How Old Were You When You Started WoW and How Old Are You Now?

Ditto here. :wink: My baby who was born around the time I started playing is 17 now and in college!

I was 23 when I first started back in 2004-2005, now 41

I was playing the Wow Beta in 2004 when I was 30, I became a blizzard fanboy with starcraft, then diablo 2, then WC3, then wow.

TBC was my favorite xpac, got bored with Cata and unsubbed. Rejoined during Legion, loved it! Enjoyed BFA and Shadowlands.

I am now 48, DF is not for me and I unsubbed last week.

I was 30 when the open beta hit, my co-worker and I tried it out (we were EQ veterans and currently playing Planetside together when that happened).

As there was a mas exodus from Planetside at the time due to the inclusion of BFRs, our entire guild (outfit) broke up and most of us moved to the freshly launched World of Warcraft.

Absolutely blew us away. It seemingly fixed all the problems we had with Everquest. A bunch of other co-works started playing after hearing us constantly talking about it at work.

Between the launch of Cata and it’s first patch, almost my entire friend group and guild quit playing. Cata was EXREMELY unpopular for most of the people I had been playing with since vanilla.

Anyways, I’m now 47 and still hanging out here. My partner still plays with me almost every night, and we have a nice handful of in-game friends.

Dragonflight breathed fresh air into the game for us. We are having more fun now than we have in years. Shadowlands ALMOST got us to quit playing. We just switched to Classic until DF came out.

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I started when I was 16 in 2004 when WoW first came out!! I’m now 34 turning 35 in June. It’s pretty crazy to think I’ve been playing WoW that long.

But I’ve enjoyed every moment of it, so many great memories.

I’m soon starting a family!! Got married last August, baby is due in July!! I can’t wait to share WoW with them, I hope it keeps on going as long as it can!!

WoW was released November 23, 2004, so it’s 18 years 2 1/2 months old. Come to think of it, I started playing almost exactly 18 years ago

Started WoW



This will help, that is if you really want to know.


Late to the show, someone already did the math, I was 21 lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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I originally started at the end of 2008 at 59. I am 73.

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i was 28 now 47

Started back in '07 at 10 years old…
Now here in DF I’m 25 years old turning 26 in October.
Feels wild that WoW has been a major part of most of my life.

Hmm… 2006 maybe? Not sure how to check for the exact number.

I was single digits then and im not 30 now. Been a long time.

The mid-life crisis comes to everyone sooner or later, usually when you realize that you have fewer days ahead of you than behind you. For some it lasts between 4 and 4:15 on a Sunday afternoon. For others it lasts decades.

It begins and ends with a question: “Is this all there is?” The answer is usually “Yes,” because by middle age you’ve become whatever it is you’re likely to become. There’s still time to change, but real change is really damn hard at this age. These are the cases where it can last a long time.

Those of us who are lucky enough to have achieved most of what we set out to do can accept the answer with some degree of peace. We can answer, “Yes, and that’s enough.”


I was 42.0 and now im 69

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I was 11, I am now 28. Life comes at ya pretty fast :upside_down_face:

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Truth. That it does.

Yea, time does go by extremely fast. I was 22 when I made this post and now I am 23 about to turn 24 in 4 months. :astonished:


I was 33 when I started. Now 52.


Dude, you’re a Gen-Xer.

I’m 10 years older than you and still not considered a real boomer… they call us (apparently) “Generation Jones”! I’ve always thought of myself as a “tail-end boomer”, but apparently, my older brother and sister get that “honour”.

And I was in my 40s when I started at the very tail end of Vanilla WoW, and am now in my 60s for Dragonflight.

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