How much weight have you gained during quarantine?

^This. Plus I don’t have a scale so I can’t keep track. I judge by whether my clothes start feeling tight/loose and adjust :woman_shrugging:t2:

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A net loss of 25 lbs.

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At least 5…and I already needed to lose. :crying_cat_face:

I have an excuse. I went to visit Family out of state. I had steak while I was there! Something I typically don’t eat.

I’ve gained about 15 pounds this whole time. 10 of that was from visiting family.

hard to tell. i did’nt really go outside during the quarantine, so i don’t think my weight has changed.

Not enough minerals! You require more vespene gas.


-30ish pounds.

we got a dog our dog right at the beginning of quarantine. we’d had her chosen for months because a family member’s dog had puppies, and they were holding her for us until we moved down there. unfortunately, the buyer backed out of the deal on the house, so we had to stay here, so we had the dog transported to us using a pet transport company (TLC transport was great if anyone in the US needs their dog or cat transported and can’t do it themselves. or doesn’t want to send them via air travel, like us, because they want their pet treated well, and not like luggage.)

i havent lost any, but i havent gained any and my wife says that i look slimmer because i have been planking just about every day, doing weight training twice a week and walking 3-4 miles a couple of times a week along with eating smaller portions

Best exercise is the one you enjoy and will stick with. Awesome to hear!

Haven’t gained any weight but there has been a muscle mass increase so guess there was a gain that was offset by what ever was used to build that muscle. Stored fat from beers I’m no longer drinking?

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I haven’t changed in weight/height since middle school. 5 10 130lbs no matter what I eat, how much I eat, how much or little exercise I get.

I’ve stayed the same, more or less.

apple here though…she has probably put on a bit with how many feed her! :purple_heart:
That’s ok, she’s ok being fluffy! :panda_face:


Me too.

For me, I think it had something to do with the chocolate chip cookies. But it could have been the all-dresssed potato chips. Or maybe the pralines and cream ice cream. Or all the beer.

Nah, it had to be the vegetables.

I weighed 7.5 pounds once and I have been fighting my weight ever since.
During the quarantine I fluctuate that much depending on the time of day.

I lost about 25 pounds, that I’m now working to get back. I’m naturally a skinny weakling with a small appetite, so I need a lot of lifting and eating to put on weight.

Gained 10 while furloughed went back to work for a month got covid lost about 12 in a week did the quaranteen went back to work gained it back .

Dad bod confirmed or should we call it a father figure :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Stopped Keto when the pandemic hit, gained 25 lbs since. Now I’m sitting at 230 and I’m 5’10 so I’m Moving to Pandaria where I won’t be judged.

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10 to 15, i wish it was less but oh well.

Pandaria pfffft

I’m moving to Kul Tiras

Gained about 15 or so and am now in the process of losing again with effort.

It’s hard there’s nothing to do for fun in Phoenix AZ but eat.

Museums and movie theaters? Closed

Restaurants? Take out only so not destinations

Gyms? Closed

Parks? Open, but it’s 115 degrees outside.

It’s been like this since the quarantine started in 1986.

Lost 13 pounds since March. Was 208 when I went for my yearly physical back in March, and my a1c was 5.8% which is prediabetic. Had some more bloodwork done on a revisit last week, and the latest result was 5.2, so my doctor said everything was good now, but should lose another 5 to 10 to be at preferred weight for my height, and age. Cutting back on breads, and ice cream works wonders :laughing:

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