How Old Were You When You Started WoW and How Old Are You Now?


I used to play on my auntieā€™s account when I was 9, and she played tanks. The when I was 11, she bought me an account, and payed for it too. I played many tanks, because thatā€™s what she started me on, and itā€™s fun, except for the over anxious DPS that think you have to pull every single mob, but whatever. I am still playing at 22, even in my dorm room on base here in Norfolk.

I was introduced to the game by my best bud at 12 like a month or two before TBC came out.

Iā€™m almost 32 now.

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30, it was 2010 and wotlk was still going.

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ā€œCata started in 2007.ā€

Is that a joke? I donā€™t get it. Cata came out December of 2010

ā€œCata came out at the end of 2007. Itā€™s when I started playing. Itā€™s the same Fall I had my Chemotherapy for my Breast Cancer.ā€

ā€œEdit: Something is strange here. I started with Cata, but I started in 2007. I looked it up, and it says 2010. Now I am VERY confused.ā€


I donā€™t think I can remember a time when you werenā€™t here.

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13 or 14 (give or take a year in either direction)for classic but I only made a char in my friends account and played a few times. Years later I came back on my own
and went hardcore raiding in Lich King. Iā€™m 35 now lol

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Exact same here. Was in my 2nd year of grad school when a friend introduced me to wow. I still hate him for it.

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42 in February 2005. 60 now. Still have this character.

(My oldest son started playing Christmas 2004. He was 13. Now heā€™s 32. My oldest daughter is 34 and has a 14-year-old! Thatā€™s what floors me.)


ā€œI think I may just be wrong about the year I started. I am gonna check my Medical Records, and get back to this. I may have started in 2010, at 53 years, and just got the years mixed up.ā€


I was about a month away from 23 when I started playing and Iā€™ll be 41 in a few months

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I was somewhere in my early to mid teen years when I started this game in late wotlk/early cata.

I was a huge Warcraft 3 addict. Played it daily for hours until a friend of a relative gave me a copy of WoW because they werenā€™t interested in playing MMOs.

Now Iā€™ve been playing it since.

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86, 80 when start


I still have my very first character too, I think. I definitely still have my characters from TBC era.

I really wish there was a way to find out when a character was madeā€¦

I think I started in 2011.
I was ~12 years younger back then.

I feel like I was wiser and more mature when I started playing than I am now.

I started in march of 06, i had just turned 18 and a senior in high school thankfully. I am now about to turn 35 in about 9 days from now. Ive played through all expansions and mainly the pvp part of wow. I have quit and came back many times.

During the early years i wouldnt play as much due to friends and college. I have a career job now. All my free time is usually just wow. I dont play any other games. Only decent at this game because of doinf this so long i got use to much of it.

I have enjoyed most of the game and i see myself playing intill they shut the servers down.

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22 when I got into the beta

Launch was a hilarious mess

I left early cataclysm

Skipped - WOD, Legion, MOP and BFA

I would have liked to have been around for legion but the others I donā€™t feel too bad about missing

I took a break after season 1 Shadowlands then came back for season 4 and Dragonflight