It’s a numbers thing: The most expensive item you can buy in tbc classic is your epic flying mount and training.
Once you’ve bought that, the next set of expensive things to buy is gems, enchants, and other stuff related to gearing up for raids and from raids, and/or pvp.
After that comes weekly expences: consumes for raids/pvp, and repec costs.
Since you can’t really escape consume costs if you want perform well in raids/pvp, the only other major continuing goldsink is in respec gold.
When you realize that, you start calculating how must gold you have in terms of how many times you can respec with the gold you currently have.
For example, Someone who has 2000 gold can respec 40 times.
Now, that sounds like a lot, but once you factor in the fact that you have to pay for repecs in addition to consumes, and enchanting and gemming up new gear when you get it, and smaller costs like armor repair and flight point costs, and the fact that some poeple want to both pvp and raid…
In the end, very little of that gold will be left to actually respec.
Of course, sweaty players will have reliable gold streams, but casual players will be pretty much left in the lerch when it comes to all those gold costs.
And that is why they’re always whining about dual spec.
Just my two cents on the issue.