taller than the tauren. Do note this size is a few ft or so shorter than Tormmok the ogre follower you get in WoD

honest assumption is they would require a near total reworks of a ton of skins to work properly. just a guess.

I’d play an ogre!! There is sooo much room for fun customization with that race. One big eye, two heads, weird horns for hair. Ooh I’d play an ogre but only if they have rogue! :joy:


lol my fav bit from WoD was the conversation between Gul’dan and Cho’gall where Gul’dan comes in saying “where is my power ogre?” Cho’gall is like “Your power? ITS MY POWER” then proceeds to back hand him across the room

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