How Old Were You When You Started WoW and How Old Are You Now?

I started when I was 13, I am now 56. I was in Orgrimmar when the first pixel was created. Actually it was when BC first came out, and I am 56. You do the math cause the first thing that goes at my age is the mind, then the vigor…FOR THE HORDE!!!

Started at 22yrs. Am now 36yrs.
Currently have no friends/partner that plays :frowning:

Same here. All the old Guildies are long gone.

I’m a Cata baby. I was 48 when I started WoW (late) in 2010.

You can do the math. (Because the final total might depress me.)

Late 20s in BC. Early 40s now. Played every patch.

Started at 36 to now 52…

… started at the bottom… and now you’re here?

I was either 18 or 20 when I started WoW, and played closed and open beta of WoW. Now I am 39 years old and will be 40 in 2 month’s. I also played Anarchy online and Asheron’s Call and Shadowbane.

Was 12 when I started, now im 28

I was 49. I am now 69. Have quit a few times but always came back. Am in the same same guild too.

Is the game almost 23 years old? I would have been… 31. Egads.

Started at the middle of classic, so I was 14 I think? Now 32 after many years of continuous WoW.

started at 57 and now 74

Started at 26, and I’m now 43 :smiley_cat:

think i was 50…pretty sure…
had never heard of the game prior to that…never played any games prior to that…so this was most def a learning exp. lolol

Started day 1, so would have been 34… 53 now.

I was level 1 when I started. Now I’m 70.

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Started in 2007 when I was 21. Am now 36. Time sure flies.

37 and 51.

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I was in the 4th grade when I first saw WoW, and got to watch raid nights with my older brother playing and raiding, witnessed him do Molten Core and stuff like that with his buddies, he was one of the best warlocks on his server in Vanilla (my opinion as a child, lol). He had cornered the market on fire resist potions at the time- sometimes he’d let me play to help farm the herbs, and this was my first foray into the game.

I enjoyed running around the brightly-colored zones, as a child would. The cartoony-yet-serious nature of WoW was something I immediately took interest to.

Played on his account for about a year (as a lowbie alt, never left Durotar), and was gifted my own account about a year later, hit 60 on my character in (a troll hunter) in mid-2006 (it was the last year of Vanilla before TBC would come out, and the Naxx event was full swing), and I was 11 years old at the time.

2007 rolls around, and my big brother gets me The Burning Crusade as a present. I’ll never forget coming home from school, to spin my desk chair around, to find the shiny-green TBC game box in my seat. He was already playing it himself, lol.

I actually ended up pissing him off, because I got my epic flying mount (farmed the 5,000g), and a Zulian Tiger from Zul’Gurub, before he could. He was getting older, and was less focused on WoW at the time (instead more career-focused), so I was able to play as hard as an unemployed kid could (between school) and passed his progress.

TBC is always my favorite expansion, just because of the nostalgia I had during that time. I had so many friends and family that played, and would continue to play with me up until around Cataclysm.

Ever since my friends left, I’ve resorted to casual play. I don’t feel the need to stay ahead of the curve anymore.

I’d never trade those memories for anything. I’m 29 now.

Based on the fact this game was made with an older generation in mind (my big brother, who’s 12 years older than myself) I know I’m on the younger end of things. Barring Gen Z, and onward, of course. I’ve seen some of 'em around.

I proudly wear this tabard on all of my characters, because it’s from the best times I’ve had within this game. Also it’s a flex, hehe.