How much weight have you gained during quarantine?

I imagine I’ve lost weight because when I am stressed I don’t eat or drink…

Judging by my stomach… probably 15

I’m up ten. Overall it’s probably more of a gain then that because I was leaner before too. I haven’t been as energetic as usual, job at grocery store has felt more stressful so when I come home I end up melting onto my couch instead of running like I was before.

Plus there’s always a lot of people outside where I am too. I dunno I am trying to give others space and it can sort of take me out of my zone when I’m just focused on running across the street again or slow down so I don’t get too close or this and that.

Proof that Grumbles was sent by the government to increase obesity rates so they can control us!

I think I lost 5 pounds. But not by being healthy.

Lost 15lbs. I decided to work out 6 days a week. Bought a treadmill on craigslist for $150.00 which was practically new. Bought a set of rubber band weights. I am in the best shape i have been in, in over 10 years.


My weight has not changed. (significantly)

I lost 62 pounds!


Dude I used to be just like you. Trust me bro its not just a cookie. :eyes: Just be more aware and you’ll see. I did the same thing before and its all in the mind and habits.

i havent lost or gained anything since ive had to work during tho whole lockdown thing where i live :slight_smile: the joys of working in the food industry

I work in an essential industry, so my schedule hasn’t changed … at all. The only significant change was that I dumped my gym membership and bought a bicycle that I ride 30 minutes a day. Taking a few laps around the block is a hell of a lot more fun than going to the gym.

So, I don’t think I’ve gained or lost any weight to speak of.

None I’ve been working this whole time.

Shockingly I lost a bunch. Not sure what to attribute it to.

15 pounds. Working on getting it off.

I don’t know. I am obese, an in this Quaretine I am trying to stay away from bread,sugars and oils, and only eating twice a day, in the morning and launch. The only thing i’ve done for excersice that i enjoyed was walking in my town. Now i can’t do it :c

Ive actually gotten into better shape during quarantine… More time to cook, better food, exercise, not as much time commuting.

I feel healthier physically/mentally.


There was a quarantine? Most of us here never got to stop working.

I lost 10. At least. If I had to blame something I’d say not going to the store or out to eat as much.

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Can’t feel bad about your weight if you don’t own a scale!

taps forehead

Seriously though idk how much I even weigh. Havent cared for years and I’m much happier.


I’ve lost close to 30 pounds at this point between nothing to do in BFA and walking 10 miles a day. This is coming from someone with almost 8 rank 15 cloaks and running a M+ 15 or higher each week on each toon and mythic raiding on them.

So little content to do in this expansion that’s worth doing.