How much gold should I trade for a WoW token?

You speak only for yourself. Not everyone. We are in a thread where people are actively discussing the desire to buy gold for real money. One in which they claim GMs have said yes you can.

Eula, ToS whatever you wish to call it for Battle*net services and games

www blizzard com/en-us/legal/fba4d00f-c7e4-4883-b8b9-1b4500a402ea blizzard-end-user-license-agreement

Specifically of interest is can you advertise for third party trades.

Here is WoW Token faq.

worldofwarcraft com/en-us/news/20542016/trade-a-wow-token-for-battle-net-balance

Thing to note is:

You can then sell your WoW Token through a dedicated exchange in the Auction House, located in the WoW Token section. WoW Tokens cannot be traded or sold any other way.

That’s an important note. In other threads where we have previously discussed this, the conversation was actually around trading Classic gold for Retail gold (you could then use that Retail gold to buy a token).

Of course, this leaves one susceptible to being cheated, and does not appear to be something that Blizzard CS would help with, should something unfortunate take place.

Right but the question is if that line is stating a limitation of the system, or a limitation imposed by policy, or both actually.

Yikes. Youre a jerk.

Sellers are offering 100g for 64$. Shouldn’t be hard to undercut them.


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According to at least one WoW player, the answer is that it is OK to trade gold in Classic to another person who will then trade gold in Retail to you. I do not claim any additional information than what is posted there.

It is noteworthy that another WoW player posted a link to what appears to be a conversation with a Blizzard Customer Service rep.

The OP of this thread though, seems to have asked what people think a reasonable price in Gold would be.

I think, based on an Internet search and a brief scan of prices that some sites are claiming they are selling WoW Classic gold for (something I would definitely steer clear from, as I am quite sure that is against Blizzard’s EULA), that 50g seems to be approx. USD $20, which I believe is comparable to the price of a WoW Token.

Whether someone would agree to give 175,000 gold in Retail for 50g in Classic (or vice versa), I do not know. Also, please note that I am not recommending nor endorsing doing this, and feel that it is important to note that if someone chooses to trade items in one game for items in another, they may have no recourse if that other person cheats them somehow.

Yes, you can stand with a person at the AH and trade them the exact amount of gold they will need to purchase a 30 day token, they then can redeem it whenever they see fit.

Trading classic gold for retail gold would likely be classified as an unsupported transaction in the sense that if you get scammed, blizzard won’t intervene.


The bolded portion is referring to a limitation of the system since it is literally impossible to trade or sell tokens in any other way from the AH system that is in place.

It may also refer to a limitation based on policy, but the threads discussing these types of transactions are gold to gold transfers, which would fall outside of the bolded portion’s scope.

What is it you do to farm 80-120g an hour…

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It’s around 45-70 gold per hour

He said 2x what you make an hour

$7.25 only if you live in a hick state.

Fair is in the eye of the beholder. I’d trade 170k retail gold for 250 Classic gold. That’s based mainly around the 1k price of an epic mount in Classic which for most players is the priciest thing they’d buy.

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Nope - that’s the FEDERAL minimum wage in all 50 states.
Stats can also set their own minimum wage.

IOW, $7.25 only in hick states.

I’d suggest you google Federal Minimum Wage.

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I hate to tell everyone here… but you are allowed to trade retail to classic gold or whatever…

as long as the money is going through blizzard via tokens… they are all for it.

and this has been confirmed…

State minimum wage trumps federal minimum wage when higher. So the $7.25 minimum wage only applies to hick states that approve of what would be considered sub-minimum wages in the rest of the nation.

he never mentioned states…stop trying to argue against facts with faulty logic.

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Tree fitty.

The minimum wage in my state isn’t $7.25. That is fact.