How Old Were You When You Started WoW and How Old Are You Now?

“I thought that, maybe, I should add, that in all those years, I have NEVER taken a break. I have played every expansion. Except the first two, since I started in Cata. That is why I am playing classic. To see what I missed.”

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Aww I always see you on the forums, I love how you like playing undead… its so cute :rofl:


Well, that depends.

I was 5 years old when my dad played Warcraft 1. I’d sit next to him and watch him. At age 7, I actually started doing the first couple missions. (Couldn’t progress past that, though.)

We played Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 too.

I was 15 when we started playing WoW in 2005.

I’m now 33 years old. So with WoW, it’s been 18 years and with the Warcraft series, it’s been… 28 years. :sweat_smile:


Ah, a human of culture. One of my favorite subreddits.

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As a Diablo and Warcraft superfan, I got WoW soon after it launched. I must have been…13 or so. Unfortunately, my family computer at the time wasn’t really up to snuff, and I needed mom’s credit card if I was to play, so I didn’t really start playing WoW until the last 6 months of original Classic release going into TBC (think I was about 15). At that point I had a bank card and I had got a new computer so I was all in. Been playing ever since (with some breaks).

I played several trial accounts before starting my current account fresh out of middle school, summer of '09 when I was 14. I was always afraid to ask my mom for a subscription, I thought she’d be mad at me asking her to pay for a game every month for who knows how long.

Then came summer of '09, I was tired of being blocked from progress by the trial, and I finally worked up the nerve to ask my mom if she’d pay for a subscription for me. Her response? “Sure!” I felt very dumb for not having asked sooner.

Now I’m 28, and I’ve been playing this game for literally half my life.

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my brother and i had a account together. i dont know what year it was. i remember i got simi conned into using my birthday present to ask for TBC
didnt play much. i remember trying hard to also get a deathknight but never eached the level 55 limit.
kinda just went on the computer to play some weird games. like catapult games.

came back at the start of MoP. Idk how old. kinda feel like i was 12.
im 25 now.

I was a young lad of 17… it’s been a long time since I was 17 lol

Lol, my dad actually played it first too… I remember watching him play it and he just said, “you wanna play?” and I was left to my own devices to figure it all out. Was like 6 or something.

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I had that exact experience but with someone who is part of my dad’s extended family. Some computer programmer in the early 90s.

I mostly played consoles like Genesis besides the occasional Oregon Trail at school. And none of us owned a computer until the Internet and Netscape was a thing.

Anywho, he was playing Doom 2 and had us all kids enthralled. He let me play it by myself. I remember being stuck in level 3.

And of course, I wasn’t one of these kids that gets upset after 5 minutes of being lost. Wandering around in this awesome 3Dish environment was cool

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


42 now. Started in 2005.

I had just finished college in 2004. I was in year 1 of career and a buddy in the IT field got me to try wow. He quit after Legion. Im still here. Funny how that worked out


See, with all the friends I made in 2000, we played until Black ops 2 launch. I left all them to play World of Warcraft.

No one introduced me to it. The first month was a total blast in 2017

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Oh, hmm. Well I started shortly after the game released in 2004, so probably like 11 or 12. I am 31 now.

Started in 07 when I moved to Seattle with my brother who was starting med school.

I moved back in like six months but he’s been a doctor now for what seems like forever.

I was gonna say late 20’s but I think I must have actually been 30 when I started. I probably started looking at the game a few years prior, but the forums made the game look stupid (no joke!) so I passed until a couple RL friends got me involved in TBC. I do remember that I very deliberately passed over vanilla because I didn’t like how screwed over hybrid classes were.

This summer it was 16 years. If you’d told me back then that I’d still be playing now, I likely would not have believed you. I owe it all to LFD/LFR and this game’s ability to allow me to solo without feeling utterly useless like I did in EQ. Because those RL friends that got me in the door? Every single one of them quit in my first year and never looked back.

I still see people complaining about “anti-social” players like myself, but it is what it is. I never did take to making “online friends.” I started with RL people, but they moved on. If it had been EQ style to where I just couldn’t even play by myself, this would all be a very distant memory. I have enjoyed this game solo-style though, it hasn’t been without it’s annoyances (and I’ve been unsubbed up 6-12 months at a time) but I always find another character to level.

I think I was two years out of college in 07. Huh. Didn’t game hardly at all for the entire 5 years. Said I wouldn’t do another MMO after EQ yet here I am. Wow. I didn’t even like the RTS games. In fact RTS might be my least favorite genre.

38 now. When I started I was 21. October 2006. Damn, time flies…

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was 24 when i started