How popular are Void Elves?

Currently reign as the most popular allied race; even to the point of surpassing one of the core Races, if they were not locked behind Reputation gating, their popularity would be much higher.


I am a huge “fantasy” fan, but I am not an elf fan. I find elves to be bland, boring, and overdone. They’re also exceedingly generic.

Oddly enough, I’m a DH main on both Alliance and Horde. But that’s because I like DHs way more than I like elves, but this ties in to why I like void elves. DH elves are new and interesting. They’re a twist on elvenkind that I enjoy; they’re not just elves, they’re elves that have merged with a demon and have demon powers and features and whatnot.

Void elves are the next stage of that. They’re a new and interesting twist on elves that I like, and they’re not tied to any specific class or group. You can be this interesting type of elf in almost any class.


Interesting thanks for the response! :+1:

Anytime. :slight_smile:

Don’t Draenei get a 2% Shadow damage reduction?

I see Void Elves on ally all the time, and High Elves are already a part of the Alliance, there’s plenty of NPC’s on the Alliance side that are a part of the race with their mesmerizing blue eyes, why not make them playable and lets balance it out a bit.

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MCR reunion 2019 bby!

As a Void Elf, I honestly favor Lacuna Coil.

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aha…Woe is me…poor Alliance. :hugs:


I can say with confidence that I will never roll a void elf. /bow

They’re very common on MG, you can’t take a step in the city without tripping over one.


All blizzard could think of was giving silvermoon blood elves to the alliance?

Not even bothering to make them come from anywhere but the horde, did blizzard try hard?

They do something that was not really imagined and just a new type of blood elf, who until yesterday could not even think of joining ally because of Garithos, but just be painted purple and ready?

It’s only valuable because it’s something from the Horde to Ally.

can confirm. void elves are super popular

They’re blue. I think that’s why. When you’re blue, not much matches. Kinda annoying.

Not only do the void elves beat out all other allied races, but they also beat out half of the core alliance races.

I think Alliance will eventually get high elves. It’ll be a surprise, too.

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void elves are neck and neck with draenei, with humans and night elves miles ahead

I’m totally skeptical that devs do something like giving “cosmetic updates” that allow void belves to pretend to be High Elves.

This would totally invalidate the fact that there could not be a High Elf as the alliance playable race used by the Devs, and making void belves one of the most ridiculous things ever created in warcraft.

That would be like Blizzard eating her own puke.

There are more void elves at 120 (3.5%) than goblins (2%) worgen (3%) dwarves (2.9%) gnomes (2.8%) and Pandaran on either side (1.7% and 1.4%.)

That’s among BASE races, not allied races.

Zandalari trolls are in second place and they’re only at 2.3%

Yeah, you’re well named.

Not happening.