How powerful are the various races in wow currently?

According what i read in those two novels (Elegy and a Good War) the Hordes that killed were from all races of the Horde. That should mean that were not a exactly a genocide because all the casualties were spread among diferents races. By the other hand nelfs casualties were all nelfs casualties.
Also all Hordes killed were fighters willing to fight that war. While, several nelfs killed were just regular folks, include childrens.


Yeah I thought it was pretty spot on, too. :smirk:

Maybe you didn’t see this…

From A Good War :

When the final numbers were tallied, there would be more slain Horde than kaldorei.

From Elegy :

All who could walk were pressed into service. Even those generally regarded as civilians—tailors, food merchants, innkeepers—had learned over centuries how to fight well enough to defend themselves. …

Delaryn watched, feeling wretched, as those she had ostensibly been sent here to protect joined their Sentinel sisters in racing silently across the bridges, armed with bows and daggers.

Here name is Shendruk. She was created for this cutscene. We imagined that this is someone who’s been actually probably a soldier on the battle lines in this region, you know, between like the orcish line of going into Ashenvale. She’s probably a character who’s been there, right, and that had some experience. And I know there’s been some conversation about the way she talks about Night Elves. Part and parcel, right, when you’re not talking about the game mechanics, right - we know that Night Elves are insanely powerful - but part and parcel, if you’ve lived in this world, there’s going to be a lot of Night Elves in this forest that are just civilians, right? When she’s been patrolling that area, by and large, she’s probably only witnessed, you know, conflicts between the normal Night Elves. You know, the ones that just live [there]. You would have never encountered the Archdruid . You never would have ever encountered [a “single Night Elf” that “could do all that”], right? So a lot of her impressions are just based on like, “Oh, yeah, I’ve seen- I’ve had scuffles with the Night Elves for however many years and I’ve never had any trouble with them,” right? -Terran Gregory

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You need to go watch what Treng mentioned before. It’s is a harsh thing, to see oneself so, but I feel it would be productive.

Ad hominem is not a good look for you.

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you know all this NE talk got me thinking, who do you guys think would win.

Tauren + High Mountain Tauren VS. Night Elves + Worgen

I picked the worgen as it was also them who died in the fire and have choose to fight with NE. The tauren are also an ancient race that no only commune with nature but also the elements.

PS> Akiyass you shouldn’t respond, I already have a feeling what you will vote for.

Are worgen capable of transferring the curse?

If so, Worgen win by default and probably accidentally kill the night elves, too.

If not… well, Tauren are ridiculous when they’re angry. Are they angry, or are the NE/WN morally correct?

It’s not Ad Hominem. Ad Hominem is ignoring the content of an argument to attack the character of the person holding it.

That video isn’t an attack on your character, it’s a comparable depiction of your argument.

If you think that’s insulting, that’s on you. It isn’t flattering, but it wasn’t an attack on your character. Just the words you are using and the ideas you are expressing.

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“But I hit you a bunch of times.


good point, i don’t know if the worgen with their “cure” are able to pass it, and unless the Worgen themselves were feral, it probably wouldn’t be wise for them to pass it as they can go wild and attack everyone like what happen with the NE and Satyrs.

I mean, neither of you have refuted my point with any substantial lore. You simply think your point is a given.

You can disagree with me, sure, but the point remains that I have provide actual lore evidence to support my claim, where as you both simply state “That’s not the case because that’s not how we interpreted it.”

So, it is ad hominem. As you and Treng have displayed that you would rather attack me than my argument. In Treng’s case, he attacks me even when we agree.

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Even when you’re objectively proven incorrect with inarguable canonical facts, you never accept it.

You’re disingenuous.

“But I kind of did, sort of.”

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Irony thy name is Akiyass.

Anyway, the night elves have conistently been trading poorly into the orcs. Their big issues is they are stuck using tactics that dont fit a truly mobile enemy, and really, really struggle launching offensives. Dwarves i feel are in the best position as far as playable factions go, only challenge by Steamwheedle and The Water Elementals if we go off neutral factions.

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You are the one who claims Lords Of War is a bunch of fake character backstories lol.

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Word of God on the website that was updated four years after Lords of War came out states Lords of War is wrong.

That’s inarguable.

Are yall really just outright ignoring the direct quotes from Elegy, A Good War and Terran Gregory? lol

Lords of War is Wrong… We got a bunch of fake backstories guys lol. Wow… And you say -I- am disingenuous.

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My argument is that the Night Elves were defeated, pushed back to Teldrassil and then burned alive inside of it.

I think you know about the events I’m speaking of. What you want me to acknowledge is;

Which is just ego talking.

The Nelves got dumpstered as hard as it is feasibly possible to get dumpstered in WoW. The fact that they went down swinging doesn’t alter the fact that they went down as hard as you can go.

Salvage what you want from the literal ashes, but don’t expect us to buy into it.


You are. You’re holding the story told by a flawed character who hates orcs as true over what Blizzard themselves states.

Disingenuousness, thy name is Akiyass.

Which does not contradict anything I have said.

Blizzard did not give us inherently false backstories lol.

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more of me just pointing out that you ignore evidence when it is actually used against you and often dont bring evidence to back your sayings up.