Friends bought gold on WoW

People saying to report this guy’s friends are a rare breed of idiotic.

Do you still WANT friends? Did they rob a bank or did they pay real money for WoW gold? Lets weight the severity here and do the smart thing. And good for them, I really dont feel like farming endlessly for gold but that’s what I’m doing.

Blackmail them. Tell them to give you 1/3 of all the gold they buy or you will report them.

…kinda kidding???

Blizzard likes sub $.

report them but do not tell them you did

Rofl - omg memories. That site was aggressive as hell on my old server. Mail, dead bodies in org spelling it out, whispers constantly.

In this context, they could face account suspensions or bans, however there are legitimate ways to “buy gold” in Classic that are not against the EULA or CoC.

Namely, they can trade Retail gold for Classic gold, purchase a token or gift game time to someone in exchange for in-game gold.

Yeah it’s so unfair, dude they’re going to Google where to buy if they want. Not go lurking on the forums wtf is wrong with you lol.

If you’re poor, is there a site to buy copper?

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Snitches get stitches!

Did the chat channel invites for buying gold stop? I haven’t gotten one in months and I used to get a few per day.

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And end up in ditches with no britches.

Oh man. Look at the ethugs who have never been part of a court case outside of a traffic violation.

Is this a flex? Are you bragging about criminal history?

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Ostracize him

“will somebody get banned for buying gold, asking fora friend”
This is the kind of post somebody puts up whilst looking at their options on a gold buying website…tldr…this dudes about to buy gold and curious of the risks.

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You don’t have to be a criminal to be involved in court proceedings. There are lots of non criminals involved. Wow players are some of the deepest thinkers…

Oh I understand that perfectly fine. Your “E-thugs” comment just came across as the typical “You think you are hard? I did 10 years in the pen” kind of comment. Hence why I asked it as a question instead of making a statement :slight_smile:

Not to mention you also stated as if it would be a positive thing to have been involved in a court case more serious than a traffic accident. Not sure how this statement would have been relevant to the situation if you weren’t talking about the actual criminal. Being involved as jury, judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, or even as stenographer would not change your “thug” level.

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People saying don’t report them are the bigger idiots, and probably the same people crying about bots to Blizzard.

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Blackmail for % of the gold is still the best option.

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blizzard will decide if it is fair or not