How Old Were You When You Started WoW and How Old Are You Now?

the worst part is, if you think it goes by fast now, wait until you’re 50-60… it positively kicks into hyperdrive at that point.
sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
enjoy your youth while you have it.

As the joke goes:
“I used to have a right knee and a left knee.
now I have a good knee and a bad knee.”


“More like Light Speed.”

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i started playing 3 years ago lol

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“And how old were you?”

I would LOVE to have time-dilation effects at this point!!!
But right now it feels like the Vindicaar and there’s a big-butt planet right there in front of us, coming at us FAST!

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“To quote one of my fave singers… Time Waits For No One.”

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Here you go, since they haven’t rectified their TL2 linking shenanigans yet.


I started 3 weeks before my 31st birthday back in 2005.

I’m 49 now.

But I’ve taken breaks from the game during those years. Shortest being 3 weeks longest been a full year.

And some breaks in between those time ranges here and there.

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I was 20 when I started in January of 2005. I’m 39 now.

52 - mid MoP

When I started playing I was telling people what my age is like it was something to be proud of. Now even though I am old enough I really am proud I survived to this point (many I knew did not) I don’t speak of my age. By the way, while in this case your entire “birthdate” was not asked (just one component of it), please know that for reasons of data security, you should not give it out randomly. Your date of birth is often used to verify your identity. Some institutions want people to enter their birth dates when they’re logging into their online accounts. LinkedIn, Snapchat and Twitter don’t require your birthday, so don’t provide it if you haven’t already. Instagram doesn’t require it either, but it will copy your birthday from your Facebook account if you have one. Fortunately, Instagram doesn’t make it public. Apple and Microsoft do require your birthday to set up accounts, but neither make it public. Other services will use your date of birth as the answer to a “security question” when you want to change your password. You can see how crooks and thieves could abuse your date of birth if they knew it.

Well i started in 2006 when i was 24

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I’ve been playing WoW for 15 years. I’m old. Haha

I started playing World of Warcraft November 24, 2004, at the age of 26, and I am now at the age of 45.

Can not believe it’s been that long.

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18 when I started. They just released 3.1. I was in college and a friend of mine used to play and he knew I liked WcII and WcIII, he recommended me WoW.

Worst decision of my life. Been playing ever since. Though I usually only come back at the start or the end of an expansion. 'Specially lately, it’s always hype for the first month or two then I feel like it’s better to come back near the end when stuff isn’t locked up and QOL adjustments start to spring up.

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Started playing at launch in Nov 2004, I was 25. Now I’m 44 and will be 45 for the 20th anniversary next year.

20 damn years of this game. It’s seen me through job changes, multiple moves, tons of life changes. WoW has been that one random constant in the background, even when I wasn’t actively playing due to breaks.

Met a lot of great people over the years, made some good friends, some people I stay in contact with to this day. One of the friends I was closest to died a couple years ago from MS, but I’m still in contact with her significant other. That’s the hardest part, losing people you never actually met IRL but still feel close to due to shared experiences and hours upon hours of chatting during WoW nights. On the brighter side, I’ve seen the kids that were really kids back in the day grow up, go to college, get jobs, get married, and have kids of their own.

WoW is awesome, but don’t forget to live your life while you can. Time waits for nobody, and you don’t want to regret the things you missed out in years past.

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2007 was in my early 30s now 51

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:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


started when vanilla was released nov 2004 and 62 now.

“I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now” - Bob Dylan